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Everything posted by bennett

  1. Why bring religion in to this in the 1st place, cretins like you are just as bad as the most bitter old firm fans. Grow up son, sh*t like that belongs in the past.
  2. It took Lieswell a while to realise it but with no Rangers his team would be at the mercy of the gang of 10 11. Our game is on it's knee's right now and if changing the voting structure is whats needed to get a larger more competitive league then so be it. Hopefully if we get new owners they'll see the bigger picture.
  3. That deserves a green dot but i used them all Like
  4. Without knowing the ins and outs of the contract thats just assumption. No one's going to give up £24m without a good fight though.
  5. You have the hard way, the easy way and Rangers way. Paul Murray is not related to David Murray. The players imo are correct.
  6. Individual tickets can be put on the smart cards so need for 50'000 match tickets.
  7. The record may have twisted what was said, i wouldn't put it past them.
  8. Whether we should have paid again for the game is matter of opinion, mine differs from yours. What am i, public enemy number 1? (highlighted bit) I'm not so sure about the Record making it up, Thomsons never been shy about having a dig in the past but i'll agree to differ. I was never convinced that Goodwillie would have been a good signing for us, we needed someone to hit the ground running and i reckon it would have taken him a while to settle in )like Naisy did). Did i read somehwere that Blackburn haven't paid up for him yet?
  9. Like what exectly? Just like any other team we have decent guys and some not so decent in our support. I assume every single St Mirren fan is a gen up guy? We have a bigger support so we will have more dlcks in our support obviously. Our fans filling up SFL grounds every fortnight would give those teams a much needed boost, if you think thats a superiority complex then thats up to you, your minds made up about it. I disagree with you but thats life my friend. Oooh another stereotype, great stuff
  10. It was wrong to charge us twice, end off. Postponed or abandoned who gives really gives a f**k, it was wrong. AFAIK? No idea what that means. I'm sure that the record had quotes about El Baldylocks wanting to ban us --- i stand to be corrected. Yes it was wrong for Whyte not to pay your team but remember that he's f**ked us over for millions and maybe finished us off in the process. Gers fans won't boycott, we'll talk about it online but when push coems to shove it won't happen.
  11. You think that by wanting a new Rangers to be in the 3rd division rather than the top flight is a superiority complex then you my friend are off your head. I must have missed the part where Rangers were found guilty of anything. If we are found to have done anything wrong then i'd have no problems what so ever with us being punished The super/atlantic leagues were pie in the sky, i've never wanted us to move to England or any of that rubbish, we are a Scottish club in my eyes. You seem to have a lot of daft stereotypes concerning Rangers fans, i suggest you take the time out and actually talk to some of us.
  12. I'm quite partial to some twinings green tea but thats another story. The Dundee United thing has been brewing for a few years now and is due to Gers fans ebing charged twice for a game which was postponed while the United fans got in for free with their season tickets, then a few weeks ago that lovely wee baldy bloke spoke about banning gers fans from Tannadice. Rangers fans are always talking about boycotting there, it never happens and never will. A bit of a moot point anyway.
  13. Explain what exactly? Your attitude stinks, you've ranted on about how me much you hate Rangers/my kind (whatever my kind maybe?), as i said fair enough thats up to you. Now i'm trying to watch Emmerdale farm so please and with the utmost respect do one.
  14. When we go under then that will mean no relegation from the SPL while one teams goes up leaving a spare space in the SFL, obviously as you say that will go to a vote which i reckon would go in our favour. A newco Rangers should not be in the SPL, that is wrong imo and the SFL will be our best option to rebuild. Now i've no idea and don't really care why you hate us so much but boycotting teams seems a bit drastic and OTT to me.
  15. According to Charles he would, the rules would be the same. Making it up as they go along as per .........
  16. You don't want us then fair enough thats up to you but your attitude leaves a lot to be desired.
  17. I'd still pay the same price for my season ticket as would thousands of other bears, our wage bill would be reduced for the lower leagues so i rekon we'd survive Most fans see the 3rd division as being preferable to being hamstrung in the top league as we will need time to rebuild. If numbers at Ibrox fell dramaticly we could shut a stand or some of the top tiers but i don't think they'll drop that much. Just guess work on my part along with the musings of other bears. The Dunfermline situation does seem a bit strange to me too.
  18. Doncasters finally remembered that Rangers are needed for a tv deal, too late for me. I don't see how he can stop a newco Rangers from joining the SFL as they would no longer be SPL members. 3rd division, start again, rebuild, f**k Doncaster and give the lower league teams a much needed boost.
  19. If thats true then as you say it's disgusting, i assume you have proof of this as there's thousands of diffenrent stories doing the rounds just now.
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