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Everything posted by grumswall

  1. I think Murray said two months during the week. For the 100th time they are hopeful they know this issue now...
  2. I don't think we played anyone out of position today. Watson being injured meant we had to bring Masson on, who actually did very well, but was pulled out of position leaving a massive gap for the goal. That's just an experience thing. Brown was sitting in front of him today positionally and wasn't there as it was the rarest of off days from him also. I was told from a dunfermline fan that Airdrie will surprise a few teams this season and I can see that happening with the way they play. Their movement and playing between the lines is very good as well as beating the press, which we didn't do effectively today at all.
  3. I thought he was really coming in to the game from half time onward today and was looking to control the ball instead of just flicking it on. It seemed to me he almost got caught with the ball under him before he hit that shot but he needed to hit it low and it's a goal and potentially 3 points. Not sure if he took a nudge which put him slightly off balance, I'm sure the highlights will show weather any of that is true. I think Hamilton is really improving week on week as he gets fitter so I hope his injury isn't a bad one. Has he actually played a full 90 for us yet?
  4. Millen struggled from the start today in all honesty. He was letting his man face him up too often and he isn't the quickest so struggled with being ran at and the movement of airdries players. Watson going off didn't help matters but it was a rare off day from him today Imo.
  5. Callum smith is quick enough to do that and has had joy from it. We do mix it up with that though but I actually thought Airdrie did that very well today. They played direct passes between the lines and with their movement it was creating gaps in our defence. Hamilton is getting better the fitter he gets Imo. I'd expect him to score that chance today and I think once he's fully firing he will start banging them in.
  6. I think if we'd pressed them too much they would have played around it with their triangles that they did very well. I'd assume easton was moved in to the middle at ht because he was getting doubled up on first have and couldn't get going due to it. Was a bad angle to judge his penalty claim for watching Airdries streaming service, but that was the only thing he really did first half.
  7. So Inverness who have 1 point are a good team but we're not having lost only 1 game in 6?
  8. It was one of those games that could have went either way. We didn't play particularly well but still had a couple of good chances. Hamilton really should score, if he'd kept it low its a goal but it was a good save from rae. The movement from the Airdrie players created the space for the goal and dabrowski had no chance with the finish.
  9. If there was going to be an over reaction it was a stick on to be you
  10. Pretty even half, would have been a great goal from stanton if it wasn't for the post getting in the way. Airdries movement causing us problems at times and it's a little worrying Masson and millen are both on a booking now. Think dabrowski has done very well getting off his line to deal with everything so far.
  11. Murray said in his pre match interview corr has had a set back. Watson picked up a knock last week so has probably just tweeked it again. We've already brought in a new physio in the summer, I can't remember her name off the top of my head but she came to us from Luton and is a rovers fan.
  12. I'm sure I'll be corrected if wrong, that was the only header he scored for us so it wasn't like he was prolific at them. He just had that bit extra about him that day which has resulted in people clamouring for him to sign for us permanently since. He was definitely a decent enough player for this level but he hit a good bit of form at the right time which has left him being something of a cult figure almost.
  13. I'm conflicted about this game now. On one hand I want Ian Murray's team to win but the BBC are obviously above reproach so I'm not sure if I'm rooting for Airdrie now or not...
  14. The 360° is a little unsettling when you look at micky though...
  15. Wrong thread obviously, did you see the pars game today? Some strike from mccan for the fk. He's definitely the most impressive player iv seen for you so far this season.
  16. Someone on the Inverness twitter account beat you to it if there's a Gaurenteed way to get relegated from this league, Shirley it's appointing yogi!
  17. This. There was a few times in the first half we allowed a free header in the box and it obviously went unpunished. On that save Kev himself should have been out to deal with it but as iv said earlier, if he wasn't confident in doing it, the next best thing is sticking to your line and making the save, which he done excellently. The 3 points today are as much because of him as anyone else in the team as far as I'm concerned. I should also say, I the second half there was a ball that went through similar to the QP game and he dealt with it excellently and stuck his knee up to protect himself. Very good performance from the big man today that he should take confidence from.
  18. I reckon he should have been off his line to punch that but the next best thing is what he did with balls in the box like that so can't complain. I also think that's the first game iv seen us playing Inverness recently and not thought Carson was fantastic, which i guess is a sign of the times for them right now.
  19. Let's wait to see how you react to our first loss before getting carried away now
  20. I'd actually give credit to the Inverness fans who did come to the game today. Even though they could have been up at ht, they weren't up to much and it's easy to see why their fans are angry just now.
  21. I'm going to confidently state we won't be relegated this season... I do have a bet on the position we will finish in but I'll keep that to myself for now.
  22. I think for Vaughan starting today, he had to be at lw with smith on the right. Stanton starts behind Hamilton when fit for me which is hard to say seing as its also Vaughans best position. Byrne has been a fantastic signing. Him and brown seem to compliment each other very nicely and both have the game intelligence to slot in when someone from defence pushes on. Brown was also very unlucky with his shot, it was always rising though.
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