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Everything posted by bennett

  1. Duff and Phelps are rum lot right enough but i'd hardly class them as a club.
  2. Well that would be the sensible thing to do but seeing as it's the sporting integrity league ..............
  3. Is he going to round with baseball bat and beat them up The sporting integrity league are holding things up for one reason and one reason alone, media rights. It seems they needed us afterall.
  4. The SPL don't need Rangers permission to investigate Rangers or to hold a hearing concerning EBT's, the problem is that Rangers are rightly refusing to waive their right of appeal and the sporting integrity league are trying to use it as leverage to get Rangers media rights. Next time get your facts right.
  5. Zak and Butch Dingle stole some pheasants and auld Seth gave chase and fell doon a hole, the villagers got him oot and Amos gave everyone free drinks in the woolpak.
  6. Where the F**k did you get that I wish those helpful buggers at the SFA would hurry up with our license
  7. They have no claim but in the name of sporting integrity they'll try their best to get it. We are an SFL club and the media rights are an SFL matter.
  8. Irish Phil claims he brought him in with promises of the scoop of all times. Imo it was Cosgrove.
  9. Poor wee Alex got ignored there He didn't look very amused which is a shame.
  10. He's a bit of a dick to be fair. Not going to read all that, sorry. If he's wanting rid of Regan, isn't that what most other fans want too?
  11. Aye nice to see a team not afraid to stand up to a bully, well done Alloa.
  12. If there never was a question of keeping Rangers in the SPL then explain the need for the no to newco campaign? Atleast stick to the facts, the SPL chairman originally wanted a hamstrung Rangers kept in the SPL hence the outcry from both us and our friends in the SPL. Cheers for informing of me of the newco thing, a bit of shock that, eh?
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