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Everything posted by bennett

  1. Thats not what i posted, why did you feel the edit my post just to try and make your point? Go back and quote my post without editing and then i'll reply.
  2. Just read that a short while ago, seems like Charlie was bang on the money and has the evidence to back this up. To court we go. The SFA trying to force/bribe us into agreeing to strip titles and cups with the promise of SFL1 as a nice juicy carrot is frankly shocking, especially you remember that they are the appeals body. As our green and grey chums would say, their position in now untenable. What this proves is that we cannot expect a fair hearing from either the SPL or the SFA, it's been a travesty since they appointed Celtic lawyers as chief investigators.
  3. Should have been moved into the Rangers/Celtic forum imo, it was always going to descend into chaos once the Celticminded got involved.
  4. It's hardly a secret that i'm gay Normy, i assumed that everyone knew. My username and avatar comes from a love of 80's action films, a bygone era i'm sure you'll agree. While not touchy on homophobia (i've heard it all a million times as they say) the double standards/hypocrisy does annoy me at times. Jeffreys comments while a bit crass did not imo call for the police to get involved. You disagree, fair enough thats your honestish opinion. Respect has to earned Norman, remember that and i've backtracked over nothing, i may have implied but ... Sectarianism -- To be honest Norman if someone calls me DOB or proddy scum (or whatever) then it's water off a ducks back, i'm pretty thick skinned though sometimes i forget that others may not be.
  5. Exactly, if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and sounds like a duck then it's a duck.
  6. You'll find it was Jeffrey Winter who described him as "dress wearing", not i. Funny that you should quote a comment from me regarding homophobic attitudes on here, i think we're seeing the real reason for your hostility today. Now have you found anything to back up your false allegations yet?
  7. Exactly the highlighted words in that post were never posted by me. Thanks for clearing things up
  8. You still haven't came up with quotes regarding your false allegations, ill remind you of what you posted .. 1.He told us all he was resigning from this thread, 2.He believes the "traditional" song book is perfectly OK and is derogatory towards followers of the green Sisters. Bigot. 3. He referred to the pope - not a well-known footballing personality, in extremely insulting terms, which could also fit into point two above. Offensive.
  9. You still haven't came up with quotes regarding your false allegations, ill remind you of what you posted .. 1.He told us all he was resigning from this thread, 2.He believes the "traditional" song book is perfectly OK and is derogatory towards followers of the green Sisters. Bigot. 3. He referred to the pope - not a well-known footballing personality, in extremely insulting terms, which could also fit into point two above. Offensive. So theres 3 quotes for you to look for in order to back up your claims.
  10. Can't you tell me who the email was from? Is it a secret? Without knowing who sent it or where it came from it's hard for anyone to judge it's validity.
  11. You've spent the last few hours searching for that You're a bad man Norman, i nearly chocked myself laughing at that, how dare i slag off Ant and Dec Now have you found any quotes to back up your allegations yet?
  12. Who sent the email? Seems a bit tit for tattish and petty to me but thats the world we live in now. The SFA are bringing it up otherwise they wouldn't be asking Celtic to explain themselves. ...and did you have that stored on a file?
  13. I've already apologised to Rico for my error, takes a big man to admit he's wrong. I wonder if your chum Norman will apologise for his false allegations against my good name?
  14. Your prejudices are your own business, just stop being such a hypocrite in future.
  15. What Dhenseboy meant to post .. "And I'm gonna keep on lovin' you 'Cause it's the only thing I wanna do I don't wanna sleep, I just wanna keep on lovin' you"
  16. Rico i don't know why that banner has been brought up by the SFA. Yesterday was 1st time i've saw it and if it was offensive then some of our fans would have kicked up a fuss about it 2 months ago. It's stupid and a bit crass but not worth comlaining about.
  17. Please provide valid quotes to back the following allegations that you made 1.He told us all he was resigning from this thread, 2.He believes the "traditional" song book is perfectly OK and is derogatory towards followers of the green Sisters. Bigot. 3. He referred to the pope - not a well-known footballing personality, in extremely insulting terms, which could also fit into point two above. Offensive. That is all i'm asking of you, nothing more and nothing less. hurry up.
  18. Still no proof of these wild accusations Norman. And i require quotes and links to back up every false claim you made. Hurry up.
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