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Everything posted by forameus

  1. forameus

    FIFA 20

    It would depend if these were added recently or not. If they've always been there, I'd imagine it's promotional stuff around release. They rely on these pissbabies on youtube to drive a lot of attention to the product, whether it's negative or not, and I expect there's certain sweeteners. They've got TIFOs ffs*. * And for avoidance of doubt, if you're using one of those, you're OFTW. I don't usually get trolled in the traditional ways with packs, but after being made aware of the potential for a Portuegese one during Serie A TOTS, I got the Portugal...ST.................Liga NOS one. They had me going, certainly did.
  2. forameus

    FIFA 20

    I put them on open bid so they would end around 620ish, hoping to catch everyone frantically buying up. Instead, I got the opposite with people frantically getting rid. A few people got some fodder bargains, so good on them. EDIT: I didn't sell one of each I bought, and if I got all my money back for those 4 I'd get about 100k back, so not quite the eye-watering loss. Can probably get away with just selling them, not like I'm short of fodder. So probably looking at a 100k loss, not quite as bad.
  3. forameus

    FIFA 20

    I think Shapeshifters was the moment it turned for me. It was a new promo, something with a lot of potential. They could've done it like Ultimate Scream was on 19, with stats shifting on certain schedules, and making cards fairly unique and dynamic. What did they do? Slapped a different position on, boosted stats and called it a day. Just so, so lazy, yet it's hard to say they did wrong given that they probably made another million on just one lightning round for it.
  4. forameus

    FIFA 20

    Oh Stu Stu Stu... Say hello to the same Ben Yedder, Griezmann, Messi, Ronaldo etc cards, but...
  5. forameus

    FIFA 20

    Speaking as someone who sunk about 650k into cards this afternoon in anticipation of them releasing it... This is absolutely fucking top quality trolling from EA, to the point where you've got to hand it to them. People obsessively search "the code" (usually spoke of like they're fucking Neo) for anything changing, and have been doing so for days now in anticipation of this coming. It didn't, so they moaned. Now it did appear, and it's almost as if EA did it deliberately just to get it round them. You have to admire their audacity. Scared to look at how much I've lost now...och well. It at least makes my weekend decision all the more clear - f**k the Weekend League now. EDIT: The scores are in, and this knob just lost about 200k. Yass!
  6. That Kotaku review is...interesting. I'll not call it bad, but I'm not really sure it's much of a review of the game, more like the sort of review you'd get of a book or movie or something less interactive. Could also be boiled down to a few bullet-points. The game is slow paced, it's exhausting, and it's unrelentingly dark and violent. Ok. GamesRadar gave a pretty glowing review, and it seemed more like a review of the game. None of it'll stop me picking it up though, looking forward to it.
  7. forameus

    FIFA 20

    f**k, hadn't realised it was so close to release. I'll give the Ultimate SBC a whirl tonight - if I get someone really good I'll consider it, but really could do with just sacking off this weekend. Last one was fucking horrendous.
  8. My second game ended up in some seemingly tiny area with a hill on either side of a narrow bridge. That was pretty much it. So everyone on the map was basically sniper's delight, and anyone further up either. I mean, the chaos was good in a way, it's impressive you're getting 100 people in the same small map and going at it, but it's not much fun when it's either go a sniper yourself, or die over and over and over again. Git gud etc.
  9. forameus

    FIFA 20

    Part of me admires it, to be honest. It's seat-of-their-pants stuff and they're sailing very close to the wind, but end of the day the only reason they act like this is because they can get away with it. And not just get away with it, absolutely thrive through people queueing up to give them money. Can honestly say, if I was in their position, and had a financial stake in these kinds of decisions, I'd be doing exactly the same as they are. And I expect anyone who says otherwise is lying. It needs enough people to stand up and tell them no, otherwise they're going to keep shaking people down until the coppers stop falling out.
  10. I'm not sure whether it's just bad luck, but I found last night utterly horrific. Started 5 or 6 BR and got papped out early in all of them barely getting a chance (one I didn't even see a chest until the first circle had closed). And that new Rumble Mode? Jesus Fucking Christ...you know that Tom Cruise film Live Die Repeat? You know that opening scene where he's a complete jobber and gets chucked into a warzone and gets repeatedly stomped? That's what this is. Just rows and rows of snipers picking off absolutely everyone, including the snipers who are shitter than them. I expect I'll just need to get used to it, but not so positive so far.
  11. forameus

    FIFA 20

    It's the same deal as with every pack, you're buying a scratchcard. I don't doubt there's people out there doing these thinking they're absolutely going to pack Ronaldo (there's enough of them bitching when they don't) but most are doing it to try their luck. Way I see it, despite the seemingly endless promos, content this year has been pretty poor. I've got a pretty stacked club in most areas, close to 3000 player cards, but......why? What am I doing with them? There's barely anything I can do with the cards. So when something like this comes along, why not? I'll likely get someone shite, but I think as long as you go in knowing that and make peace with it, it's fine.
  12. forameus

    FIFA 20

    I'll bring him back if I get another player restore in time. I think I've done pretty much every SBC I'd be that interested in. It's another shite thing about 20 - this time last year there were all kinds of stuff you could dump players into. This year I don't think there's anyone I could do that wouldn't just be for the sake of it. I could do Modric, but out of all the leagues La Liga is probably the one I'm least likely to touch. But... There you are. One I would want to do. And of course, I definitely don't have any restores to use right now, and will probably get a fucking Sommer again. But honestly, who the f**k knows what EA are up to now? Seems like they'll drag this promo out a little more, maybe over the weekend, and maybe they are, for once, planning a big bang for the end of a big promo. Incoming 90 rated squad...
  13. forameus

    FIFA 20

    EA are steadfastly helping me not to play the game again, so that's nice. Did the bumper Thursday Content DLC yesterday with Marquee Matchups, the TOTS SBC and the Deluxe one. Pretty much nothing from the tradeable MM, Sommer in the untradeable SBC (who I already have untradeable, so discarded), and then some 88 rated La Liga player in the Deluxe.
  14. forameus

    FIFA 20

    You get to pick from 3 made up of all the red picks, with no guarantee that any of them will be the major league, not 3 from the major league. G3 gives you 2 choices from 5 along those same lines I believe.
  15. forameus

    FIFA 20

    Is Oblak not in the Ultimate? Anyway, I don't think Silver 1 has any guarantees. Rating is unbounded, but you're not guaranteed one until Gold 2 I believe (although S1 and G3 often contain them anyway)
  16. forameus

    FIFA 20

    Immobile from picks, which is...alright. Pretty much nothing from the packs. Oh well.
  17. forameus

    FIFA 20

    88 rated Andre from Ligue 1. And its a duplicate.
  18. forameus

    FIFA 20

    Pieface seems to have jumped up. His name's quite descriptive of his general appearance, and apparently he used to be on Big Brother or something. End of the day EA have put themselves into quite the position. People will complain that this is amongst the worst things they've ever done (just like everything is) but I'd imagine they can sink a hell of a lot lower before anything actually happens. Streamers "abandoned" them around the time they went after that complete gimp Kurt, talking about how it was a revolution and how PES was going to be the new thing to play. A week later they slunk back on, and probably continued to heavily line EA's pockets. Just saw what that Nepenthez guy put on your other post...is he...is he actually serious? I always assume streamers are just playing a character in order to get views, so I assume there's a degree of that, but is he really questioning why EA don't change? Can he honestly not see why EA wouldn't change when they're already on a very tight schedule thanks to the yearly cycle, and can turn out a bug-riddled game that people continue to fire thousands into every day? The only thing that has even a small chance of making EA sit up and actually make any noticeable changes is if a sizeable proportion of people stop buying the game altogether, denying them of any potential FIFA points and engagement. No buying it second hand, no borrowing it from a friend, nothing. That is something they're going to notice, not some half arsed "oh I just won't buy FPs this week". Complaining about the game bitterly and continuing to give them 60 quid out your pocket, and A LOT of your time, is just so backwards.
  19. forameus

    FIFA 20

    Are they fucking mental? It's like they actively don't want people to play. I imagine Reddit is positively luminescent with rage right now. It's poor stuff, but at this stage is anyone really surprised? I'll still do the SBC because it really doesn't matter, and plenty of people who are absolutely raging will do it too. EA continue to coin it in, nothing changes. At this rate it's quite amusing to see what EA come up with next to be the big pantomime villain.
  20. Yeah, probably. Like i say, very likely to just go with what I know and get the PS5. Will see what they come out with.
  21. I was pretty much set on getting the PS5 at launch, but if there was a big reason to get the XBox over that, I wouldn't be averse to. They'll be much of a muchness really, only difference will be exclusives on each.
  22. It's amazing the difference having ANYONE in the crowd makes. I've struggled to get into any of the proper empty arena stuff, but although it's not quite the same as a full house, you at least get some reaction to spots. Made a big difference. As TheGoon says, some way off what you'd usually expect from a Takeover, but thought that was very good. Thought the backlot brawl was probably the weakest one. Seemed nowhere near as polished as some of the other "produced" matches they've done, and at times it was difficult to see what was going on. Not a lot really happened either. Not bad, just...meh. Main event, I can't quite decide whether it was sloppy because of botches, or deliberately pitched that way. There was a wee spell of it where it didn't seem like they were on the same page at all and just scrapping like particularly aggressive divas from back in the day. And Holy Dental Surgery, that finishing moonsault looked like it'd fucking suck to take.
  23. forameus

    FIFA 20

    Lost 2 on the bounce, need 3 in 4. Operation Bottle is well and truly on. And another. 3 in 3 now. f**k sake. Won 1 but now 3-1 down at half time. Cheerio. Aye, 5-2. Gold 3 gone. f**k this game.
  24. forameus

    FIFA 20

    Won 3 in 3, a tense 4-3 win, an easy 5-1...and then...this... I was 4-1 up, then just shot after shot either hits the keeper or the post, or just wide, or somehow changing hitting divots or fans or a fucking loose dog. Yet he scored with pretty much every shot on target and took it to extra time with almost the last kick. Going to do this the hard way. Need 3 in 6.
  25. forameus

    FIFA 20

    9 games to go, and I need 6 wins. f**k all this Bundes liga shite. I started this game with Serie A, and that's how I'll finish. Luis Alberto in alongside Allan, and Big Ronaldo in for the first time this year up front. Let's do this.
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