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Posts posted by magee84

  1. I read in an article in The Mirror that all 24,000 Liverpool fans that afternoon had to pass through just 23 turnstiles.

    Liverpool and Forest were given those ends as entering and exiting the area to go back to Nottingham and Liverpool was geographically easier, this also meant Forest getting 4000 extra tickets. Which club do you think has the larger following?

    Also when the roof was put on the Kop end of Hillsborough new and extra turnstiles were installed giving them 60 modern turnstiles compared to less than half that amount for the liverpool fans, and those turnstiles were ancient and were prone to jamming.

    Just the start of a catalouge of failures, the planning.

  2. There was another boy on saying he got a last minute ticket for the seating area so sold his lepping lane ticket to a guy outside the ground

    I'd find it hard to live with that

    Yeah heard that one too.

    I think apart from the fucknuggets and trolls the people on this thread, and moreso the ones my age and older realise that could have been any of us who attended football matches supporting our team. That disaster could have potentially happened at several grounds all over the UK including in Scotland.

    Id stood in a packed fenced in terrace in the old jungle at CP and there were lots of areas like that all over the UK.

    That it happened when and where and to whom is a tragedy of fate. RIP the 96

  3. I heard a Liverpool fan on earlier today , real emotional stuff as he described the events from his perspective.

    The guy who phoned up telling of how he got a last minute ticket for a mates kid who then perished was in bits.... you wonder how 23 years on people can cope with the horrors of it all.

  4. A lot of pissed off people around the now who for years enjoyed telling anyone who would listen that Liverpool fans were solely to blame for the tragedy.

    After 23 years we finally know that this is not the case.

    Still doesnt stop them trying to troll and smear them here.


  5. even if the fans had tickets, surely to f**k common sense would make them go "holy f**k there is 500 people waiting to get in there" i'll find another way in or give it a few minutes"

    what we have to think is that wednesday had played many MANY home games that season with little or no trouble or crushing at turnstyles, and that the round had hosted 5 semi finals previously that decade after being upraded in 1981 or 1982 (cant mind the exact year)

    At the 1981 semi between Spurs and Wolves the SAME tragedy almost ocurred at the SAME part of the ground.

    30 odd Spurs fans were injured in an incident scarily similar to the 89 tragedy.

    Check it out on you tube, cant post link from my phone but its on Spurs v Wolves 1981

  6. 1 Idiot? laugh.gif aye alright then.

    Well considering I live in Grimsby which has a very large percentage of Liverpool,Man utd, Arsenal and Chelsea fans I'm basing it on quite a lot of people. I think you are the one making them self look an arse here but you must be used to it by now.

    Ah, so have quoted four clubs there and all the liverpool fans are arseholes and the rest are all lovely chaps....

    You really are a clown, and an attention seeking walloper who just wants to spout an agenda against scousers, go and lie down pal :lol:

  7. I must be one of those 'twisted p***ks with a hidden agenda' then because Liverpool fans have done nothing but disgrace themselves time and time again. As the whole Suarez thing and the racist chanting at the young lad from Northampton(?) at the start of the year proved. Also 99% of Liverpool fans I have met have been complete arseholes as well.

    Yep there was an idiot who shouted a racist comment at an Oldham player, went to court and banned from Anfield for life i believe. Obviously he is symptomatic of the entire population of the city etc...

    Id love to know how many Liverpool fans you have met to base your 99% comment on, more like you just dont like the club and city and have pulled a random statement out your arse, making yourself look like an arse in the process.

    And yes, you are a twisted f**k with an agenda, as well as a monumental catering sized imbecile.

  8. Its despicable that some are using hysel to almost justify the death of these 96 inocent people.

    Like iv said on here before. At the time of hysel brittish football had a huge problem with holigans. Hysel would of happened if it was chelsea,west ham,cardiff city or anyother club with a hooligan problem due to the non existent segregation. The stadium was nowhere near fit to hold such a game. To pin all the blame of hysel on liverpool fans is very short sighted. Yes a few hundred scouse hooligans were partly to blame but if there was decent segregation it wouldnt of happened. obvious but true.

    Im sick of this anti liverpool bandwaggon that seems very popular these days. Most on it are misinformed or refuse to listen to the facts. There is nothing that can be done to change the opinions of these people. They want to hate liverpool, They want them to be scum and wont let fact get in the way.

    Liverpool football club and its fans are the same as any other football club and its fans. All clubs attract all kinds of people from all walks of life and liverpool are no different.

    I find it bizarre that scottish football fans with no link to that club are full of so much hate tawards them. How about you stop listing to the bullshite made up by twisted p***ks with a hidden agender and go and see for yourself what that club and its fans are like.

    Iv been to anfield on many occasions and have never ever had a bad experence. Iv never witnessed these monster fans that are hated so much. The club is warm and welcoming. Unlike some iv vist every year up here

    Well said.

    Best post ive read on this matter.

    Expect to be red dotted to the hilt by said twisted wee fucks with an agenda who frankly dont have a fucking CLUE what they are talking about.

    Bizzare that so many people on this forum have such an agenda and hatred towards Liverpool the club and the city, i have family from there and like you have been to Anfield many times and found the place and the people nothing but warm and friendly.

  9. Eh, no it didn't.

    Yes it did.

    David Cameron repeated said statement in house of commons.

    Im old enough, just to remember going to football in that era and have been to plenty games and saw people with a fair bevvy in them, guys with no tickets trying to get one or blag their way in, never had a tragedy like hillsbourough occured at any of the games i attended, including old firm games, cup finals etc, grounds with fenced in away sections such as easter rd, tynecastle and even the old enclosure at ibrox, there was a potential for such a tragedy at any of these grounds, that there wasnt was down to the police doing their jobs, proper organisation and better designed terraces, factors which all came together in a failure of tragic proportions at hillsborough.

    The old jungle at CP or the enclosure at ibrox could potentially have hosted such a tragedy such was the fenced in nature of both, i know from standing in both for old firm matches.

    That it happened at Sheffield to the liverpool supporters was a tragedy of wrong place, wrong time with the wrong incompetent police force in charge.

  10. People simply want the truth.

    It would be horrific enough to lose a loved one in a manner like this but to then be smeared in the manner they were would be unimaginable.

    This report and release of these documents PROVES this is the case, as now acknowledged by the prime minister.

  11. Some truly vile and dreadful trolling on here, i realise im in a pie and bovril minority here but to those who genuinely think Liverpool fans were to blame for hillsborough check out the you tube footage of Spurs v Wolves 1981 FA cup semi showing the SAME problems at the SMAME end of the ground.

    Nothing but a full apology from Cameron on behalf the then Tory government of 1989 for their part in the systematic cover up by the police and politicians will do.

    The families of the bereaved and the city of liverpool deserve it.


  12. The Roomate 1/10

    Watched this on Sky anytime last night, they may as well have called this Single White Female because it has the exact same idea and a virtually identical plot, even the characters have some of the same quirks from the original movie, dead sibling, jealous ex boyfriend, etc.

    Pretty slow paced and predictable with a laughably obvious ending.

    Only very slight redeeming feature is the presence of some seriously foxy leading ladies, would have been zero out of ten otherwise. Unfortunately there isnt even the slightest hint of any said hotties getting their tits out so loses one of the two points it had, so 1/10 & thats generous.

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