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Everything posted by JamieStevenson

  1. I'm just glad there will be no Heath Slater. Could do without watching him get arse handed to him by every legend in the building.
  2. Looks like it is! http://www.wrestlinginc.com/wi/news/2013/1230/568781/ric-flair/
  3. Not gonna lie, I voted The Great Khali. Even though I swear they just fix the votes anyway.
  4. I'd turn the channel over it was Christian.
  5. To me the last Orton vs Cena match looked like a botched finish. Regardless, I don't really want to see those 2 at it again. Especially if it's main event over the rumble. It would be interesting if Brock Lesnar came out to announce that he'll be waiting for Batista, but I also did hear that he would be calling out Mark Henry or something along those lines.
  6. Away and shove that rematch up yer arse Stephanie.
  7. Putting Daniel Bryan through another marathon of matches (or sprints)...
  8. Noticed this, especially the anaconda vice on the ropes. Nonetheless a decent opener from two of the finest.
  9. Yeah they are good fun, wouldn't mind that tbh.
  10. Wouldn't mind Batista destroying folk in the Elimination Chamber match tbh... Also did you guys see that really disturbing Big Show Promo for next weeks Raw?
  11. Rumours going around that Batista is coming back. f**k that.
  12. Don't like to see the Rhodes brothers losing every week. Thought Punk/Usos vs Shield was great and I thoroughly enjoyed the main event. On a side note I really want that Goldust T-shirt.
  13. PS4 - jimbojambo303. I currently only have Fifa 14 but I will likely pick up some more games this week.
  14. I listen to Jericho's and Austin's also. Not really seen anything else. I only got into those because I was bored and they popped up on Twitter. Decent enough stuff so far.
  15. Just noticed that Chris Benoit is seen in the John Cena/Randy Orton TLC Promo when Orton pins him to win his first heavyweight title.
  16. By the looks of things the Rhodes brother are going to get beat by every tag team thus leading to their break up and feud etc....
  17. Daniel Bryan was magnificent, the way he escaped from The Wyatts was brilliant.
  18. Good day for the Pars. We have officially come out of administration https://www.facebook.com/officialdafc/posts/1383251865230624
  19. £2.19. You'd have been as well making one yourself at home, because the card in WH Smith is utter guff. Tiny card, crappy picture, crappy wee message. Aye, the usual.
  20. When fans don't even know the players at their own club.... An example being "Come on Jason" thinking Ryan Thomson was Jason Thomson.... Jason is long gone mate.
  21. Whatever it is that is planned, it better be good. They are running out of ideas. Apparently the creative team keep changing their mind not long before a show. Bit of a shambles. The evidence being the utter dross we've had to put up with for the past few months.
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