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Posts posted by Replays

  1. Am I the only one who finds wraiths an absolute pain in the arse to kill when they attack you in groups?

    I'm only just starting to get into this, so I'm likely just pretty poor at this game, but I spent a good rage-inducing hour or so last night trying to beat all the Wraiths in the 'Family Matters' quest.

  2. Very decent player for us but had a terrible time of late with injury. Had back surgery and out for some time. Hasn`t looked the same player since in my view- albeit this is based on a couple of fleeting appearances.

    Cracking dead ball delivery and was our regular right back before injury. He hasn't managed to force himself back into the team but the defence had been solid enough in his absence . Hope he does well as Chris has been a good player for us and been unlucky .

    Cheers guys. All the best on Sunday and for next season. My brother was at the game on Saturday, our mum's from Thornhill so we always like to see Queen's doing well.

  3. David Smith is now sitting near me in Cumbernauld McDonald's. #baller

    The only reason I can recognise him is because I went to school with him, and my school only had 400 odd people in it but, at least you can't blame his fantastic diet for him being pish.

    Disclaimer: I'm an unhealthy dick which is my reasoning for two fast food meals.

  4. Thanks for sharing. The point about constantly wanting reassurance resonates strongly with me. It's incredible that we're expected to battle against our own brains, an organ that is usually trusted with helping us live our lives.

    If you have a course advisor, I think you should open up (when you're comfortable of course), especially as it could affect your grades. Plus, you could always ask for help, especially with regards to work experience or extra tips and advice. Plus, there are usually counselling services on campus, so please make use of them. Learning a different kind of coping mechanism could do wonders.

    Best regards (apologies if I'm talking shite, slightly steamboats!)

    Well done guys for sharing.

    Scott I was doing primary teaching degree, before I had a diagnoses. Talk to the course director as there may well be support services on campus.

    I've had a rough week but getting there now :)

    Thanks a lot for the replies, it's seriously appreciated. I think I'll definitely take your advice on board about talking to my course advisor, it can't do any harm and at the moment, I'm willing to try anything to help me feel like myself again. I've been okay recently but I can't help but get the feeling I'll have a shocker soon, it seems to come and go.

    Difficult night coming up tomorrow. My girlfriend's studying dentistry and they're running a field day up to Dundee which tends to consist of them all getting absolutely leathered, returning to Glasgow at God knows what hour. Normally I wouldn't mind this at all but at the moment, my mind has just been worrying about something regarding it and I can't figure out specifically what it is whatsoever. I've no reason to distrust her so I'm certain it's nothing to do with that side of things, I think it's more that I find it a little bit disheartening when I see her settle into university with ease and be able to gel with her new group of friends as if she's known them for her entire life when I know that I'm struggling. I know that's an incredibly selfish viewpoint to take and, as I said, I'm not the sort of guy who would normally get bothered by things like this in the slightest but, I suppose the easiest way to put it is I feel as though I'm getting left further and further behind. However, trying to think of it logically, she's done a lot for me and if anybody deserves a night out it's her. I'm sure she'll be absolutely fine and it's important to me that she has her own life outside of our relationship.

    My best mate's also moved up to Perth for university so not being able to see him often anymore has been difficult although, I suppose that's just a part of life. He's a cracking guy so hopefully he'll be down, or I'll be up, to pay a wee visit soon.

    I'm absolutely shattered, hence why that was likely incoherent pish for the most part but, Rowan, I'm glad to hear your week is looking up now. Raider, you've been one of the people who's inspired me most on this thread so my thoughts are most certainly with you at this time. All the best buddy, I'm sincerely hoping some good news comes your way soon.

    I'm also always up for a blether if anyone wants to drop a PM. I may not have much advice to give but I'll do whatever I can. We're in this together!

  5. I've never posted on this thread before but would like to say a huge well done and thank you to all of you who have posted your experiences on here. You've all helped me realise that there are others out there who have felt the same and to open up about my problems.

    I'd been suffering depression for about six-months for, what I think were, a few reasons. I was prescribed Roaccutane for persistent acne and I can honestly say that the side effects of it hit me like a ton of bricks- one of which was depression. Around that time, I was also going through a few personal problems which certainly didn't make things any easier. Some days I'd wake up and feel okay and then other days I'd come off the back of a long sleep but still feel exhausted and miserable throughout the day. The mood swings were also horrible and sometimes I'd find myself feeling sick to my stomach and worrying about things that previously would never even have crossed my mind. I lost interest in doing a lot of the things that made me happy and began just to shut myself off from those around me. I've always been an introvert but I didn't even want to interact with my family or my girlfriend and, it's only now that I can look back and realise how that must have hurt all of them, as well as myself. I was a totally different guy from the one that I was used to being.

    I suppose the reason that I was always scared of telling someone how I felt was because I was embarrassed. I'm 18 years old, I live at home and have always managed to enjoy, just about, a comfortable enough lifestyle. What have I got to complain about? I didn't want the pity of others and I didn't want to feel like other people were dealing with my problems for me. With hindsight, this was incredibly short sighted as I ended up pushing away the people who wanted to help me most which really didn't help matters.

    The turning point for me came when I woke up one day having dreamt about killing myself the night before. Never before in my life had I even thought about anything like that (I'm one of those wee p****s who doesn't smoke and avoid the drink because I'm cautious about my health) so, that came as one hell of a shock to me. It was around that point that I started paying attention to this thread and I am extremely grateful to you all for sharing your experiences here. Despite not posting, it made me feel that people will listen and that people do care and I'm not 100% sure where I would be without it.

    Recently, I managed to speak to my mum and my girlfriend about how I was feeling. This was difficult for me because I've never been great for showing how I really feel but, I can honestly say that talking to someone about it was the best thing I could have done. Just being able to get how I felt off of my chest was a massive help and I have been amazed at just how supportive they have both been- I owe them a heck of a lot because it must have been horrible for them to go through as well.

    I still occasionally suffer from the odd niggle here and there, I've started university and I'll admit that I'm struggling a lot to deal with the change. It's not even so much the coursework that's bothering me but I'm just not sure if the area that I'm studying (Primary Education) is what I want to do with my life, particularly as I know that there aren't a huge number of males who are primary school teachers. I'm always trying to remain optimistic and there are times where I really enjoy it but I just feel in need of reassurance from someone who's been there and done it. Last week I just couldn't cope with it and, for three days straight, I came in and started crying in my room for no particular reason. I'll admit, it sounds pathetic saying it, and I am quite embarrassed by the whole episode but I can say that I didn't feel in control of how I felt again which does make me worry that I'll slip back into depression again. I always feel like I'm walking a tightrope between being okay and between feeling dreadful but I'm regaining the ability to search the for the positives in stations again which is helping me feel better. I am determined to try and not let my bad days affect others and to her immense credit, my girlfriend has been nothing but patient and supportive. I'm extremely grateful that I have her because she is one of the very best people that I've ever known.

    I'm now off of the roaccutane and I think that I'm experiencing far fewer bad days than I was. I suppose I have been lucky, I was always certain that my depression was, at least partly, caused by my medication and I suppose the fact that I knew I would eventually come off it was a light at the end of the tunnel (although, my body readjusting to normal has been absolutely hellish). I know that my problems have been nothing compared to those suffered by others here but I always try to remind myself that depression is an illness and therefore, not one of us should feeling guilty for feeling that way. I can only say that whilst it may not be for everyone, talking to the people who knew me best certainly helped me. I wish all of you all the very, very best and remind every single one of you that if you're looking for justification as to why you matter, just think about how much your posts have helped me and no doubt many others on here.

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