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Lyle Lanley

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Everything posted by Lyle Lanley

  1. Feel sorry for the 500 fans selected to watch this.
  2. Scots can celebrate Christmas but should be "cautious" to keep the Omicron variant at bay, National Clinical Director Jason Leitch said. Prof Leitch said it was "impossible" to cancel Christmas and people were free to gather to celebrate with loved ones. "How you do that is up to you, but we're asking you to be as careful and as cautious as you can be," he said. Prof Leitch said he had faith that Scots knew how to keep safe and would not "throw caution to the wind". https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-59781360 Why don’t you just f**k off Jason for one day you p***k.
  3. Have we reached the stage where SNP politicians will not let you criticise them at all.
  4. Someone started this thread on Reddit asking why that sub will criticise anyone who disagrees with Sturgeon and the SNP. Some good replies but of course you’ll have people defending her and the party. Even at the news of clubs having to close for 3 weeks. You have people defending this farce.
  5. I have never seen this much backlash against the SNP in my lifetime and it will get even worse if England is unlikely to have any restrictions. They absolutely deserve it. f**k them.
  6. Stephen’s tweets are being absolutely criticised by everyone it seems.
  7. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/uk-scotland-59768968 FM Questions.
  8. FM says changes will be made if and when the public health advice states the benefits outweigh the risks.
  9. Aberdeen fans in full anti snp chants tonight. Pleasing.
  10. How many you sold so far? Hibs are encourging fans to get along tonight too.
  11. Swinney can get to f**k the bald specky twat. That’s even made me more angry than yesterday. f**k off Jason you absolute c**t.
  12. Anyone else still pissed off about yesterday?
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