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Everything posted by Turkmenbashi

  1. I wouldn't think it unrealistic if the vote is split enough and with unionist tactical voting that Labour could get in. Still will be #bothvotesgreen for me.
  2. I don't know why anyone thinks they have they shut Kelvingrove, I can confirm it certainly is not. Police presence is greater than normal but still plenty in the park with carry outs today.
  3. Let them go. You will regret if you don't do it.
  4. EU deal + the fact that a big funeral an IRA member who died during the first lockdown, which leading Sinn Fein politicians went to and police decided not charge them for breaking lockdown rules + some UDA leaders got arrested for reason.
  5. My problem about is this line He added: "It is impossible to measure the effect of those restrictions on those who hold religious beliefs. "It goes beyond mere loss of companionship and an inability to attend a lunch club." https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-56511585 the loss companionship for myself and probably even more so for many other people is probably far greater than the loss for people not being able to attend religious services. While yes I think we should be opening, I really resent the idea that religion getting special treatment or that is more important than other things.
  6. Seems the Germans have found the cause of the blood clots by AZ but also the cure, not seen this reported anywhere in the U.K. https://m.dw.com/en/astrazeneca-german-team-discovers-thrombosis-trigger/a-56925550
  7. Stock is getting unused, but these countries are just stockpiling them. The countries that have suspended AZ aren't going to give vaccines away.
  8. Joke that this has made the news. Yes it was busier than usual and there were some larger groups of people. But absolutely nothing extreme or worth writing a news story over.
  9. I was looking to fly abroad over New Year to Belgium needing 48hours notice, and this from Edinburgh airport seemed to be the only realistic option can find. Never actually took the test though. Says the aim is by 10pm the day after the test. Couldn't find anything good for me in Glasgow. https://www.expresstest.co.uk
  10. That is easy enough for people can work from easily enough/people with compassionate bosses. But for plenty of people there are still going to be arsehole bosses who demand they come into work no matter what. Certainly if these people have the cold or flu or whatever, and I have to share public transport with them I would rather they were wearing a mask, and if I was in the same situation (hopefully never), I would do so.
  11. I reckon the advice to wear masks in busy places will stay around for ever, especially during flu season. Even if no longer compulsory and not just in the U.K.
  12. Merely voting one way or the other would represent that surely. If anything what he is doing undermines democracy.
  13. No because it is in England, not Scotland so absolutely to do with us. Anyway if you read the full story I don't think what she is saying is that bad. Just that she needs to be prepared for the worst case scenario, but that she expects that we will be able to open in the summer as expected.
  14. I have only heard about it from here, and Dublin and Bilbao have been mentioned multiple times. I am not going to bother going back to find it though.
  15. For me stopping drinking a can of full fat Irn-bru a day was enough for me to loose enough weight that was no longer overweight. And the rest of my diet is hardly healthy.
  16. Give up on the current generation. And work on making the next generation less fat. Far more attention to PE and Home economics in school.
  17. Considering New Zealand are going to let become endemic and a accepted risk after vaccination I can live with that.
  18. Levelling up the north would be my guess. While giving up on winning back seats in London and other major cities probably.
  19. While I agree about the rank and file would quite happily get rid of us, and possibly at least some of there MPs, there is not a chance Boris would want to be leader responsible for splitting up the U.K.
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