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The DA

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Everything posted by The DA

  1. It's a hexagon with an arrow pointing up and towards the right.
  2. Consultant on BBC News just said the same. If you get a small dose, your body gets a chance to prepare its defences before all hell breaks loose?
  3. Is this one of those 'What is next in the series?' Mensa puzzles?
  4. He can't have a state funeral if nobody's allowed out the house. They can keep him in the fridge until we're all allowed out again.
  5. I suspected it was bad when big-mouth Trump wished 'him well in his fight against the virus'. Trump will have had the full (secret) update but would be incapable of being subtle or discrete.
  6. I thought Pennington had retired. Tricky for the SNHS to put him forward at the expense of one of their current employees.
  7. There's just one guy who knows the spreadsheet password and he's not sharing it unless he gets his share of the overtime.
  8. They don't get the weekend figures confirmed until Tuesday.
  9. He's living with his mother-in-law - last thing he needs is to get at all excited.
  10. Trump basically saying that Americans are more important than anyone else and that he'll use war powers to confiscate other countries' supplies if they don't hand it over willingly. https://twitter.com/i/status/1246536013633257475
  11. Watched that on Youtube this morning. He's sum boi.
  12. And as for those who can't spell aneur anury a stroke!
  13. Fair enough. It's the rate of increase/derivative of our graph that's getting steeper. If things continue with them on a straight line and us on a steepening curve, we'll overtake their absolute numbers at some point. we doubled in 5 days and they only went up by 40% (of a bigger baseline).
  14. Do you understand the difference between how steep a line on a graph is and how high it goes?
  15. I thought both graphs were linear but with different y-axis scales.
  16. On those graphs, our figures nearly doubled between 31st March and 5th April (25K to 48K-ish). Germany's only went up by about 35% (75K - 100K-ish). Of course our line is steeper than theirs.
  17. They wouldn't if you put them on the same scale. Ours would look significantly less steep Think you're wrong, Bairnardo. Our curve would be steeper than theirs but wouldn't be as high. Yet.
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