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well fan for life

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Everything posted by well fan for life

  1. I think he almost gets shown as the nice guy/having a laugh guy but there's been some games the guy is a monster at the back. When he's on a game he's definitely a more than serviceable player at this level.
  2. I know there's been a lot made of the number of shots Aberdeen & Rangers have had but did anyone here really think we were under the cosh. Ultimately if you force a team into needing to take shots from 20+ yards then that's no bad thing. Now at some point someone will put one into the top corner but I suppose it's averages innit.
  3. On this point I agree. Although I definitely did not agree until about 3 weeks ago. I had the absolute fear we'd be starting this season with a midfield of Crawford, Maguire & an unfit Donnelly with a very, very raw Cornelius as the only backup and relying on Lamie (who has actually been fairly sound when called upon this season tbf). But we've clearly played the long game and it's paid off for sure. Slattery looks like a class act in midfield. It's definitely odd to say that I don't think you notice the lack of Campbell as much as you would otherwise. The going backwards to go forwards thing that's been pointed out has also kind of alleviated the need to try and fit Lawleff in as a 10. Or indeed anyone in that position. Just allow O'Hara to rampage about and have the Scandinavian gods pick out passes. Also the chat about James Scott was a laugh. We were right to sell him for £1.5 million, even if he might have benefited from a longer stint in the first team here.
  4. I'm sure we did pizza years ago. They were absolutely rotten. After getting caught behind a crash on the M74 a few years back and only getting into the ground about 3 minutes before half time I got saddled with a macaroni pie which was horrendous. But then Lionel done this and it was all sound.
  5. Aye he phoned in with the initial point saying how disgraceful our time wasting was then later on said he wants Rangers to do it in Europe more. I like Gordon Duncan a lot on this. He's quite good at showing how fickle folk are.
  6. I would like a selection of Karjalanpiirakka, Bitterballen & Fårikål.
  7. Like a wet Dallas. Would be disappointing. Got to say this politician character is helluva trusting to folk turning up at his front door.
  8. Me when I see we've taken our tactics straight out of Italy's handbook:
  9. Getting results every week is great. But getting results and making folk really angry about it?
  10. The seethe pouring out of the roasters behind the goal.
  11. Cannae work out what the biggest bit of nonsense here is: 1. How has a deep sea survival suit, purpose built to keep you alive in some of the harshest conditions alive, completely done in by the contents of a fridge? 2. They've gone and got the hazmat suits, why are they not using those to get rid of the device? But mostly: 3. How's she managed to take a turn off on the Kingston Bridge to get to Braehead in about 3 minutes. I wish I knew where that was 7 or 8 years ago because I'd have saved hours on my commute.
  12. Fitba aside the subway shutting at 6 here is a fucking joke. Does my nut in.
  13. Another manager going on about possession when they fail to stop the Murderball Juggernaut is it?
  14. Some carry on watching Tavernier heading to the shops trying to stop big Kev.
  15. I think this is where we are currently differing from Aberdeen with a relatively new manager. Glass appears to have a team that don't like a scrap where as we appear to have assembled 11 Ivan Dragos.
  16. Listen, the Rangers support should be thankful for us today. Gave them the chance to see a proper right back in action for the first time in a while.
  17. Slattery winning about 3 identical fouls within a minute at the end was marvellous fun.
  18. Stuck a few hours into it now and it's great fun. Like someone put Bioshock, Dishonored & Fallout in a blender.
  19. Fs that's my Saturday night ruined. Don't think I have ever been so livid about a game of football. McCall had us beaten before a ball had even been kicked.
  20. Dunno but I vividly remember Hateley's free kick in the last minute at St Mirren sending us top and I was convinced we were winning the league.
  21. Yeah it was a very odd update. Noticed mine had downloaded a load of PS4 versions of PS5 games I own too. However I've just got Deathloop installed so lets see how that is.
  22. Alexander & Van Veen on the bus home after getting sent off for being shithouses:
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