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Lyle Lanley

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Everything posted by Lyle Lanley

  1. We're looking into a possible swap with Wigan for Henderson. Hopefully James McLean for the bantz.
  2. ‘The Evening News understands there are no immediate plans to add in the other areas of the park with Johnson keen to use youth players to supplement his squad.’ So our plan is to have 2 young lads and Hanlon as our centre-backs for the rest of the season.
  3. The reaction at the end last night for Sami, showed why he should getting a title match.
  4. Will Fish should be signed on a permanent deal. Remarkable player who will go on to big things.
  5. Just in from a night out and managed to catch the ending of the men’s rumble. Gonna regret watching the rest of this show while pissed.
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