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Lyle Lanley

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Everything posted by Lyle Lanley

  1. Turned back at Inverness and heading down the road just now. Those on the train will have just have a day out up there.
  2. Can’t wait for the SG to announce this in the coming weeks.
  3. ‘The vaccine is our best way out of coronavirus’ Majority of the population have been double jabbed.
  4. Looking forward just for the day out tomorrow. Would like to see Gullan start too and drop Nisbet but that won't happen.
  5. James Scott been told to get fit by Jack Ross. Waste of a signing and will be away back to Hull in Januray.
  6. That peevemoor is a complete and utter gimp. Argumentative wee fanny whos either incredibly thick or a decent troll. Either way he gets away with ruining numerous threads on there with his pish cause hes mates with the admins. There's a few posters on there who won't let anyone have go at the club.
  7. https://www.hibs.net/showthread.php?354562-Gutless-spineless-and-embarrassing Even on .net tonight there's still some people defending Hibs due to the 2nd half performance. These morons would defend Hibs if we were relegated 3 years in a row.
  8. If we get offered money for Nisbet in January. We should accept.
  9. f**k off Hibs and Jack Ross can f**k off too.
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