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Everything posted by forameus

  1. If they charge even a penny more than the usual price, they can f**k off. To be honest, if they even charge close to what the usual price is, they can also f**k off.
  2. After last night's Smackdown, they'd be absolutely mental to have Rhea/Charlotte main event and not Zayn/Owens/Usos. Throwing in a pull-apart in.a desperate attempt to build some heat, up against a white hot segment between 4 people who are insanely over. It's getting to the point where if they're determined for it not to main event, they're going to have to distance it from everything else so it doesn't actively sabotage them with how knackered the crowd is going to be.
  3. I could say that I think Thistle just about edged that, but...what's the fucking point? A Dundee team that only improved late on after being seemingly unable to complete anything other than a basic pass, and a Thistle side that are just completely tedious. Could've played for several weeks and not scored, perfectly exhibited by Mullen doing the difficult part in winning the ball, then inexplicably managing to put the ball almost vertical. Fitting that both sides have probably just about killed any small chance they had for the title. Hard to look forward to the playoffs when it's likely to be these two sides contesting them.
  4. It absolutely should be whatever Zayn's involved in. I'm not convinced that Charlotte vs Rhea really has the build or the story to deserve main eventing a show just because it's a women's match. We've had the first women's main event at 35, then one at 37 (I think? Banks/Belair was 37 right?), there's no need just to have a token one when you've got bigger matches there.. Although they've done their level best to cool Zayn off after he faced Reigns, so who knows.
  5. I've said it before, but I remember my first exposure to AEW being a Battle Royal (probably on Dynamite). Probably featured a large number of faces I'd know now, but the only ones that stuck out were Orange Cassidy and Jungle Boy. They stuck out because the former just lay on the apron for the whole match, and the latter spent it pretending to pick bugs off of Luchasaurus. Remember thinking how utterly tinpot it all looked, and all a bit embarrassing. Fair to say I was wrong on both of those guys. Probably harsh to judge on one single match that they were playing off as entertaining, but they've definitely shown in the interim there's a lot more to him. Jungle Boy is very good, but Cassidy is brilliant. Just the right amount of leaning into the more nonsensical parts of the gimmick, then just incredibly good all the other times.
  6. Remember when everyone just wanted JAS and BCC to stop feuding, assuming that Jericho was likely the problem? Seems like they just cannot let BCC end a feud no matter what. No wonder Danielson's gone home, he just can't be arsed. In all seriousness, the answer to a stale feud isn't just to add more people around it. Not sure where they're planning on going with it now they've essentially got BCC (x3) vs The Dark Order (x...4? 5?) possibly including the Elite (x3). Rumour seemed to be that their annual weapons f**k about Blood and Guts would be a women's match, but maybe they're planning two. Or planning some other big team match for either of them. Who the f**k knows. Good work with moving MJF on though. Plenty of stories you could tell using any of the three that came out, but with two months still to go, plenty of time to work in anything before they move him on to whoever they want for Forbidden Door. And in this week's unexpected MJF pop, the shout of "clap or you're antisemitic" got me.
  7. Apparently the guy breaking that story does not have a good track record with getting much right, so might still be pish. But...you can kind of see it being true. Such an incredible return, and a really promising start, completely bogged down by absolute nonsense. It's a shame, big waste of potential even if he was never the greatest in the ring.
  8. Yeah, I can't say I've ever seen us in a game where I've thought we specifically were wronged (or the opponent really). It's always a very creative performance that both teams can have issue with.
  9. If they really are done with the Zayn stuff - which let's face it, they are - then Jey is definitely a good direction to go. It's where it all started really with those great matches all those years ago, and it can be where it largely ends too. Like you say, you can book the main event in such a way that Cody gets his win AND there's a valid reason why Reigns doesn't necessarily seek a rematch. Jey finally goes face, Reigns would rather destroy him than win the belts back, Cody goes on to many other opponents, Reigns gets a feud with Jey before being given some well-earned time off. Maybe even a rematch on the RAW after WM where Jey cements his position or something.
  10. That doesn't seem to say much at all. He's still the chairman, why wouldn't he be present at any of their shows? The key question isn't that he's there at all, it's what he's doing when he is there. In semi-related news, the dirtsheets have also reported that he's finally lost one of his most bitter battles to his most hated enemy - facial hair. Apparently he's got a moustache now.
  11. Aye, hard to knock pretty much anything on the show. At worst the matches were just good. Iron man match was probably just what was needed too, although I would have liked the win to be that little cleaner. As it is though, it gives him a lot of credibility and a show that he isn't just good on the mic.
  12. Aye, I think that's the key. It's one of those behind the scenes bits of slight of hand that you know happens, but you don't really want to see happening. It's like if the ref stopped the fight to help visibly blade Moxley each time he does it. I don't think I've ever seen a spot where multiple refs are visibly holding the ladder in the centre of the ring, it's always been more minor ones.
  13. Ladder match was right on the edge of being an absolute disaster, but obviously there's a pretty big window for that given the chaos that usually happens. That Andretti/Guavara spot could have gone so much worse, which is lucky given it already went pretty fucking badly. Hard to tell who got what given the camera cuts, and clearly they knew they fucked it given no replays. Andretti looks like he hit it face first, then got caught up, and Guavara clearly caught the back of his head on the edge. Really lucky there. Really awkward ending too with Hobbs coming close to killing Takeshita, then persisting with the clearly fucked ladder. Would it have killed him to get another ladder rather than basically have a number of referees assist him in winning? Not a good look. Overall, not really a show that felt like a go-home. Just felt like your standard "here's a lot of matches that'll be good, with a small attempt at storyline". A rare close on a promo spot that had some considerable fire, but it didn't really add a whole lot other than, for once, not letting MJF speak.
  14. The image of Brock riding around his farm, hunting anything that moves, with a jumbo bottle of white lightning in one paw is certainly an image.
  15. I think it's a case of just too much "good" in a way that it circles back around. A truly personal promo you can actually feel is fine, but not every interaction needs to be wraught with it. Pick either "I got away with a DUI by putting my possibly dead ex in the driver's seat" or "my fiancee left me because I'm a dick". Or even within the same promo, don't go for the misunderstood heel stuff then immediately go after your opponent's kids. Not to mention that, I assume, MJF is going over Danielson (because the latter seems to actively not want to win any feud really, particularly if it's for a title). So what happens in the next feud he has? Where do you have left to go? That said, I'll still pop hard every time he calls Schiavone a fat piece of shit. It's just so needless and purile, but it's brilliant every time.
  16. I guess if Brock is going to do one of his "can't be arsed" WMs, you may as well just feed him a jobber that can put on a 3 minute spectacle match. No point giving him someone anyone actually compares about just for him to put on the same old match. You're basically doing it so you can watch him throw a huge guy, which'll be....enjoyable I suppose.
  17. I don't buy it, but then I don't often buy much of what the dirtsheets say when they talk in wicked whispers about what a source has told them. Still, if Vince has been involved, and for a decent spell of time, then there haven't been any glaring mistakes other than the Rumble being a bit meh. If they get through WM by putting on a good show, and it does turn out he's had his big HGH hauns in it, then fair play.
  18. Safe to say the presale for MITB is popular. Think it's just combined Smackdown and PPV tickets currently, but I'm around the 25000 mark in the queue. Interesting given the capacity is 20000. EDIT: Got in and all gone, shocker. Looks like the cheapest ticket for both shows was £70 though, which is quite reasonable really. Will give it a shot at any other sales, but seems like it'll be a nightmare getting tickets.
  19. Well cheers WWE.com for waiting until at least 9 minutes after the show had finished in the US to send me an email with the subject "Reigns Retains" in order to shill your shite t shirts. f**k sake. Hampered the main event somewhat even though the result was pretty obvious. Can't help but feeling they left something on the table with that match. It didn't really feel any bigger than any of the other Reigns defenses once the bell went, despite it being so much bigger prior. The character work was amazing, as always, particularly Roman. And a shout out to Mrs Zayn who was about as believable as you could get. But the match felt a wee bit flat, particularly as you see the familiar beats, and then see exactly where they're going for WM. If they now sell that Jey is totally onboard because of an accidental spear then that's incredibly poor. The tag match would have gone down a lot better if they'd kept Jey heel. It'll be good but can't help but feel they've wasted a huge opportunity just to satisfy Rhodes.
  20. I really want to stay up for it, but that 1am start is a killer.
  21. Rhodes was one thing, but if they got Omega...f**k me. They won't though. Of course they'd want him, but just can't see it happening.
  22. There is absolutely nothing you see Benoit in that isn't tinged with hints of "oooooft". What made them think that, when asked to send a guy to a British Saturday morning kids TV show, they looked at the guy with the swiss cheese brain and zero charisma, who only knew how to be a terrifying, stiff nightmare? There's no hint in that video of him smiling it up, just that blank stare of...well, a killer.
  23. At the moment, barring an absolutely catastrophic collapse, our season probably can't get any worse (touching all the wood). In that case, Doolan may as well just have it to the end of the season and see what he can do. I don't think there's any chance of a manager coming in and turning us around enough to win the league (happy to be proved wrong) and failing that you've got a massive task on to even make it to the playoff final, let alone get past whatever gang are waiting in that final. Revisit in the summer, hopefully once Doolan has proved he's the greatest manager to have ever lived.
  24. I wonder what would've happened had we hung on for a win if they supposedly had already made their choice. If they're happy enough for Doolan to essentially interview in the role, may as well have just given him the Rangers game instead. Seems like there must be more to this, all very strange. I just hope Doolan isn't a complete disaster. Would be a lovely story for him to settle us and do a decent job.
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