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Sao Paulo

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Everything posted by Sao Paulo

  1. Aye. The Llama phenomenon I've dubbed it. Happens when you've done cock all for a long while then all of a sudden dive back into some decent aerobic exercise. I reckon I spat every ten seconds or so on average at the Glasgow area fives last Monday actually. I don't know if any of the others players took note but there were times when I actually spat whilst running with the ball and even tackling another player. It was actually at the stage where I had to be careful where I was putting my spittle. Very close to shining a few folks shoes. I don't really know why it happens to be honest? I'd certainly be interested to read a factual explanation.
  2. Welcome To My World - Jim Reeves. Inspired by Thomson advert.
  3. I'm a compulsive swearer. My every second word is a profanity and my catchphrase, I'm told, is "gonae geez' peace". I have absolutely no livelihood out with watching and playing football. I would genuinely rather bathe in a pool of my own pish than do anything productive with my life; the eight weeks between my leaving school and doing what I do now were, I swear, the best of my life. I done absolutely nothing. Waking in the afternoons, going to sleep in the wee hours. I'm a plumber. (Que responce; 'That would explain your third point' ) I don't think I would come across anything like I do on here in reality.
  4. Fitness, or a lack thereof, made it an open game tonight. Four on four is always an uphill struggle, loads of room to be exploited. Hopefully we'll get the full compliment of ten next week.
  5. I can only apologise for my lethargy tonight lads. Fucking murder. Had to sprint it from Queen Street because the 20:43 from Croy... wasn't! Hold my hand up alone to three of the goals we conceded. Blowing out of my arse from minute one. (Insert further generic and weak excuses) Promise an improvement next week. In if needed.
  6. Stunned to see Crosshill mentioned? Been there umpteen times and I think it's a particularly nice area actually. Mount Florida, Queen's & King's Park likewise. Old build tenements give it a bit of charm I think. Not to mention it's vicinity to Hampden, the hub of Scottish football. Good pubs, good amenities, people seem decent? As for Cumbernauld. Aye it's a fucking wretched place. Concrete jungle. Typical new town. Except with a botched finish. I don't know why anyone would expressly want to live here?
  7. Speaking as someone who works in and around South Lanarkshire regularly I would have to concur with the comments made about the above places. Glespin, Strathaven, Lesmahagow, Law, Douglas, Rigside, Coalburn, Stonehouse; all of these places have struck me as being quite outlandish. Not for a minute, by the way, am I saying that everyone who lives in the areas mentioned is a nutter, but I've met a few. That whole corner of South Lanarkshire is a bit different for one reason or the other? Funnily enough, having seen Cumnock and villages in Ayrshire mentioned, you're not too far from there with the above locations. Heading in that direction (exempting Forth). *I've heard some stories about the place that would frighten the weans. Putting it mildly. In my expierience it's eerie and quite unwelcoming in its' looks but I've never witnessed anything of the magnitude, shall we say, of the stuff I've heard from colleagues or friends. There's an array of suburbs you could mention within walking distance of the city centre that don't present a welcoming look. Although I think the difference between these places and the really estranged spots would be that if you fell down and hurt yourself whilst walking in their streets you would probably be offered a help up whereas you might find yourself mugged or the likes elsewhere.
  8. I'm in if you're looking for a player.
  9. I'll take a game whenever. Just PM me.
  10. Aye, I think I could have went all night without scoring to be honest mate. My post count/average says it all about my fitness; bit embarrassing, struggling with a stitch after about ten minutes. Need to suffer to get it back mind! That's why I'm looking for games. Howler to let GH's strike through the legs too! My apologies about that! If you're ever looking for a player in the future I'll always be available, just PM me or whatever. Cheers again for the game. SP.
  11. Started playing Sunday league again, looking to shift a few pounds. Gain a bit of fitness and what have you, played at power league afore' convenient for me, if you're looking for a spare by all means PM me.
  12. If you're trying to make a point of Serbia having three of the best Tennis players in the world at the moment then you've missed something out. All three of Serbia's big stars, Ivanovic, Jankovic & Djokovic (Like Murray) had to go abroad to have any chance of making it as a professional tennis player. Djokovic went to Germany, Ivanovic to Spain and Jankovic to the USA IIRC. They were spotted at a young age, by a major feat of fortune, and hadn't they been I think it highly likely that they would be doing something else with their lives just now. Murray wasn't actually scouted or identified, instead conjured up a lot of his own or his family's devoted cash, whatever, to go and learn in Spain because he knew he had no chance of making it if he remained here. It's not everybody that's in a position to come by a cash lump sum and hop over to the continent in a bid to make it pro. These are some pretty fortunate people we're talking about here. Scottish tennis facilities (which are available to the general public) are awful. There can be no denying this. Murray's comments about 'attitudes' in this county toward tennis are regarding the exclusivity of the sport. It's always been the property of the middle classes in the UK. Now I don't like all this class generalisation stuff but it is the reality. There are a particular band or subdivision of society which establish these lawn tennis clubs and own the good facilities and what have you. Your everyday punter (generally) will find it difficult to get access to quality facilities. It's somewhat easier to get a hold of good footballing facilities these days. The introduction of astroturf surfaces etc. has helped; there's been an all round more considerable investment in the sport. If we want more tennis players of Murray's calibre we're going to have to open up the sport to everyone and pump money into facilities. No two ways about it.
  13. The match as a whole mayn't have rivalled it but there were rallies easily on a par with what Federer & Nadal came up with at Wimbledon earlier this year. Murray was a cert. to win this one - it was just coming to a head! The law of averages almost seemed applicable! He had to beat him sometime and he had came so close last year in the last 16 of the Australian open and then arguably even closer in the Rogers' minor, Montreal, prior to the US Open major itself. Murray beat Nadal at his own game, big time. He's been trying it for a while now but he's ground it out at last. Attacked the ball on the bounce early, didn't hit anything short, murdered Nadal when he dropped anything short himself. Pound for pound Murray matched him in the strokes. Just sublime altogether. First serve was excellent, prayed on Nadal's second and done brilliantly with the returns on his first. Sumptuous tennis, really top drawer.
  14. Mhmm... Aye, but the gulf isn't massive. I would say that the real edge Murray possesses is a mental one. He's a lot more head strong these days, no tantrums, no losing the plot. Mental stamina, you might even call him gritty. The slight advantage in terms of expierience Murray has counts considerably as well. He's capable of that bit extra as a player too, he can come up with the sublime shots; unbelievable gets, passes et al. Just that extra knack for it all. Flair, whatever you want to term it. Murray's a better player at this point in time, no doubt. Del Potro's been on a great run though and you can't discount form like his. It's very much who's what on the day.
  15. Big Del Potro is a pragmatist. Massive serve, massive hitter all round. All the power he wants really. Not your everyday opponent at 6ft 6"-7" or whatever he is either. If Murray's strokes are even a touch short Del P will hammer the return, come to the net and from there the guy's virtually unplayable. Despite his obvious threat I still reckon young Andy will have him - he's fried bigger fish before. He had little fuss dismissing Ivo Karlovic on two previous occasions who's bordering on 7ft. in height and has even more racquet power at his beckoning. Not to mention one of the best first services in the game. Looks a good one on paper. I just hope Andy's prepared to defend the way he's done against the likes of Djokovic and Nadal in the past. If Potro's on form then he'll need to be patient.
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