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Kevin of 1916

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Status Updates posted by Kevin of 1916

  1. im starting to like you declan!

  2. time to delete that signature my man haha:(

  3. Im back!

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Stella



    3. Kevin of 1916

      Kevin of 1916

      busta nut,see when you stop your terminator haircut you come back to me son.

    4. deky


      That's not very nice sammy, I thought you were my boyfriend too. Cockteasing bitch so ye are. Oh and aye, f**k off kev.

  4. haha! i didnt know a few predictions could cause such a stir! your a better team than st johnstone so you never know mate! i dont think I could put up with captain sensible if you win ha

  5. disapointing performance,least hearts got hammered and the **** got beat eh:)

  6. 2 world wars and 1 world cup

  7. Reputations are like Hearts...pointless!

  8. No yet my good man! May I welcome you!

    get posting:D

  9. his only crime was wanting a autograph!

  10. another game,another win

    your signature will look stupid come end of season wee billy

  11. deleted your bigoted post from yesterday i seen eh

  12. cheers budie my man!

  13. Never Never Never!

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