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Everything posted by ArabianKnight

  1. that's close season now, no football till the euro's :-( hopefully Rangers impendin demise will keep us entertained in the meantime!
  2. www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/18049325 Its agreed then, news conference at murray park 10 o clock. time to start handing out the blenders, its liquidation time!
  3. What i'm wondering now is how much do the SPL as a company lose if Rangers (hopefully) die? i.e. not the member clubs but the actual company itself?
  4. Ah that was today's paper. didn't realise never look at that rag! hopefully they get done for what appears to be a bit of incitement to violence.
  5. Hahaha. that's made my night. heavy fine, criminal proceedings against the daily Rangers for incitement possibly?
  6. If that seriously gets ran they'll be in the shit. hopefully that's the early edition. if it does get run then could be Rangers and their daily propaganda rag both down the tubes!
  7. If that seriously gets ran they'll be in the shit. hopefully that's the early edition. if it does get run then could be Rangers and their daily propaganda rag both down the tubes!
  8. Interesting that craig white is banned from owning a scottish football club but doers that extend to owning the company that owns the club concerned?
  9. Just noticed on the latest Bbc piece about the blue knights putting another bid in tomorrow that although Rangers missed the deadline for accounts to be eligible for europe, they still applied?
  10. If they die may 14th i'll be a happy man. my birthday celebrations would be rather wild!
  11. Nuclear warheads have a unique selling point, doesn't mean we shouldn't get rid though.
  12. Is it really that hard and complicated for Rangers fans to understand, you are due a shit load of money to people and do not have the means to pay it back. doesn't matter who got you in the mess you simply can't afford the cash to hire a JCB to get out of it.
  13. Not got tom english. think there will be more than just a few meltdowns this week!
  14. GrahamSpiers To those Celtic fans who are near-suicidal at idea of HMRC 'cutting a deal' with RFC: it's no media figment. Duff + Phelps strongly hinting. Graham Spiers hopefully talking out his Arse. why would they cut a deal, it would just mean any other club with tax liabilities or debt similar to Rangers getting away with a pennies in pound deal.
  15. Wouldn't be expecting much from this new head of goverence, just a case of jobs for the boys there. considering he worked for australia bank who own Clydesdale i'm not holding out hope for him doing anything worthwhile.
  16. Depends what the judicial panel decide. we all know what the likely outcome is and what we all would like to happen, just shocking that these two situations are miles apart.
  17. Iirc united's debt now stands at 4million with 1 million of that being an overdraft facility with the bank. our debt has been reduced with the sale of goodie and looks very likely to be reduced again with the sales of gms and russell on the horizon.
  18. This news is like celebrating you get away with only 90% burns after being napalmed, still got 10% lads i'll be fine!
  19. I'm wondering how many times i'll be cringing throughout this we need Rangers love fest, sorry debate*
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