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Leith Green

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Leith Green last won the day on March 12

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    Hasta la Leith Victoria Sempre
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  1. A seagull jobby just missed me by 18 inches. More importantly it missed my can of beer by 2 feet.
  2. I think that was the plan......no sure he will get quite the same cash over there tho.
  3. Does the Oz manager not have a tv or something? Both have been utter dugmeat for weeks
  4. I assumed he meant "in acid". Fool me once................
  5. Andrew Kerr on R4 just now, it was basically a unionist rant about how shockingly bad the SNP were and that everything to do with the impending cuts was entirely their fault. The BBC is just a tool of the Westminster govt, whichever colour they may be.
  6. Totally forgot this was on Sunday and chose that day to move our son into his new flat in Glasgow
  7. As evidenced by their love of chocolate that tastes like cheese* *no offence @Cheese
  8. You are right, I was getting too ranty about Reeves
  9. She is a total liar. What f**ks me off is news outlets like STV posting this without comment. Only a f**king moron doesnt understand that the Scottish Govt CANT overspend. It CANT borrow, and only has very minor tax raising powers. I just can't believe that she wasn't challenged on this.
  10. Yep. Its basically free money as long as you can manage it, remember to pay it off when required etc.
  11. He probably thinks wimmin have alt right fanny holes tbh
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