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Lyle Lanley

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Everything posted by Lyle Lanley

  1. Why would that be with all travel restrictions lifted. Hibs talking pish if they have actually said that. Calm down about next season it's months away. NS has literally 20m ago said we are likely to go to near enough normal (below level zero) by July. I'd be pretty certain that timescale will see pretty close to normal crowds by August. Same here.
  2. Where are you seeing this? A few people have asked the club and said that.
  3. Hibs not expecting any away fans at all at Easter Road next season. Which may mean no away fans at all for any clubs.
  4. No chance that will happen as if the majority would ignore that.
  5. Back to local areas being in different tiers if cases get worse. Thought we were all moving down to each level together?
  6. Going by this. I don’t expect majority of crowds back in Stadium by the start of next season at least.
  7. Those few thousand will have sit through 90mins of a 0-0 draw tbf. What do we think they will announce later today?
  8. We'll give you £200k with Hallberg and Wright going to Motherwell. Dea?
  9. Grounds should have the majority of fans back in stadium at least by the end of summer.
  10. Hibs will be doing a ballot per game for those that renew/buy season tickets for home games next season. So you could go to watch Hibs play Livingston at home but miss out the next home game against Hearts for example.
  11. Think clubs won’t be open when we reach level 0 by end of June.
  12. ‘Everyone visiting a hospitality setting must remain at least 1 metre apart from the next person, unless from the same household or a carer.’ That is probably the worst rule yet of these new restrictions. But you can sit in a church with 50 people or walk around a shop without any issues Would not be surprised if any venues ignore that shocking rule. The SG couldn’t give a toss about the hospitality industry.
  13. Congrats to PSG on their 1st champions league.
  14. My barbers aren't even taking bookings and are doing walk ins.
  15. Bring on these North Lanarkshire diddy’s.
  16. Starting to think Nisbet won’t be at the Euro’s this summer now.
  17. Those fans could have been in the ground instead of standing outside surely
  18. The state of our squad during the 5-3 game. Horrific.
  19. The park near my house has signs on every lamp post telling everyone to remember the facts and keep 2 metres a part at all times.
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