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Brashy's Boots

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Everything posted by Brashy's Boots

  1. They're hardly prolific then are they? Hardly Vikings. Fannies.
  2. In other news, I was pretty pleased with last night's performance. For an hour or so anyway. As mentioned previously, Toshney/Benedictus looked good and I thought McCord was superb, if unfit. He can play with both feet too and deliver great passes. Always liked him - glad he's here. Craigen too, impressed, esp in 2nd half when he waltzed through 3 Hearts players and was unlucky not to get a shot away at the last moment. Not sure about Hearts 10 man substitution though. Apart from the ever impressive Walker (lovely goal) they looked like a circus troop. Oh, and Cuthbert OOT!
  3. There was definitely a squad / posse / troop / battalion / ninja collective of Hearts supporters milling in William St around 730pm. They went towards the ground half singing Hearts songs with not entirely convincing bravado. Oldest looked about 14, were all nice and smart and they all had that "cheap at the barbers" haircut. Also had a senior boy / master / glasshoppa type looking after / training / grooming them. Has he not got better things to do? Fannies. Heard a Hearts guy on phone to his wife / burd / partner / minder / counsellor after the match saying that wee boys had been getting into a rumpus and no-one knew which side they were as none were wearing colours. If they're locals, do they just wait for Hearts games? Highly selective if so.
  4. I like it too, apart from what look like buttons at neck. Not unlike the pinstriped Spall strip of Colin Harris, keith Wright, Paul Sweeney, Stevie Simpson etc.
  5. Surprised at Cuthbert. Surprised how rotten he was when he came back and surprised he's staying. Slightly disappointed to lose big Dougie. His tour de force performance in the Ramsden's final will never be forgotten. What a soldier.
  6. McCord is a good player. I've thought he would fit in here for a few seasons so I'm pleased enough. He is a bit slow though, and always seems to just make the pass in time; a bawhair from losing possession. Depends on the role McKinnon has in mind for him.
  7. Where's all the Cardle stuff coming from? Simply because he's been released or does anyone have anything more substantive to go on? TV Cardle we used to call him...
  8. Bit of a difference between getting an early discount and getting the whole cost refunded. Like a couple hundred quid difference.
  9. I'd be happy for Thomson NOT to be captain and, perhaps controversially, happy enough if he left. His marauding attacks are too few, he's slow to get back, slow to turn and generally, well, slow. Caught in posession and out of position too often in my opinion. Not sure right back is a great place for a captain to be anyway. Prefer midfield, where he can reach all the players. Our midfield might be a bit young for that, depending on signings still to be made, so at a push I'd go for central defence. Just not Thomson.
  10. At risk of repeating the point that's been made a couple of times already, let's just say it was you in this position. You've applied for two very similar jobs with similar companies, although one pays more than the other, and get interviews for both. One comes back quickly and says we'll offer you £40k per annum. You know the other will probably offer more, maybe £50k or more, and you know they're going to let you know in a few days, so what you gonna do? Jump at the first offer? No. You'll wait and see if there's another offer and what the offer is. You've got bills to pay, family to support etc. It's a job. He's not considering coming here because he loves the Rovers.
  11. I agree - the potential problem with it being public is that if he gets an offer from and goes to Paisley, whomever we turn to will know they're second choice, and unless that's been well managed, that could be a bit pish. I have faith in the Board though. I think / hope it will have been dealt with sensitively.
  12. ^^^ this Applied for two things, one likely better paid, get an offer from the other one, of course you'd want to wait to see what happens. Only a madman would jump at first offer. Not mucking about.
  13. Given that IIRC no-one here mentioned Cleland or Naysmith before the Herald report I wonder how many other surprises were on the list. Lennon post match didn't look or sound like a man who was on the verge of jumping Alloa's ship.
  14. Definitely getting a new home strip - no idea what colour. Definitely keeping McCrae's strip for another season. Was discussed at the AGM couple of months back.
  15. I agree with Graeme. The Witch Trial was a key element in Murray's demise, but not the sole reason. Dodgy team selections, inept tactics (with a few rare exceptions), woeful use of substitutes, little rapport with the fans etc, repeat to fade. Ding Dong, the Witch is back!
  16. Don't think it will be too long, and most players are contracted to end of May. So long as we're sorted by then we'll be fine.
  17. Yep, you certainly are on your own. The keeper that didn't train with the squad who is arguably our best current player and one of our best ever? Seems to have been working just a treat.
  18. Jings - looking at the photo of Kirkwood in that article, has he eaten all the opposition up there? Btw, I have it on fairly good authority that McGurngate was indeed a key element in Murray's dismissal.
  19. I wouldn't lie to get in cheap. I'd actually choose not to go, and have done, for many seasons now.
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