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Posts posted by bigwullieac

  1. 12 minutes ago, Deanburn Dave said:

    The BU website has a list of the squad numbers for this season. 1 to 20.
    They skipped unlucky number 13 and they left blank number 11.

    I am guessing Danny Galbraith who wasn't listed in the squad will be number 11.

    Biggest surprise to me was no squad number for Devon Jacobs. Has the wee man left the club ?

    Really hope this isnt the case. Dev is such a hard worker and great tackler. Maybe the new arrivals and less of a promise of game time has made him want to move on?

  2. 7 hours ago, edinabear said:

    Good news. Josh could have a big future ahead of him.  Probably will go out in loan again though. 


    Can you genuinely gtf? Your club and the other arsecheek have managed to con and buy enough team boards and committee in the league to play glorified friendlies. No one in the LL gives a shit about random Rangers players going on loan to fucking Morecombe 

  3. Just realised I'll be missing this game and the Musselburgh friendly, so 2nd July against Stirling Albion will be my first game now. Look forward to hearing assessments on how the squad is looking after both games here.

  4. 1 minute ago, selfassemblyshire said:

    Rangers at Dumbarton
    Celtic at Airdrie

    me at neither place, they wont be getting a penny off me. Utter disgrace still that they''re included and I'm being robbed of seeing Bo'ness' first LL game with fans cause of it

  5. Also note to Auld Heid and all the other wee trolls, go talk about Linlithgow Thistle all you want in the EOS forum, thats the place for it, being such a brilliant club and whatever surely they'll have a well populated thread with dozens of replies already...

  6. Was gutted at the thought of missing the first BU game I could attend in over a year, so selfishly glad game is off. Penicuik should be a good test of Max's side, and with fixtures out tomorrow morning will be interesting to see who we start our league campaign against

  7. 3 hours ago, rockson said:

    No. Just someone who prefers clarity in communication.

    And mistaking chord for cord is not a spelling error.

    Just because something shapes sound doesn't mean the word to describe it is the same as the one for a harmonious set of musical notes.



    as a former English teacher and Bo'ness fan who enjoys the melodic chords coming out of Jambo's cords, stop being a pedantic fanny

  8. 9 hours ago, Sure & Stedfast said:

    Linlithgow Thistle and Linlithgow Rose CFC were derby rivals at amateur. That continued when in Junior, added with the change of name.

    The conspiracy theories are becoming obsessive and well past boring now.



    3 hours ago, grinderbrokeyourhearts said:

    They weren’t at all. Thistle played in the Edinburgh AFA and Linlithgow CFC played in Stirlingshire AFA. I don’t think they ever played each other before they went junior.


    1 hour ago, latapythelegend said:

    No they weren't, Thistle played in LEAFA whereas the Rose CFC played in the district and based on the games I played against them, they were never even close to Thistle. 

    Another blatant lie from a Linlithgow Thistle fan? What a shock! Must be a day ending in Y

  9. 1 hour ago, 8MileBU said:

    Particularly important to bear in mind when it’s Auld Heid and Specky, two very bitter wee men sharing a brain cell between them. 

    The bold bit is precisely the main issue that’s got folks back’s up. 

    The other thing I find incredibly bizarre is the Linlithgow Rose fans on here who seem to have plenty to say and be all ITK with all things Bo’ness Athletic -  It just makes you wonder why they wouldn’t entertain Linlithgow Thistle’s ambitions or bring them on board as part of a community set-up...🤔

    The relish with which trolls like Auld Heid post about this club goes to show that the real interest here is in the destruction of a Bo'ness institution at the hand of formerly linlithgow based parasites. At the same time I guess their joy at the matter ,makes sense when you consider they have nothing to be cheerful about with their own club continuing its backwards slide into irrelevancy 

  10. Quote


    "Muirhead said that, when Bo’ness United Junior FC was formed from the amateur team two years ago, his club had lobbied its members to say that as the main BU team had gone senior, then the other club could fill the void in the juniors.

    "They were very much looking at completing a pathway for possibly younger people within the Bo’ness area to go up through the levels,” he added. "There were a few discussions about it with our members and concerns were raised that – if it came to a situation where we had to move back to the junior game if the seniors didn’t work out for us – what would happen then?

    "And basically the juniors said they would have to bow out, disband, go back amateur or whatever it may be at that time because there wouldn’t be room for two junior clubs within a town the size of Bo’ness.

    "That was conveyed to a hall full of 80-odd members of Bo’ness United (in sping 2019) who basically own the club, because I’m only a custodian put in charge by them."


    This is the exact issue btw for all the people who keep thinking this is a "oh no two teams in one league system" or a "not another club with a raffle!" These snakes went before the membership of Bo'ness United and lied repeatedly about their intentions.

    Were it Cadora, or Syngenta, or any of the other number of Bo'ness amateurs who were applying for the EoS these complaints wouldn't exist and indeed I would welcome their ambition, albeit while also questioning the wisdom of the move. This mob on the other hand, I can only hope fold, now that their charade has been shown up for what it is.

  11. 6 hours ago, Sure & Stedfast said:

    Linlithgow Thistle and Linlithgow Rose CFC were derby rivals at amateur. That continued when in Junior, added with the change of name.

    The conspiracy theories are becoming obsessive and well past boring now.


    Yes because thats definitely what this post about a match moved specifically to benefit off of BU fans thinking of these leeches as a B/Junior team. Know plenty who were fooled by that message and gave money to Linlithgow Thistle. Sad that my cynicism was well placed. Having a 2nd team in Bo'ness is utter madness, even more so as a totally separate organisation attempting to use the same ground. The amount of bad blood that has been born out of the poor actions of those behind Linlithgow Thistle's entry to the EOS could have been totally avoided had they not spent the best part of 2 years speaking barefaced lies to the fans and those who run the actual bo'ness club with 135 years of history. The pathway to development that was hinted would have been an actual positive development for both clubs but sadly it seems LT were far more interested in causing issues.


    Lastly your chat about LT staying "above it" is a load of nonsense, their position is indefensible and every argument put forth so far by you and wee rose fans has been countered, they know this and so are staying silent and hoping that this conversation is largely kept to online fan forums like P&B so they can continue duping Bo'ness United fans into believing their leech of a club is something to support as a BU fan

  12. On 15/05/2021 at 12:08, Jambo'ness said:

    Not been on. lately, compiling our history is taking time!.

    However, two (IMO) bad things have happened lately.  Firstly, the decision to invite, then allow, Rangers and Celtic, to enter teams in the LL.  It's a kick in the teeth to all those clubs in the EOSL that switched over from junior with us.  If they can fit in two more places, i'd rather they let in Lithgae and Tranent, which shows how much I am against this decision!

    At least we can be proud of our club, standing up and doing the right thing.

    The second bad thing is the acceptance of Bo'ness Athletic into the EOSL.  When they were piggy-backing on our name, they made assurances at a meeting that they had no intention of ever being a challenge to us and were just filling the junior void.  Promises of them being a feeder club to us for promising youngsters was not kept and now they are going to be competing against us.  Maybe not on the field but certainly for sponsorship, fund-raising etc.

    I would urge all BU's fans not to part with a penny by attending their games.

    Strongly agree with this, it was clear from the outset that they had no interest in being part of the United set up and instead wanted to succeed at the expense of a club with almost 80 years of history. Saw through it then, and I'd hope everyone can see through it now. The sooner the club get to a level where we can make a serious bid for ownership of Newtown Park the better as I expect that Linlithgow Thistle will be doing all they can to get their own claws into the NPA and indeed have done so already with the installation of their own parallel hospitality facilities

  13. Just now, Ballboy said:

    As an airdrie supporter who attended the cup game with Hamilton colts a while ago my view was as its a 1st team game i would attend as I really dislike missing any games.    This upcoming season I will not be attending any games involving all colts teams or lowland league teams.  

     It's time ALL fans of scotish football clubs stood together.   The vast minority of fans have said no to this and we cannot be ignored once again. 

    BOYCOTT ALL LOWLAND LEAGUE CLUBS- for one season only!!!!

    Why boycott clubs like Bo'ness and Bonnyrigg who attempted to defend sporting integrity and were overruled by fake clubs with no fans and history

  14. George Fraser and anyone else can hang their heads in shame for even entertaining the idea. Happy to take the bigots coin and spit in the face of the teams (including their current champion of the last two seasons) who actually put in hard graft to get into the league, and those in the EOS, SOS, and WOS who are working hard to do the same. If this goes to a vote I can only hope that Bo'ness and the rest of the LLs teams tell them to GTF

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