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Posts posted by HaikuHibee

  1. 1 hour ago, Dons_1988 said:


    Tin hat on in this thread but I think McGinn is a bit overrated.

    Don't get me wrong good quality Scottish player with age on his side but I've never felt he was anything other than a good player in Scotland.

    Like you say brown was clearly a level above hibs at the time. He looked a proper player. I'm actually disappointed he went down the route of a midfield enforcer as always felt he had the ability to play more of an attacking role at a young age.


    He *is* a workhorse, but can be inconsistent. But basically this:

    1 hour ago, King Dom's Moustache said:

    If McGeouch wasn't made of glass he'd be the best player in our side by a mile.

    Henderson as well. A shame he's stuck at Celtic, he was pretty good.


    1 hour ago, Div said:

    Suppose there might be conditions attached to it.

    Ordinarily sell on clauses are based on profit made on a deal so for example if Celtic have a 10% sell on clause on VVD who they sold for £12m then if Southampton sold him for £50m then Celtic would get 10% of £38m.

    There may be some sort of conditions on this one, no idea.

    In this case McGinn went for about £120K when his development fee would have been nearer £300K. Saints chose to cash in with Hibs and waive the rest of the development fee in lieu of the larger than usual sell on clause. Saints would have got nothing at all if the player had elected to go to America which was being touted by his agent at the time.

    If Petrie denies it, it's very likely bollocks. Accounts will tell us.

  3. 5 hours ago, Bambino7 said:

    You're forgetting our past history of replacing good players and also you have to take into account who our manager is.  It's a fucking terrible combination. 

    We struggled a lot, with both players in the team (and with the best squad).


    2 hours ago, Arch Stanton said:


    Oh, Gilmour said it. Look at his twitter bio. He's a fucking crank.


    Ex Chairman of St Mirren F C, no longer constrained by the SFA/SPFL secret police waiting to fine for adverse statements. Retweets not necessarily my thoughts.


  4. On 22/06/2017 at 19:36, Fraser Fyvie said:

    Massive amount of trollers on .net recently, I wouldn't take any notice of the Hendo rumours until it comes from a decent source.

    This did surface there.





    They don't even play in Leith. 



    I wish they'd just call us 'scumbos' tbh. Its a bit more dignified than 'poppy thieves' for them or trying to laugh at a cash cow (isn't the whole point of living within our means raising our own cash?) like what do they suggest? Living outside our means again?


    Poppy theives it is then.


    I once got in a pub fight  a few Yr back, because, every time I passed this big fat Hobo mess he would say ''Poppy Thieves''  to me ...said it once to often and I reacted..never said it again


    It's class in a glass.

  5. I have already explained ad nauseam why I think it was superfluous given BoTP was already in place. The SNP came up with the Offensive Behaviour at Football Act to replace Jack McConnell's sectarian aggravation approach in a football context. You do realise I was mainly criticising Labour and the Lib Dem's earlier approach with those examples?

    Considering the only person thinks BOTP could work is an unemployed Pie & Bovril poster, and Lib Dem Candidate, I can't see that view gaining much traction outside of the Orange Lodge/Tories and a handful of angry Celtic fans.

  6. Neither is acceptable in civilised society and this basically just highlights the hypocrisy that is involved in a lot of this stuff in a football context. People see political correctness as a useful weapon in identity politics terms, but have not internalised its values. Incidentally, in case you want to be abusive towards me again in this childish school playground sort of way no sectarian label is applicable in my case. I am an atheist.

    I suppose it is severity. Racism and bigotry is much more damaging than moaning. I take the point. But I think the history and violence around racist and bigoted comments will always make it more serious than references to the mastubatory history of football officials. In the playground I'm certain "nigger" would carry a larger penalty than "w****r". Depending on who the child called a w****r and why, I am not sure how serious it would be taken.

  7. Goodness gracious me we can't have non-Rangers supporters being charged on this sort of basis. This is supposed to be aimed at Big Rab fae Whitburn or that shite flinging dude fae Bo'ness not Farquhar the genteel latte drinking Partick Thistle fan from Bearsden. Here's something to ponder for those who want to bring a modern PC agenda into football, but only selectively and carefully targetted at the supporters of clubs they intensely dislike. Why should anyone ever have to put up with having "fat w**k" screamed at them aggressively in their workplace? This again is behaviour that has long been tolerated, but there is really no obvious reason why it ever should have been beyond the practicality of clogging up the courts with hundreds of cases of this type every weekend. If you are doing that regularly give your head a shake and try refereeing a game yourself if you think its easy to make split second decisions.

    I guess in football we do consider it socially acceptable to shout abuse as long as it is not discriminatory. So I can call you a w**k but not a Protestant w**k.

  8. This is a relevant point. The decision to go into a crowd singing sectarian songs and lifting one or more miscreants is not down to individual officers. The failure to effect such a strategy is taken at command level.

    However the lack of accountability of the police in this country goes well beyond this issue.

    The strategy would have to be very clear, especially if you try and roll all this up in BOTP. In essence you would be providing a set of rules by which BOTP would be permissable within a football context (e.g., you may call the referee a fat w**k if and only if...)
  9. Sorry I think you have fundamentally misunderstood what is meant by BoTP. It has nothing to do with decibel level in the context of a football ground. It has to be something that causes alarm, offence, annoyance etc and threatens to cause disruption to the community. The Billy Boys fits, pro-PIRA song fit, Mary had a little lamb doesn't unless there are some alternative lyrics I am blissfully unaware of.

    That is not for you or me to decide though, but a policeman. If you use BOTP routinely, all the problems of OBFA would be amplified, and I cannot see any benefits.

  10. Breach of the peace does not make "singing" an offence. It is the context in which someone is singing that must give rise to a factual assessment of whether it would have the effect of breaching the peace.

    Aggravation has two aspects to it, broadly. One is motive and one is the wider effect on a group that has been targeted by criminal behaviour. Both of them require that what was being done was and should be a crime in the first place.

    That system would be far more opaque, less effective than an OBFA, and require much more police discretion. I can understand the libertarian angle you took earlier, your position now makes no sense. You are now saying that the legislation is draconian and no different from the existing legislation, which is fine.

  11. On the first point, this brings us back to the fact that the maximum sentence for BoTP is life imprisonment, if you try the case at a high enough court. On the second point the usual yardstick on BoTP is, "conduct severe enough to cause alarm to ordinary people and threaten serious disturbance to the community". That makes, "you're going to get your ****ing heads kick in" a BoTP, while "Here we go here we go here we go" clearly will usually not be an issue. Can you explain how the OBFA adds something that differs significantly from what would be regarded as an issue under BoTP?

    If you sing mary had a little lamb with just as much vigor as "We are the Billy Boys" both would have to be BOTP offences at the football unless you strictly define the types of songs that could be considered BOTP at a football match. In other words, we would have the OBFA.

  12. The subject of the thread is the Offensive Behaviour at Football Act. I have yet to see a convincing argument for why it provides anything that couldn't be achieved with Breach of the Peace.

    Say you want to ban sectarian singing. Ad Lib was arguing for "racially aggrivated" BOTP so presumably in that case the singing was a BOTP but the lyrics made the BOTP more serious. You would therefore have to define what songs constitute a breach of the peace unless you would want to ban singing, which would effectively be the OBFA.

  13. Breach of the peace? Threatening behaviour?

    I see he was done with "offensive gesticulating" presumably he made a gesture as if he was shaking coffee beans at the keeper? Folk are happy for that to be behaviour that is criminalised??

    He was on the pitch, two foot away from the keeper when he made an alleged gesture. It was not one in thousands. As for Ad Libs list of theoretical offences: lol.
  14. Is that going to be a crime now as well?

    The only time I have seen a Govan Protestant Boys t-shirt was when it was adorned by a man in his fifties fighting an opposing fan on the 18 yard line on the Hampden pitch. I am sure that is a tiny unrepresentative fraction of the GPB and they are exactly the types of folk I (as a Hibs fan) would love to have a post-match pint with after a cracking Rangers-Hibs match. Working-class heros to a man, and in no way a type of organisation the police will likely monitor.

  15. I've sat on my hands since yesterday as, rightly, we Bears should take a defeat on the chin.

    Yesterday's pitch incursion was not a Rangers problem. The notion that we're trying to "isolate themselves (ourselves) from the rest of Scottish football" is both ludicrous but also very Pie and Bovril.

    If you don't want an argument about pitch invasions then stay in the fucking stands.

    You think it looks good that your club is arguing that Govan Proddy Boy should of been on the pitch? Rod Petrie certainly won't be releasing a press statement saying "it woz all just a bit of bantz, no real harm done." He won't say that because he's not mental. Compare the hibs press release with the second Rangers one.
  16. Do you think the signing of a song is comparable in seriousness to invading a park, attacking players, officials and fighting with opposing fans?

    I agree with that. Some of the Hibs fans were absolute bams. Those that ran over to the Rangers support and started goading Rangers players. I don't think you can deny an element of the Rangers support were as culpable for invading the pitch and fighting as well.

    I think the current Rangers board are doing their best to make these incidents reappear though. Saying Rangers fans that did run on the pitch did the right thing will only empower that element that ran on the pitch looking for a fight. Hibs won't do that and will ban a number of supporters.

    This incident was caused by the manner of thd victory. A winning goal seconds from time. I do think that sectarianism still remains a problem though and incidents lke this will keep repeating if it is not sorted. Rangers in particular are beginning to isolate themselves from the rest of Scottish football, and their board needs to sort it out.

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