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The DA

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Everything posted by The DA

  1. With all of their talk of 'doing the right thing at the right time', I think they arranged for lock down to kick in at 'just the right time' to ensure the NHS could cope a few weeks down the line. Any earlier and hospitals would have been relatively under-used, people would have been one week further down the boredom curve and the economy would have suffered earlier and longer. It's definitely the herd immunity strategy.
  2. That looks about right. Tenth in the Championship is worth £175K. All 10 sides will have received most of that by now. The difference between 2nd and 10th is £300K so it looks like Partick might be due about £30K.
  3. I'm seeing a Dave Allen sketch with the hearse racing to the cemetery and a cop pulling it over and asking, 'Who do you think you are?'
  4. I can't work out whether it's that the job is too big for this incompetent government or whether it's a lack of will to do anything about it. Carole Cadwalladr has been tweeting about the differences between Ireland and the UK. Both started off with the same number of ICU beds per capita but Ireland has suffered less than half the death rate. Almost certainly all down to the UK's one-week delay in announcing a 'lock down'. More and more, Boris and the Buffoons remind me of the mayor in Jaws.
  5. I can't see everyone being happy with that but it MIGHT make sense to do it by division. Everyone in the Championship shares the remaining Championship prize money equally and the same on down the leagues. The Premiership might need to split into top and bottom halves, given that the top 3 already have some of their top-6 prize money in their pockets.
  6. The SPFL technical guy that manages the firewalls, and who could check that, was probably on holiday on Easter Friday.
  7. And, is if by magic, the podcast has just popped up on Twitter.
  8. Maybe I'm doing it wrong but all of the episodes seem to be 'unavailable'. I stepped back through the various episodes on https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m000h39n and all seemed to be unavailable.
  9. Imagine if the 20 team league was put to the vote and only the ugly sisters voted against it. Passed.
  10. Tried to find yesterday's Sportsound on the Sounds app but it says 'this episode is not currently available'. Is that normal? Does it take a day or two to come up or has it been pulled for some reason?
  11. I assume they're not expected to be suicidal though? No lending to non-going concerns.
  12. Quite an epitaph that 'Here lies the c**t's c**t'.
  13. Something's niggling away at the back of my mind. Was it not Billy Connolly?
  14. They're incompetent but I still feel for the SPFL. Their rules are set up to cover this situation and the clubs must all have signed up to this.
  15. Let's say Celtic reach the final of both cups and have a decent run in Europe, reaching the group stages after qualifying. they could be playing more than 65+ games in a season.
  16. SPFL announced ten for, one against and one hadn't voted. Hearts were that one.
  17. And got knocked out of the cups early and never got into Europe.
  18. Are we sure this isn't happening elsewhere? Maybe not the same level of shit-show of course.
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