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Everything posted by bennett

  1. First i've heard of Rangers unite Wunf...., had a quick look on the gers forums and as usual we're fighting amongst ourselves. I'm off to my kip now, i'll look into it all tomorrow.
  2. So because someone supports Rangers you jump to conclusions about their political views? Can't speak for No.8 but i'm a SNP supporter and member,
  3. It's been pointed out to you already, it's in his contract if he wants to leave then he can for a pre set amount.
  4. How dare Rangers fans post in the Rangers in the SFL thread, how very dare they (grrr)
  5. Can't believe you have a problem with Rangers being truthful with a new signing and telling him that the league structure may change. Sadly i doubt they'll listen to Ally, unless SFL fans like yourself stand firmly in the way of the SPL and SFA's plans and refuse to back down.
  6. I don't see what the problem is here, in yesterdays interview Ally stated that he wanted to progress through leagues naturally but reconstruction may happen whether he wants it or not. Your link backs that up, reconstruction is a possibility and could happen. Not much that Rangers can do about it either way.
  7. Used to be quite funny when listening to the phone ins and Boxer and slow talking Lawrie etc used to phone in to discuss financial law regarding Rangers
  8. Poor Rosey, he puts all that time and effort into writing his 'scathing' posts and his intended targets just ignore them. Quite amusing.
  9. WhiteRoseKilmarnocks doing a grand job of not being interested in Rangers.
  10. It would appear that the people who use this board are rather thin skinned then, oh they can dish it out easy enough but if someone dares post in a pro Rangers or truthful fashion they go running to the ever impartial mods with tears running down their cheeks. Don't let the f**kwits get you down.
  11. Do you expect fans on here to have those answers? You are being a bit of a drama queen here, for what it's worth i don't trust Green (yet), in the future i may but right now i'll remain sceptical. Running Rangers i'd say isn't cheap at the best of times and the club does need funding, selling merchandise and tickets is a standard way to raise funds. I won't be buying the strip, far too old and layered for football shirts and to be honest i don't give a F*8k what Green or anyone else says about it and neither should any other fan.
  12. That is the whole point of any team selling shirts, to make money. no one is forcced to buy them, it's that little thing called free will.
  13. Falkirk fans accusing other fans of being mopes, i accuse of them of being hypocrites. http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/teams/s/st_mirren/3166362.stm Controversial St Mirren Football Club mascot Paisley Panda has been given the boot after he pretended to use a rival club's jersey as toilet paper on the pitch. The decision came after 24-year-old sales rep Chris Kelso, who was performing inside the bear suit, was warned about his on-field behaviour by police.And the Buddies' commercial manager, Campbell Kennedy, told his club's website: "Following several complaints from Falkirk fans at yesterday's First Division match at St Mirren Park, the club have accepted the resignation of Chris Kelso, who acted as club mascot Paisley Panda. It was only a bit of banter lads
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