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Everything posted by forameus

  1. forameus

    FIFA 20

    I've gone through more upgrades than I'd like to admit, and my luck has well and truly deserted me. Out of the Serie A only ones, I've gotten Berardi and Pellegrini. I know they're both TOTS and some might get none of those, but for the amount I've done it's marked decrease in luck. And I'm so fucking sick of seeing Daniel Rugani's big handsome face.
  2. Do many people really care much about the company in general at the moment? And not in an AEW vs WWE kind of way, just seems like they're treading water even more than usual in the circumstances, and it's hard to really get up for even the PPVs now. I'll still watch those, but...meh.
  3. I've only watched part 1 so far and it was really good, looking forward to the rest. Was hard to watch even the little clips from the Reigns match, an utterly depressing situation for all involved. End of a 43 hour WM, a fan darling clearly unable to compete properly against someone the fans hate...was an utter disaster. Interesting to see that they clearly fully intended it to be the end for him, at least at the time. No wonder he didn't want to go out like that though.
  4. forameus

    FIFA 20

    Yeah, to be honest I was amazed, particularly on rewards day where there's more supply. When I first packed it I checked futbin and they were saying about 770ish. In the time it took me to finish what I was doing and get around to listing him it had risen. Market looked as though everyone was listing him for max BIN and people trying to snipe. Happy enough with 810k, particularly when the only way is down. I mean, he looks good, obviously. But every TOTS does nowadays.
  5. forameus

    FIFA 20

    He's probably just one of those players that if he fits into the way you want to play, or you can adjust to fit him, then he'll probably be incredible. He's definitely against the "meta" (f**k, I hate that phrase) and he probably won't suit the sweaty player.
  6. forameus

    FIFA 20

    With all the fodder that's swimming around, might just do him. May as well. Reddit bitched about not getting him, then bitched about the card once it arrived, and their tears are usually a barometer of going for the exact opposite.
  7. forameus

    FIFA 20

    Promes instantly sold for 810k (probably could've got more by the looks of it) which has left me on about 1.6m coins. Think the last couple of weeks I've put about 200k into rares for the upgrades, so might up that to 300k (or just however much it takes me to get bored with the utter tedium of buying and submitting them) and see what I get. Rest will be saved for next week in the fruitless search for one of the big 3 in Ligue 1. That Luis Alberto could be key to be able to link between Ramos and the rest. But will be hard to link together everyone...
  8. forameus

    FIFA 20

    Like anything rewards related, it's only "better" or "worse" in hindsight. Some Gold 3 players will get better rewards than Gold 2, but probably on balance it'll be the other way around. It's like people that ask whether a certain SBC that gives you a pack is worth it - you literally can't tell until you open the pack. I opened 80 of the fuckers yesterday and only just about made the money back that I put in to build them. Then opened one this morning and got Promes. It's a lottery.
  9. forameus

    FIFA 20

    Got Idrissi and Ilicic from the red picks. First is meh, and might even put him into a red pick upgrade if I've got 11 now, but Ilicic would be good if I do end up getting a few Serie A players in the upgrade coming tonight. Was swithering about that until I opened my first rewards pack, and got Promes, who is currently sitting at about 750k. That'll do nicely.
  10. forameus

    FIFA 20

    If I do get lucky on picks or upgrades, he'll be a terrific LM option, or anywhere else really.
  11. forameus

    FIFA 20

    Got 87 packs in the end, an outlay of about 100-150k (can't remember exactly how much) to finish around 80 different challenges (most of them needing only a few players. Just churned my way through all of them, and guess what? No fucking TOTS. I know I shouldn't be surprised. Although to be fair, I did make a good chunk of my money back. Mertens, Benzema and Kante came out of the packs, along with a good few valuable silvers (27 silver only packs helped). I'm now into my final 3, then I have the two TOTS packs themselves, which I'll react to, live, for all your enjoyment at my misery. 3... 2... 1...
  12. forameus

    FIFA 20

    I've done another run through league SBCs and now have 60 packs ready to open. Of course a lot of them are silver, but a fair few in there with a shot at something good. Going to build up a few more than open them in order, with the Serie A pack last. Maybe even save them til tomorrow so I can open rewards at the same time.
  13. This. I didn't vote in the poll because it didn't quite cover how I felt about it. I would be interested in taking up a subscription, probably for home and away, but it's massively dependent on what it cost, and I'm not convinced that clubs could do it for the sort of money I'd be prepared to spend. There's no way I'm paying the equivalent of a ticket to Firhill to watch a stream, and I don't imagine I'm alone in that. You've likely got to charge as much as you would for a walk-up, and you're likely going to lose the money from the Old Boys (and girls) who either don't know how or physically can't stream the games.
  14. forameus

    FIFA 20

    Expect we'll get the boosted Bronze/Silver upgrades tonight, so that'll be me going through that process tonight. Hopefully get a few Serie A rares through it so I can complete another few of those.
  15. forameus

    FIFA 20

    Finally an enjoyable Rivals game. Playing a very certain type of player - you know the guy, he's learnt skill moves, and boy is he going to use them. A million twists and turns just to show he can and probably take the piss a bit. Went 2-0 up, looked like he was going to romp it, and of course dabbed on both goals. Fought back to 2-2, then Goretzka got sent through. He rushes the keeper, stroked it past him, and it's 3-2. After the dab, thought I'd go for the camera in response, but little did I know that Goretzka is a sweaty little troll himself. His default celebration is the shush, so he arrows towards the camera like a little b*****d. Before I can reach it, the guy rage quits. Yass.
  16. forameus

    FIFA 20

    Of all the people that could get that, I'm glad it's a Serie A deviant like you. Well in.
  17. forameus

    FIFA 20

    Nothing from 5 of them, which I think is a first for me with these upgrades. Although, to be honest, it might be a good thing. If I'd got someone good, I'd then be going all out this week to try and add to it. Will do the guarantee, and unless I get someone really brilliant, I'll give this week a miss.
  18. I love the way the whole thing is written. Like there's this "doomsday" scecnario they're planning, it's clearly awful, it's really bad, guys, honest. But wait, WAIT...there's still 4 Old Firm games. Don't worry, guys. It'll be ok. It'll be ok as long as we have those games.
  19. forameus

    FIFA 20

    Benzema was the one that tore me apart in my key WL game. Guy's fitness was all over the place on his team, but Benzema just fucking smashed it through everyone. I imagine it's how people felt in the games where Lewa was doing the same.
  20. forameus

    FIFA 20

    6-3 defeat. 91 chem team, their fitness utterly fucked, but just can't get near them of course. There goes gold 2 once again. 3 to go to get 1 win. EDIT: got it, 5-1 rage quit with Lewa getting all 4. Of course I get an easy game once I lose the higher tier. Still, target achieved
  21. forameus

    FIFA 20

    Once again, I'm at 13 wins with 4 games to go. Need to win the lot for Gold 2. What's the betting?
  22. forameus

    FIFA 20

    CSL as well as Eredivisie? Wouldn't have thought they'd do both, unless they've confirmed and I've just missed it. Was sure they'd just said Eredivisie. Other than that (and probably that too) you're spot on. ROTW and Ultimate will be last, with ROTW making sure picks are properly grounded alongside the "best of the best".
  23. forameus

    FIFA 20

    Up to 10 wins with 10 to go. I really, really want to make Gold 2 at some point, but winning 7 of these seems like a bit of a stretch. All being well I can go on some streak tonight, close out the 4 I want, and then hopefully make the last 3. Cannae wait to reach it with 3 games to go and f**k it up at about midnight.
  24. Sad part is that the line between those two is often blurred, at least to the people doing it. I expect they think that their horrible bullying is just them being WUMs or just BANTZ. Guy deleting his horrible tweets will probably just say "well it was just a joke, I didn't reeeeally mean for her to kill herself". Like that somehow excuses it and doesn't mean that they're complete fucking c***s.
  25. I did it once to play some of my favourites. It essentially pauses you where you were and takes you to the start of the mission. Remember it being quite jarring when you were done, as if there's some kind of cutscene afterwards it can cut really abruptly to black. Made it seem like I'd crashed the game before you suddenly end up back where you started.
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