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Everything posted by forameus

  1. I heard we signed Ryan Edwards. Can anyone confirm? I signed someone from the Australian Institute of Sport in FM, and he was class. That means he will definitely be class for us.
  2. We've played some decent stuff in patches. Very small patches of course. Against Kilmarnock we had a very good half an hour, and same against Dundee. If you're talking overall, then no, not really.
  3. I really need to get to more Clan games this year. Loved the few games I've been to as an alternative to the football.
  4. Good point. I think it's a great thing that the group seems so settled and together, but every team does need a b*****d. St Mirren have Goodwin, Celtic have Brown, Rangers had Elbows, we've got...no-one really. Not that I'm advocating it, but is there anyone in our squad that you can think of that would get sent off for proper violent conduct? Osman could batter most, but he won't. I suppose Gary Fraser, if he can evoke the memories of the development squad and kicking seven shades out of a downed player.
  5. To be fair to the first one, he does look like he could be considered "sad" at the event. Like someone off their face, having a great night, then told their significant other has been in a car-accident, but it's not too serious. That kind of sad. The third is a shining example of what makes this thread great. The poor guy in the suit, trying to be solemn while the face betrays him with a look of "ah did that" cheekiness. Cracking. EDIT: If Kingsley isn't involved the next time we have a minutes silence, I'll be most upset.
  6. I got MGS on the Saturday before the Tuesday release date. I'd highly recommend ShopTo, consistently cheaper, and usually early.
  7. See if Stevenson and Pogba are worth £3.5 million between them, can we not just sell them to these guys? Just listened to that. His Scottish side, Celtic, his ambition "to move to a bigger club", and touting Archie to go to better things too. Ooft Freddy, if you weren't so handsome...
  8. How can our media handling seem so professional, yet so many other areas of the club seem so amateurish?
  9. I can understand players getting banned despite having no knowledge when its being done by people employed by them to look after them, but to get spiked to the point where the guy got charged by police, completely unwittingly, and still get a 2 year ban is ridiculous. Livermore got nothing didn't he? I know he's had a shitty time of it with his kid dieing, but he still knowingly took it. Very, very harsh.
  10. This shows a lot of what's wrong with game development these days. You're essentially paying £20 for the expectation that something might be available. I know Bethesda have a decent reputation, and you will get something for that, but just seems wrong that you're paying out before that.
  11. Any amounts mentioned? Or is it just a "development fee", which would end up being tiny.
  12. Cerny does look like he's wondering why he came here though. Wonderful goalkeeper, but some of the mistakes the players in front of him have made have left him rightly raging. I think we looked pretty dreadful with 2 up front, although I guess it'll take an understanding being built up between 9 and 99. We should not be playing that system long enough to build that up though IMO, just need to get players up quicker to support whoever is playing up front. That seems to be our biggest problem at the moment. We're just so ponderous.
  13. Pogba seems to be getting praised for last night quite readily. Sure he won lots of headers, but most of them just got nutted into nothing areas. I know there's not much you can do when all you're getting are lumped balls forward in your general direction, but he hardly looked a world beater.
  14. And then the other £299,950 (because let's face it, 50 quid would improve what we have) can go on the youth system.
  15. Still, think positive guys, it's Falkirk in the Cup next! Because we always perform pure brilliantly in the League Cup. Hold me.
  16. Enforcing a song only really seems necessary if we're playing in a half-full stadium. Does anyone really think we're going to need some cringey "official song" for the Poland or Germany games with a full house? As someone said earlier, the roar of the crowd will be enough.
  17. Better suggestion than Paulo Nutini at least...jesus wept.
  18. I also seem to be missing where I said it was only sad when Kilmarnock fans did it m8.
  19. I was sure that happened, but didn't see it mentioned. After having a bit of fun with the Kilmarnock fans, he had a bit of a discussion with G4S, then disappeared down the tunnel only to return at half time. Poor show. There's nothing more ridiculous than seeing grown men get angry at another grown man in a mascot suit.
  20. It's starting to look like there's going to come a tipping point where they either abandon their principles and accept funding from elsewhere, or end up plummeting. They could just stagnate, but surely there won't be an endless pool of money there to keep them at that level, without outside investment.
  21. Or, maybe it suggests that sometimes he preferred Taylor to play given we mostly play a one-striker system? Just like he sometimes preferred Doolan?
  22. Amoo looks like he'll have some good fun next season, real threat. Stevo doing his best throwback to last season by doing nothing. We looked really good til they scored, now just look a bit pish
  23. :-( Well, surely he can't be any worse than he was doing the same last season.
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