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Posts posted by PeeTeeJag

  1. None but did you check globo??;):lol:

    One mention of Celtic, one of Billy Connolly, and two of SevCo. Although it just said that dundee replaced them in the SPL and they were punted to the 3rd.

    Although I did find it strange that for such a "famous in my country for being the bestest team in the whole wide world", that they felt they had to mention that the team played in Glasgow and up until last season "played in the top division of Scotland."

    Surely the Brazilians are well aware of this with them being so famous? laugh.gif

  2. Emilson - The RFC Website.....SAMBA STAR!!!

    Goal.com - Serie "A" Worst team of the season - Defender Emilson Cribari - "Only playing a handful of games for Lazio during the first half of the campaign, the Bianconcelesti discarded him on loan to relegation battlers Siena. It was expected his experience would add some stability to the Robur, however, he arguably made things worse. You could tell things weren't going to go well when he was sent off for dissent in his first match with the Tuscans in January."

    An Italian friend said he is useless and thinks he will beat Black with the number of cards this season, although he doesn't think he will last passed the new year.

  3. The RFC website going into all out spin mode again.

    Emilson - “The club is famous in my country because it has such a strong history so it was an easy decision for me to make when I had the chance to sign.”

    So why didn't you sign for them last year when you had the chance, but went to Brazil to play in their second division for less money?

    Sandaza - "is delighted to finally be at Ibrox and is eager to play his part in restoring the club to the top of the game despite offers to play at a higher level elsewhere."

    Not technically true. He was interesting a second division club in Spain, a club in Cyprus, and a club in Greece in January. But none of them came back in for him when his contract ran out.

  4. Boumsong - Daily Record in June............

    In an interview with Record Sport here at Euro 2012 he said: “My salary was normally paid but there was a trust. I was not comfortable with that to be honest. I didn’t know anything about it until the day I was going to sign.

    “When I discovered it I first refused to sign the contract and said, ‘What is this?’

    “I didn’t want to sign because it seemed strange, we don’t have that kind of payment in France and I didn’t know anything about it. When I left Rangers, for example, to sign for Newcastle, it was for a normal contract with normal payment.

    “But the day I was signing for Rangers I was told it was legal.

    “As players we don’t know the law but my advisers said, ‘It’s okay, you can sign it. It’s legal’.

  5. Michael Mols - The Express in June...............

    "We didn't believe we were doing anything wrong. I didn't know anything about the tax laws in Scotland. I left everything to my advisors and the club.

    I was told that it would be beneficial to the club and ourselves because we would have to pay less tax and everything was legal and upfront. My advisors spoke to the club and we were told that if anything did come out, although they didn't think it would, then they would take full responsibility for it.

    After that, and after speaking to my financial advisers, I agreed because I was assured I wasn't doing anything wrong by using an EBT.

    If anyone is wrong then it has to be the people who were giving out the contracts at Rangers at that time – nobody else."

  6. http://sport.stv.tv/...tement-in-full/

    When(?) the loans are finally repaid what happens to the money? As it was originally paid into the trust fund by Oldco will the money be returned to it to pay the creditors? Or will it disappear into a black hole of legal and administration fees?

    The money goes back into the trust fund to be redistributed to EBT recipients. It seems that the "loans" were to be repaid in between 10 to 15 years, or on the death of the player.

  7. Ahhhh you gotta love how money grabbing SevCo has become.........

    Home League Cup ties will no longer be included in the standard season ticket.

    Fans wishing to attend non-league home games can sign up to ALL games only by ticking the relevant section on the form. BUT, fans who have returned their renewal form and ticked the box for all non season ticket games please note the East Fife game is excluded from this due to timescales.

    So, thanks for renewing your season ticket, now give us £15. laugh.gif

  8. I listened to Billy Dodds' interview from the other night for the first time today.

    As I said earlier, I actually believe him when he says he didn't query anything, but he also says clearly that he had no idea that it was a loan - for him it was simply money due to him. That of course flies in the face of what Murray is clearly stating today. It's obvious that nobody regarded these things as loans in any meaningful sense at all.

    The fact that the players would rather hang onto their titles is of course predictable and irrelevant. Ben Johnson would probably have preferred to keep his medal too, but nobody asked him for his preferences.

    I thought that too. It sounded to me as if he was told that this extra money would legally come through a different channel to his normal wage and that it would save him tax. He doesn't mention anything about having rescheduled payments like Minty is suggesting.

    Was interesting to hear on Sportsound tonight that they have a theory that Sir Dave has got wind that the decision on the case has been made or very close to it and this is him trying to plead his innocence before it's splashed all over the papers.

  9. This "my lawyer looked at the contract and said it was ok" crap is really getting on my nerves.

    What is the lawyer meant to say???

    He or she probably were given no idea of how it was going to be financed and the piece of paper they were given would in itself be legal. At the same time is a lawyer going to say to a player that he can't sign the big fat contract in front of him and will either have to accept a lot less money or not sign for rangers at all?

    All the lawyer will have been concerned about is that his client is getting paid what he asked for, and let's face it, lawyers aren't exactly all paragons of virtue when it comes to money. As long as they get they get paid and their client is happy then they dont give a damn where the money comes from. Remember it was a loophole in the tax system that was being used and it wasn't until later that it was closed.

    What should now be asked is who were these lawyers and what advice did they give their clients at the time?

  10. Anyone else notice on the 'ficial Sevco website that they are fond of using currencies other than the pound?

    Money from overseas was in dollars (although was actually Canadian dollars), and a player they are looking to sign was once worth x amount in euros.

    Surely they aren't hoping that the big numbers will keep the Orcs happy??? If that is the case their heads will explode if they sign an Italian worth 10,000,000 Italian lira. laugh.gif

  11. Found this from the DR in february. Ok, it's written by Jim Traytor, so you may not want to take it too seriously............

    "The bill could be as high as £50million, although not anything like the £75million Craig Whyte suggested could be the final reckoning." laugh.gif

    "It’s believed this particular EBT scheme involves something like £48million in payments, basically made in the form of loans.

    Rangers’ scheme workedlike this:

    Players agreed the club would make contributions to an independent offshore discretionary trust and the beneficiaries would be the players themselves and/or members of their families.

    Rangers were able to make recommendations to the trustees as to how the funds may be applied. But the trustees were independent, meaning they didn’t have to follow those suggestions.

    The players could then request that the trustees of their own funds consider investing by making a loan to the players, but on a commercial basis. So, the trustees would lend money to the players at commercial rates.

    These loans were repayable after 10-15 years, unless the trustees agreed to extend them. But ultimately the loans would have to be repaid on the death of the player and the trustees would then distribute the trust funds to other beneficiaries.

    Crucially, as the club were not making payments, as earnings, this money wasn’t subject to tax."

    So basically the club is saying that because they never gave the players the money directly then it wasn't earnings. Sort of like if I do a job for someone and they pay me, it's taxable earnings, BUT if that person hands the money to the next door neighbour, and THEY give me the money, then it's not earnings because I didn't do the job for them.

    It's all so clear now. blink.gif

  12. It really is astonishing how so many people at Ibrox past and present can't help but stick their oar in and come out of it looking like tits.

    I can't think of a single person that has actually said something relating to this farce that has come out of it with any dignity. They all use a tactic employed by politicians. If I talk long enough and say lots of words then people's brains switch off and they forget the point entirely.

    Ask any of them "Did you get an EBT, yes or no?" A straight forward question, which on the face of it can be answered with a one word answer. But, even dullards like Sally and Dodds pontificate (hehe) at length, and in the end we can't remember if they did or they didn't!!!

  13. Hi Sir Dave. Hi pal.

    Can I just pick you up on a couple of things you said? Thanks.

    1. "The problems at Rangers have brought no credit to Scottish football and are a tragedy for the Club and for all those connected with it and who support it. They cannot be condoned and it is appropriate that there should be a proportionate penalty for the Club for the events over the last year."

    The last year?????

    2." The SPL rules variously required disclosure of all contract of service matters and all payments from a club to a player.It would now appear that these are to be rewritten to incorporate non-contractual loans from independent third parties and other non-contractual matters."

    I'm no English expert, but the word "variously" shouldn't actually be in that sentence, as it makes no sense in the context in which you are using it. You state that the rules required disclosure of ALL contract and ALL Payments from a club to a player, but you sneakily (in my humble opinion) are saying "Aye but it wis ok tae gae money tae the players if it disnae come straight outta Ibrox." Is that not a little like my employer paying me for my job but giving me a wee top up to my wages via cash in hand to keep it off the books?

    3. "If this is the case then press comment over the past few years would appear to indicate that several clubs other than Rangers may well have fallen foul of the soon to be changed historic laws."

    Maybe, but if you didn't do anything wrong then why worry that other clubs may have done the same? If you didn't do anything wrong, then THEY didn't do anything wrong. Savvy?

    4. Rangers agreed contracts of employment with its players (and staff). The EBT scheme involved the contribution of funds into an offshore discretionary trust managed by independent trustees.

    And where exactly did these contributions come from?

    5. The trustees could and did make loans to individuals carrying interest with scheduled repayment dates.

    This is my favourite Dave. When are these scheduled repayment dates? Because as far as I am aware, not a single penny has ever been repaid.

    So just to clarify what Sir Dave is saying is that yes we used EBTs but they weren't illegal. And if they are illegal, which they aren't, then other clubs are up shit creek too for using them, but they wouldn't be coz they aren't illegal. Money for the EBTs magically appeared in these trusts from sources unknown, and the trustees have agreed that these loans will be repaid as the scheduled repayment dates were written down on the back of a packet of Benny Hedgehogs.

    The media (aye right!!!) only have to ask Sir David of Murray two questions for this whole statement to blow up in his face............

    When are the loans due to be repaid? And has even 1p went towards repayments?

  14. Sally tried to get Emilson last year but he decided that he would rather go back to Brazil from Napoli having only played 9 games all season. So he goes back to Brazil and manages to rack up 5 games for Cruzeiro until his contract ran out last month and they decided not to renew his contract.

    So basically the guy has played 14 games in 2 seasons, and over his career has been known to pick up a few yellow and red cards along the way.

    Wages wise, who knows. But from what I can gather he was on around £15k a week at Cruzeiro so I imagine he will be looking for about the same at Castle Greyskull.

    Oh and despite the rfc website stating he's a "Samba Star" (never played for Brazil) and that he was once valued at "5 million euros" (well, it looks better than just under £4 million) they do seem to forget to mention that was 5 years ago and his value a few months ago was around £350k.

    Emilson was meant to be meeting the Livorno manager for talks at the airport as soon as he flew in from Brazil, but it seems Emilson decided to fly to England instead at the last minute. Good to see his integrity will fit in at Ibrox.

    Oh well, as The Express put it last year, "At 31 he has the kind of experience Rangers will need for their European campaign."


  15. The sight I saw in barrhead yesterday nearly turned my stomach.

    I woman that from the back looked like Oliver Hardy wearing "the new" Sevco top and a pair of very tight (although they probably weren't meant to be), spandex union jack trousers standing outside a newsagents with a cigarette in one hand and a carry-oot in the other. The two guys and another woman she was with were standing at the door just chatting away to the shopowner.

    Across the street minding their own business are 4 Canadians just walking by chatting happily to each other, one with a celtic scarf tucked into his back pocket. Which Ms Hardy has clocked.

    "Ho!!!" comes the shout from Olly.

    Not realising that she is calling to them the Canadians keep walking.

    "Ho, yous!!!"

    The girl turns to look over at who is shouting and sees the union jacked bedecked vision across the street. She clearly only recognises the union jack trousers so waves back and shouts, "Love the union jack, go Team GB!!!"

    "f**k off ya Fen*** cun**, away back tae ireland. I hope ye get fuckin' stabbed!!!"

    "I dont understand what your saying, we're from Toronto." shouts the girl over the street.

    "Away back to fuckin' america then!!!"

    As they passed us by my dad apologised for what had happened. But they said they couldnt understand a word although they got the sentiment.

    The laugh was that as it turns out the 4 of them had come over from Canada on holiday. 1 of them had been at the Celtic game with a friend that lunchtime, whilst the other 3 were going to Ibrox on tuesday!!! biggrin.gif

  16. Had a wee trawl through the RFC website earlier, ( I was really bored) and I couldn't help but notice how upbeat the whole club seems to be.

    25 first team players (including those newly signed). There's even a photo of them all training!!! Granted there is only 18 players and some of them look like reserve players.

    24 youth/reserve players.

    Numerous academy players.

    Sally capturing 2 of the best players in the SPL according to him.

    Games having to be rescheduled due to "Matches including Mexico v USA, N.Ireland v Finland, Slovenia v Romania and Scotland v Australia could all potentially involve Rangers players."

    $10000 been given to the fighting fund by supporters in Calgary. Well $10000 (Canadian) looks better than £6300.

    Fans "flocking" to Ibrox to renew their season tickets.

    New players imminent.

    And ofcourse, drum roll please............................. The official website is now brought in-house "giving the club complete control over it's development and content." Even Sally is excited because it will be " The best place for fans to keep up to date with all things Rangers. This is a new beginning for Rangers Football Club and www.rangers.co.uk will be with keep fans updated 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year."

    So where the hell does all this doomsday scenario nonsense regarding The Rangers come from?!?!?!?!? Everything is peachy!!!!

    It must be coz Sally said that the website is up to date and all things regarding rangers will be in it. Just look at the "facts"................ 25 first team players, with Alan McGregor, Scotland's No1 goalie with the No. 1 shirt, and a host of international players listed as first team players. Sally saying he is looking to make more big signings over the coming days. Money pouring in. Fans in their thousands renewing season tickets.

    And most importantly, not a single word about financial difficulties, punishments on the horizon, or the need to ask the fans to stop singing banned songs because they were all good boys and girls last weekend.

    So for any rankers fans out there, dont listen to the radio, read newspapers, or watch bbc documentaries. All the facts you need can be found at your clubs own website.

    I mean, surely your own club would keep you in the loop with EVERYTHING going on at the club, and wouldn't try and pull the wool over your eyes, would they?

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