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Posts posted by ~~~

  1. What I genuinely don't get though is why, if you regard the sectarian stuff as "a stain", you go with the avatar you've got.

    Now I know fine well that there's nothing inherently sectarian or offensive at all about what you're displaying. Equally though, you'll know that in the context of Scottish (particularly OF) football, such Unionist symbols are loaded with significance.

    I'm not attacking you here - I'm genuinely enquiring. Is your support for the team really so wrapped up in such associations? - is your identity as a Rangers fan closely linked to a Unionist perspective? Again, if the answers are yes, then I suppose that's ok, but it is what makes Rangers (perhaps OF) support different from the relationships that we have with our diddy teams.

    Lose the symbols, they're not helping with making the progress you'd welcome.

    But don't forget they are the quintessential tax dodging british club ;)

  2. Papac, Alexander are certainties i'd say. Papac is out of contract and we don't really need an expensive backup keeper. Edu has 18 months to run on his contract, I'd like to think he'd stay, but if Rangers really can't afford him, you never know. McCulloch has offered to take a pay-cut so i would imagine he'll stay.

    Didn't you knock back a bid for him earlier in the season aswell? :D

  3. Anyone see the West 'Am chairman blaming HMRC last night on SSN? Did they really 'let' Rangers run up a £70mil tax bill or was it more a case of they found out they were doing something illegal and then hit them with a bill for back taxes? I got the feeling the guy didn't really know what he was talking about.

    Almost like Craig Whyte having a go at "certain sections" of the Scottish Media, You know the ones who have been uncovering what he's been upto since he took over at Ibrox

  4. Good news, looks like Rangers fans have digged deep into the pockets,

    Remember the "save the rangers" website well apparently

    £10 million pledged in three days on SaveRangers.com website!


    Shame, it was only pledges, which in reality is about the same amount as the Whyte Knight has put into the club :(plus not ever Rangers fan can afford to give a lot

    don't understand why people would pledge money they don't have mate, I for instance only pledged £20 because at this moment in time that is all I can afford sadly. Unemployment coupled with a season ticket and attending every away game is an awful lot of money for me. I'm sure you were on my bus at Aberdeen this season mate?

    Season Ticket, go to every away game, I had no idea unemployment life was so easy.

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