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Lyle Lanley

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Everything posted by Lyle Lanley

  1. ‘Aussie Zambernardi’ See Porteous was having a go at Melkersen again tonight. If the rumours of Ryan being offered a new deal worth £8K a week are true and he’s not signed it yet then he should just leave now.
  2. Lose the first 2 league games and Johnson will some of the support. We’ve still got the vast majority of shite from last season’s squad still here. Porteous for one if he doesn’t want to sign a new contract, can leave tomorrow as far as I’m concerned.
  3. We really are fucking shite. Most of this squad need to go.
  4. We will let Morton score I’m sure.
  5. Scotrail caught lying once again about the alcohol ban.
  6. We should be at least putting 3 goals past them.
  7. That’s Marijan Čabraja signed. Was hoping the news was the entire midfield from last night being released.
  8. That midfield and Rocky can leave the club tomorrow.
  9. If that midfield three and Rocky start our first few league games. We will once again be in bother.
  10. Josh Campbell is the worst midfielder I’ve seen play for us in a long time.
  11. You are not allowed to criticise him mate. Rip up his contract and let him go.
  12. Hopefully we put 5 past these diddy’s tonight.
  13. That episode. Great stuff. Need to watch that again.
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