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Everything posted by bennett

  1. Aye another bad game Dhensey but atleast you lot had a good win today so not all bad. Onwards and sideyways.
  2. Not sure of it's relevance to this topic but defenders of the faith is cracking album. Maybe i've misjudge you.
  3. Most Rangers fans felt that the Falkirk announcers comments were banter (check the thread ) . Still wont stop you lying though. It's guys like you going on to a blog looking to be offended over nothing that are ruining out game, i can just picture you phoning the police in full mock outrage mode. One of the things i always liked about the game was the dry humour associated with the old firm and Scottish football, thing of the past now thanks to you and your ilk.
  4. Doesn't matter if he was making a joke or not, it still does not merit police intervention. It's a blog aimed at fans of a certain team, if fans of other teams wish to go on it just to be mock offended then that says a lot about them. I have to laugh at the irony of your post too, claiming outrage over Jeffreys comments yet calling him an orc (we know what it stands for ) It's guys like you who created this PC culture that now ruins our game.
  5. Can you make the print any bigger? I make my own opinions, if you want to act all offended then thats up to you.
  6. FTP or FTQ, i don't give two f**ks about either if i'm being honest, they wont upset me in the slightest. I've more things in life to worry about than some PC claptrap. I've rechecked the link and he doesn't even mention FTP so get your facts right. The altar boys thing was crass and embarrassing for Jeffrey but hardly merits the police zooming down to England to sort him out. Do you get outraged when comedians make similar jokes or is it only when it's a Rangers fan doing it?
  7. I quite like most of the Celtic fans on here, ok i can't be f**ked with a couple of them but most of them are fine. You're seeing things that aren't there, perhaps you should put aside your stereotypes and see the bigger picture.
  8. I saw nothing in that which could be classed as sectarian, so wind yer neck in. Offensive maybe but his comments on the Pope were factual and not sectarian.
  9. He never said that, here's a link which shows what he said. http://local.stv.tv/glasgow/189800-ex-referee-jeff-winters-home-raided-by-police-over-anti-catholic-blogs/ I don't think that the police should have been involved in this.
  10. The daily record ran a story on Tuesday or wednesday with an anonymous top sports lawyer from England, it's a piss take, never realised just how gullible you are
  11. The suns shining in the window and i'm warm and cosy, need a pee but don't want to move.
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