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well fan for life

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Everything posted by well fan for life

  1. Nobody - 8/10 Like John Wick but with a bit more nonsense. Very entertaining.
  2. Obviously this is a bit "if yer auntie had baws" but if Patterson's played a very bit part for St Mirren/Livingston/Dundee but can't hold down a spot in their first team then nobody gives a f**k that he's not playing for Scotland. A quick glance at Transfermarkt would suggest he's played a total of 5 games in the top flight here. Yes he scored in Europe. Yes he looks like a very talented player. But you can't, with a straight face, say that the number of games he's involved in at club level merits being a nailed on starter in the national side. Also Gallagher was absolute dugmeat for a year at club level.
  3. The best bit of this is that it's absolutely going to happen if we're leading with 20 minutes to play.
  4. Mental seeing Motherwell's right back being Motherwell's right back in a Scotland jersey and having folk foaming at the mouth over it. Is he a technically limited player? Yes. But nobody can fault how much he puts in to games. Even when he's not having much joy he's still making himself available. In that Czech game he was the easy pass for Hendry which would have seen us not concede a goal from the fucking half way line. The other night when he burst through on goal he was just fucking knackered after having Covid. Mental how your RWB bursting through on goal and having their shot saved appears to now be a stick to beat someone with on the Wednesday after praising it on the previous Saturday. He's Scotland's first choice right back at the moment and it's his jersey to lose. If Patterson can oust Tavernier from the starting XI every week at Rangers he'll have a better case for starting for Scotland. Similarly with Ramsay if he keeps on improving. Even now it's horses for courses. I'd probably put Patterson in against the Faroes where we are more likely to control possession for longer periods of the game.
  5. Imagine being Alaba. You've won all these trophies and had such an illustrious career but you can't sleep a wink at night for this being in your head:
  6. I've never been in but every time I walk past it smells delightful. Will make an effort to go in. I don't think he'd done anything serious. Just cramped up after putting a monumental shift in. I think, ultimately, SOD's just going to knock his pan in. I'd sooner have a guy willing to do that than someone who isn't arsed.
  7. What a shift from him tonight. I know the usual weirdos will give him stick but he gives absolutely everything. I, for one, applaud our home baking captain.
  8. What a pisser that is. A properly iconic character in The Wire. RIP.
  9. There's a case to be made that Janey Godley's voiceover videos and her popularity from them is the true nadir of society in this pandemic.
  10. When I said this I definitely didn't expect the lad in a podium spot to pull over and empty every single one of his toys out the pram. Incredible.
  11. My offer of a chippy Tuesday at Mono is definitely still on the table.
  12. Genuinely cracks me up when folk start clutching their pearls over possibly being tracked through means like this when they've willingly handed over every single detail of their life to The Zuck.
  13. It's not really surprising that they're using data like this. And tbh what everyone's carrying around in their pocket 24 hours a day likely gives away more information than whether you turned up at Fir Park on a Saturday or not.
  14. Hopefully it is just a limited series with these 6 episodes. Just get one cohesive plot together and get out.
  15. I'm no even from Lanarkshire but I'm 100% certain I know where exactly that is.
  16. Can we get a weekly update from KVV & O'Connor's gaff. Looks like an absolute carry on.
  17. Couldn't see a topic on it. New drama from the makers of Line of Duty. Two episodes in and it's all quite tense. Enjoying it so far so as long as they don't phone in the ending like the last series of Line of Duty it should be good. Also since it's based around Glasgow/Faslane area it's an A-Z of Scottish actors. Everybody from Stevie the Bookie to Billy Elliott's da to Podrick is involved here.
  18. To be fair he done ok in the games he was thrown in to. Looked miles short of fitness but at least technically he wasn't too bad.
  19. The first series of this is a televisual masterpiece. Cannae wait for it to return.
  20. I'm still pretty raging about our approach to the cup games so far this season. They were treated like a pre-season and we got exactly what that approach deserved. However as the good brothers have pointed out they have meant we've emptied two of our worst performers right out the squad in the past few weeks. Our starting midfield in the early cup games was giving me the complete & utter fear going into the season. Crawford, Maguire & Cornelius as our best starting 3 would have seen us welded to the bottom of the league for the long haul. Wouldn't mind Deano getting fired out on loan for a season to get him a regular game. Roberts is a decent signing. Looked quite handy last season until he got injured. Having had a peek in at the St Johnstone thread I realise it could have been much, much worse. Not sure how they managed to get less for McCann than we got for James Scott.
  21. Who needs wing backs when you're playing 4 centre backs and 4 full backs.
  22. The fact we've gone from having a strongest XI that includes Crawford, Maguire, Lawless and Lamie to possibly none of those in a few weeks is good enough for me. Cannot wait for more Grezza Murderball with a big Norwegian dreamboat at the helm.
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