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Everything posted by kanadia

  1. Could anybody help with any famous people/celebrity fancy dress suggestions? There's a fundraising thing at work tomorrow, with a celebrity get-up required. Wasn't going to bother, but it turns out nearly everybody is making an effort and don't really want to be an outcast. But then again, I might well have to be... Only problem is it has to be easy. Only have tonight to get something sorted so can't get online stuff in time, and don't wan't to spend much either. The only thing I can think of is nabbing my neighbours kid's hobby horse, wrapping some barbed wire round it and going as 'War Horse'. Which is pretty poor really, but only quick and easy option my frazzled brain can think of. Anybody got any suggestions? Help would be greatly appreciated.
  2. Used to love the Scream burger and pint combo when I was at Uni. For a pub burger, it was decent. Up to the Tron on Hunter Square in Edinburgh was a frequent lunchtime venture. Is that still a Scream pub? Not been for years.
  3. Thanks, checked it up through google and makes sense now. Sort of. It's better on 693. Only just.
  4. Cheers. The troposphere is a pain in the arse.
  5. Radio reception is tolerable during the day on MW for Radio Scotland/5 Live when driving. At night it goes to pot and picks up what seems like every foreign channel possible. Why is this?
  6. Neighbours back garden gate squeeks like feck when theres any wind with a bit of southerly it. Does my nut in. Its that high pitched, metal-on-metal wail that operates at a frequency not conducive to a good nights kip. Neighbours are old and deaf and conversation is limited. Thinking about blacking up, putting the camo gear on and sticking a can of WD40 in my pocket at 11pm this evening and completing phase 1 of Operation Sleep. Or the less dramatic option; walking round with an oil can tomorrow pretending to be from the council.
  7. Thanks for the replies. The real problem is we have no family circle on our doorstep. Wife is from Ireland and my family are spread the length and breadth of Britain, so childcare is going to be required. I'm looking into Dumfries area nurseries. Anything up to £700 a month we could just about manage, so hopefully get something lined up in time. The Annan based nursery is a racket from what I hear, effectively run as a ruthless business to exploit state paid childcare. Nothing wrong with state paid childcare at all, but it leaves you wondering....both my wife and I are in decent jobs and we are going to seriously struggle. We have both worked hard to get ahead in our careers and would like to both still work. I dont want finances to hamper our enthusiasm for bringing a child into the world, but it does concern me, especially as we spent nearly all our savings on buying a house. Anyhows, a fair while to go yet, but as I said, just tring to think ahead. The replies are appreciated.
  8. This has probably been covered earlier in the thread - I've not had a chance to read through the whole thing - but how much is typical childcare costs In your area? My wife's halfway along the pregnancy path and all is going well. We are thinking (and saving) ahead, and considering all options for the eventuality of returning to work (fingers crossed all is well and healthy). Problem is that in Annan there is only one nursery, and the average rate from 8.00am until 4.30pm until the age of 2 is nearly £1100 a month. That's just mental, there's no way we can afford that. Is the the going rate?
  9. Wow. You'd think it would come with a health warning. Oh well..
  10. How long is acceptable to open a bottle of red wine, leave it for a few days, then finish it off? I opened a bottle over a week a go, and finishing it now. It tastes slightly more sour. Just your average run-of-the-mill red? Ta.
  11. Happy with Robinson too. In light of the current financial implications, I don't think we could have got any better. Certainly more inspiring than the trialists pre-season, and we know what we are getting with Robinson. He has his lesser attributes, and prone to over-enthusiastic impulses, but I like him a player. There's a certain' flamboyancy' about him, and from what I remember from his last spell was he was always looking to get the ball away quickly, or step out away from the box to help out, as mentioned. Quite vocal too. First choice? Backup? Or will Gus chop and change dependant upon errors, possibly leaving an unsettled defence? Hopefully no. 1 for me.
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