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Posts posted by killiecanary

  1. 1338071522[/url]' post='6275732']

    It's just a really funny one as the Orcs are convinced Naithsmith would play for them for nothing rather than 'have' to leave the mighty Ranjurs!

    Given the nature of his injury I suspect he'll sign with anyone who can actually be relied upon to pay hs salary for the next few years.

    I'll be happy to see the exodus begin though...I think that only then will some of the orcs will at last begin to grasp the full enormity of the shite that is about to bury their club

  2. 1338069922[/url]' post='6275626']

    All Celtic need as an income stream for a post rangers SPL is the ability to strike their own TV arrangements.

    A lesser SKY/espn deal won't be the end of the world if Celtic can use their tv rights to sell/stream their matches direct

    I reckon the diddies will let them do that in return for a modest % cut going to the league collectively.

    Fair point, but will they sell enough if their fans get bored in a boring diddy league? I guess the question is how many Celtic fans are football fans watch their team for purely football reasons and how many do so for 'other' reasons (whatever those might be)

    To put it another way...how many Celtic fans would lose interest if rangers do go tits up?

  3. "The problem celtic have is that is they no longer have a big bully mate with them to push their anti-competition agenda."

    I agree with you entirely...I guess the point is if justice is done (and I still wouldn't bet the house on it if our chairman is any representative example) then it will be interesting to see how the green cheek copes...how many of those fans will stay with them if there's no OF hate-fest to pep up their lives? How many will turn up in their '1 horse league?' If there is some levelling of the financial playing field how will they cope with less of the pie? If the speed they emptied Hampden after the League Cup final is any indicator then probably not that many..

    BUT - if this genuinely does turn out to be watershed moment, and the other clubs do manage to mount some sort of challenge eventually (Aberdeen, Dundee U, the Edinburgh clubs really should?) then maybe they will find a proper competition to be worth watching?

    It is all ifs and maybes, but I still think until they have been accused of the sort of outrageous manipulation that Fat Sally's institution has been (and some of his nonsensical comments have really reduced him) then we can still dislike them all we want, but they don't deserve the sanctions that RFC most certainly do

  4. See, I can't abide either cheek of the OF erse, but I do keep them apart on the whole issue of Rankers slow, enjoyable demise.

    Celtic might be every bit as arrogant, bigoted and unpleasant an institution as the orcfarm, but in this case the union-jack wavers have committed many crimes, which are now royally coming home to roost...unless I'm missing lots of stuff, Celtic haven't been accused of that, so not sure how we can equate the two?

    Yes, they're a horrible club, but I don't see how we can tar them with the same specific brush as RFC. We're not demanding Rangers sanction and demise because they are unpleasant, but because they have cheated - consistently and blatantly.

    Or am I just being too objective...?

  5. Oh shit!

    I've just returned from a few weeks out of the UK...to discover that the rancid carcass that is Rankers continues to putrefy without actually expiring!

    The thread appears to have added a few hundred pages in that time...as I probably need to try to work at some point over the next few days, would it be asking too much for some of you fine people to summarise the events that appear to have happened in my absence...otherwise I will have to read thousands of posts and probably several dozen links to the online psychiatric ward that is RM...

    In particular what the feck has quantum to do with anything????

    Oh...and why can't they just die????

    Many thanks in anticipation

  6. No doubt...watching Jim White spluttering indignantly on SSN just now was possibly the funniest 5 mins of telly this year...

    'They're crawling out of the woodwork now from all over Europe demanding money!'

    Yes Jim...cause your cheating team owes it to them you dullard!

    I honestly thought he was going to greet...and that useless pillock with him was no better...'err Portsmouth had similar debts...but are now back in the shit again so maybe not the best example'

    Priceless!! Happy holiday weekend to all PnBers...enjoy your viewing!

  7. 1333380001[/url]' post='6105126']

    If you're chairman of Club XYZ, staring at a balance sheet with a huge black hole in it, you probably start to think about ways to strike a balance. At an extreme, sporting integrity isn't a lot of use to a chairman or his club if they face catastrophe themselves through its application. Unpalateable to us fans, but potentially pragmatic.

    I can see what you're getting at, but still...if at the end of the day (copyright Chick Young's cliche company) expediency is more important than honest sporting competition (well what passes for it in Scotland) then surely the whole thing just becomes a farce? I appreciate the naivety of my response but somehow still hoped that the game I love had a bit more belief in itself.

    And our chairman is staring at a black hole in the balance sheet but last thing i heard still isn't for caving in to the cheats... Pragmatic? No! Correct? I believe so.

  8. 1333320322[/url]' post='6103609']

    Scotsman headlines for tomorrow (it's a sign-up service so I can't post a link), St Johnstone chairman saying other clubs will "go to the wall" if a newco Rangers is kept out of the SPL.

    Thank you and goodnight.

    I can't quite get my head around the finances being more important than sporting integrity????

    Do we really have an spl chairman telling us that the top football league in Scotland is not about sporting integrity???

    Someone turn the lights out when it's al over then please...if other clubs can't cope with rangers going to the wall and starting from the bottom again then surely our league is even more meaningless than we'd already thought?

    Somebody please have a word with this tit.

  9. 1330691300[/url]' post='6018320']

    Oh, yeah, the "My dad made me do it" defence. My old man was a celtic fan, and took me to celtic park for all the big European matches, back when they were a seriously good team (Lisbon Lions/Quality Street Gang). For a 5-8 year old, the impact of a huge ground packed with singing fans, quality football under bright lights, and the father/son bonding thing could only lead to one outcome -

    The joy of Div 2 football, the pain of relegation (again and again), the joy of beating A*r 6-1, scoring 8 against Meadowbank, WINNING THE CUP, being done out of another final by a "rangers-minded" ref(only reason I can think of for that goal being given in '94 replay).

    And the one time when I realised I may just be a well-balanced individual with sensible priorities:

    Drive five hours from Yorkshire with two of my kids in 2007. Watch Killie fall apart against Hibs while freezing me nuts off, look across the park at the celebrations and think "Fcuk it, they're the same as us, and it DOES feel great to win a trophy. Killie were awful, so enjoy your day, you deserve it"

    The power of football to help glue families shouldn't be underestimated though. My dad took me to killie as a 4 year old and it was something special wee shared for the next 20 years till I moved to Norwich, and still do, just not so often. My 2 older kids (6 and 8 ) and I now have season tickets at carrow road and evey home game is an experience we all love, and is a family event. But nothing topped taking them to the Ayr semi final with their grandad...now there's are 2 kids running around Norwich in killie kits (getting some funny looks granted, but nevertheless...!) and watching highlights of killie games and developing a very healthy distaste for the mouldy firm. Supporting killie is just another way to gain shared memories and having the chance to enjoy family conversations along the lines of...'remember when we got humped by Partick and that bird shat on dad's head' type! I don't actually doubt that even OF fans can have those emotions, but I do agree that their experience must be much less rich and varied than us diddy team followers, because of the expectation that you must always win, and the unpleasant undertones of bigotry that undeniably taint their clubs. Actually thinking about it the OF fans remind me a bit of the English fans at any major tournament, with their 'we must win because we're England' attitude followed by violence and unpleasant ness when they lose...

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