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Everything posted by bennett

  1. You could or you could laugh at the sad bugger who started this popular forum. http://glasgowceltic.org/
  2. You would have saved a lot of effort if you had just posted ------------- Gimme green dots.
  3. Phone his phone in and tell him about it, thats the whole point of his outbursts
  4. Whats with all the spite and hatred? The new tv deal featuring the famous Glasgow Rangers has probably saved most of the SIL (spl) clubs from going down the tubes. Show a little respect folks.
  5. Over the moon Rosey, we have a bank account and yes i'm proud as punch. I assume the ticket office will refund those unfortunate early season tickets buyers as the article states. Well whatever scam you're using to get in for that price, i for one salute your (big word that George Galloway used). Worth every penny to see the bears play again, i'm almost crying with joy here.
  6. I don't believe i ever said that i was resigning from P&B Rosey, that would be kind of naff dontcha think? Lying, cheating and thieving Aye we're a rum lot allright and thats not even scratching the surface of our misdeeds. My vicious swipes at Scottish football? Aw jings mate i'm awfy sorry about that, please accept my sincerest apologies Anyway next time your back in Kilmarnock send me a pm and we'll go for a pint or two in fannys. No hard feelings Bennett
  7. Can the usual crowd please read this link, especially those from Dundee who are fixated on our season tickets. http://www.rangers.co.uk/news/football-news/article/2863072 Love Bennett x x x
  8. If White rose kilmarnock can only pick up on my lack of typing skills (my chubby fingers and small keys) then it's a sad day indeed. P.S Rosey, How did the fat burners work out for you?
  9. Aye i'll nip to the bank and get the money tomorrow, it's a fair cop guv
  10. Jesus Christ I'll keep this brief. Liquidation -- apply to join the 3rd division, plain and simple imo. Punishments for Whytes antics --- I felt the transfer was harsh but we'll deal with it. Fining a club in admin made me laugh tho.. It's not a dual contratc invertigation anymore it's a payments made outwith contract investigation. As to what should happen, We should be awarded £25m in damages for tarnishing our good name. Have a good night now.
  11. The ban lasts for one year so yes it is a year long ban. To say otherwise is foolish.
  12. Messi is flying in tomorrow to sign along with a host of other superstars as we bend the rules to suit ourselves. What the f**k do you think?
  13. Fines and a year long transfer ban, now i know that you wanted the entire squad to face a firing squad and Ibrox to be demolished but it aint gonna happen that way. Accept whats happened, live with it and move on.
  14. Got to agree with my Dundonian amigo here, that bit was far to vague and i'd like for them to expand on it.
  15. Jesus Christ thats what i'd expect white rose kilmarnock to come out with, only with some lowlife insults thrown in. We have already been punished for what happened during Whytes era and as for the EBT's we have been found guilty of nothing yet. The clubs in question each said that they could survive without Rangers, this is not the case as you state they will lose a fortune. Ally got it right the hypocrisy is rank rotten.
  16. Just because you use caps that doesn't make your dense points anymore valid. At no point have i said that Rangers own media rights, they should have went to the SFL not the SPL in some dodgy deal.
  17. For the most Allys saying the same thing that most fans on here are saying about Doncaster and Regan, whats the problem? Aslo this quote sums it up for me ""And having said they don't want us - they do want a bigger share of the TV money that our presence will bring to the SFL and its clubs. Never mind sporting integrity - where is the moral integrity there" Spot on Ally, spot on.
  18. We are not signing anyone on that sort of money We're reducing our wagebill P.S we've signed over the media rights to keep the SIL (spl) clubs afloat, so be happy with that.
  19. Not sure who Sally is but i expected Traynor and co to atleast put the question to Murray.
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