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The DA

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Everything posted by The DA

  1. To be fair, once you're into the suburbs, the only routes forward tend to be roads.
  2. Confirmed by the graffiti on the bog wall at The Salty Dog.
  3. I've been searching for myself for decades but Granny D's just clarified everything with a single post.
  4. In the kitchen. I'm a traditionalist.
  5. Rangers fans - always ahead of the zeitgeist. Either that or just c***s.
  6. I've read about her in SO many limericks...
  7. I don't think Putin's going to be attacking them any time soon. He already has his hands full.
  8. I might have had a couple of beers but it's starting to look awfully like the following scene. Although Putin's a tad smaller than Marvin.
  9. Poland has 27 Mig-29s, Bulgaria has 19 and Sovakia 11. Not a game-changer but they'd put u a good fight if Ukraine has the pilots.
  10. If Putin's in a bad mood, this could be the final straw.
  11. Would that not cut Ukraine off from any Black Sea ports?
  12. I'm surprised they didn't wear their centenary strip today. The fans must have been disappointed. And hoodwinked.
  13. Guy on Radio Scotland this morning saying that only a close coterie of military types knew that Putin intended to invade. Even the Prime Minister wasn't told.
  14. It doesn't seem obvious to me. Is HE ready to instigate WW3 by continuing to fly? Would his generals agree or would they depose him? But I agree, it's too big a risk for us to take.
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