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Sao Paulo

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Everything posted by Sao Paulo

  1. Fiver on it each way. Get it on when I go by the bookies on the way down to Broadwood tonight.
  2. FWIW; Those two that weren't placed in my weekend EW treble both finished fourth and only by a couple of heads length I understand! (RVW & Flipando). Not as far as I'd though initially from fifty odd quid back. Sovereign remedy finished second today at Kempton. Also a close one. Luck has got to be in soon surely.
  3. Sovereign Remedy. 3:30 Kempton. Post forecast 6/1. Something on it. Couple of quid probably. Depends on SP. (To win).
  4. Gan Amhras salvages me £9.50. Operational deficit for today; (£4.50) Disappointed with those results on that treble. Horse pulled out of 2:30 meaning I couldn't get Each Way but Bronze Cannon won in any case. Flipando had been widely tipped and even more so Rip Van Winkle, neither of which were placed. Typical. Misery compounded by our relegation!
  5. Out the window with that already then. Hopes pinned on Gan Amrhas.
  6. EW on Gan Amrhas too. Looks promising. Say £3.
  7. Odds narrowing quickly on Gan Amrahs.
  8. £5. Each Way Treble. Newmarket. 2:00; Flipando. 2:30; Bronze Cannon. 3:10; Rip Van Winkle.
  9. An awful lot of long odds stuff being made in this neck of woods. I understand of course. Full cover stuff is more fun. Very rarely stick on anything more than a double myself mind. By and large just singles; mainly each ways on favourites. Small stake, small profit. E.g. Took £5 from Cannon Fire (EW) in the 2:30 at Southwell this afternoon. Little & often you know? Saying that, reading through this thread has definitely put me in the mood for something unlikely at the weekend. Reckon I'll go for a trixie of some description at Doncaster. Had a Yankee return a few quid there a while back.
  10. Sorry about that the night boys. Can't make anyone believe me but I really don't enjoy being like that. Off the field bothers perhaps clouding my head. I'll see if I can get a prozac prescription or something during the week.
  11. This on tomorrow? I'll be in but my phone is gubbed at present.
  12. Being the only one back I'll set the ball rolling once more. Kevin booked the pitch for 9:30. I'm in and I see David has made himself available as well. We might need some more bodies this week so if anyone can get them that'll help of course. In thus far; Sao Paulo David W Kaz Out; GeeJay
  13. Sao Paulo, David W, Fraser, Sir Kevin, Shakehands Tom, Ryan & Clinton (Kevin's mate). Pencilled in. Pending; GeeJay. If he's in we only need two more and I'm sure myself or Kevin could muster a couple more bodies.
  14. Giving this thread a bump in order to establish what interest we have in playing tomorrow night. Dave Booth & Tait are out. Likewise Kaz. I'm up for a game myself certainly and I may be able to get another couple of bodies if we're struggling. What's the verdict?
  15. I'll set the ball rolling by declaring that I am in for tomorrow. Half nine aye?
  16. Sorry about the radio silence. Contrary to speculation my phone is not fucked as Kevin so eloquently put it. It has simply been switched off. Frankly I've grown to detest the reality that people can reach me wherever I am when it is on and so took action to disable the facility temporarily. Needed peace. In for tonight.
  17. You're congratulating Kevin but I brought these players to Townhead.
  18. What's the Hampden roar gents? If we're going ahead I'm in. At present there are some four inches of snow lying in Cumbernauld and I would anticipate another couple before it subsides too. Still coming down in sheets but hopefully we won't have another postponement. Surely to god they'll dig any snow away by 9:30 tomorrow?
  19. The Proclaimers - Throw The 'R' Away.
  20. In. I could very possibly organise a spare or two if that's necessary?
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