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Everything posted by 18BAIRN76

  1. Bold tactic of giving teams a goal head start is novel. Let’s see how it works out.
  2. Really liking the singing section. In games where it would normally be the atmosphere of a library they’re r bringing something. Cut out the stupid Norrie chants etc and it’ll be a great addition.
  3. Thought we started the game really brightly and were on top. Obviously a terrible goal to concede and since then we’ve completely reverted to type.
  4. Just about to head now. Hoping we can put one over that jumped up wee dick Goodwin. COYB xx
  5. We can always hope! Get him punted and another striker in.
  6. First 15 mins apart that was pretty brutal stuff tbh.
  7. It’s patently clear that we have been paying over the odds for a standard of player that hasn’t been good enough. There is more than a handful of players in our squad, who on paper, were ‘Championship players’ who we likely paid a premium to, but I’d really like to know what the competition for their signature was like. Someone mentioned McGuffie - a ‘Championship player’ at the time, in name but nothing else - being paid more despite very few vying for his signature. All hypothetical of course, but it would be good to see where a number of the players in our squad who we seemingly ‘convinced’ to make the drop down would have ended up if they hadn’t come to us.
  8. Haven’t been on in a while but just skimmed the last few pages, but this is the nub of it for me. As I’ve said previously, I’ve no doubt there are some on here with their own agendas and who thrive on being overly negative. Talk of sacking the manager after a friendly defeat is so unserious it shouldn’t even be entertained. However, I have to admit I’m struggling to get myself going with the hyper-positivity of “let’s just go again, get behind the team, COYB!!” from some, too, who seem to take every question levelled at McGlynn as if someone is having a go at them personally. I get that we are supporters - we are there to support, and I’ve renewed my season ticket and will going most weeks. I also get that it’s in the past and been done to death, but as much as I’ve tried (and I have), I’m having a really hard time disassociating McGlynn (and, indeed, a large number of the playing squad) from what was the most embarrassing 90 minutes in nearly two decades of watching Falkirk. That’s without even mentioning the collapse from March onwards. He’s here to stay - fine; the board are backing him to get us promoted - that’s evident and I hope it works out that way. We might not be full-time next season if it doesn’t. But it is unfortunately how I feel, and I don’t think I’m alone in that. I have no interest in being overly negative and I hope to f**k we finally get out of this shitheap league this year, but McGlynn has a power of work to do to get some fans back on board. The ending of last season was the sorest for me in a while, and I feel it’s disingenious to suggest that those who feel that way all have an agenda. It’s not true.
  9. McGinn I’m less bothered about because I think, despite the fact his legs are going a bit, he still has a role to play. In the Ayr game for example, I thought he was excellent, and I still think he was our best player vs ICT at Hampden. Even if it’s a much reduced role on the pitch, he’ll be a good person to have about the dressing room, especially as an example to the younger players in the squad. I’m happy with him staying in that capacity. I don’t blame McGlynn for Oliver staying - as others have said, the clause in his contract has been done to death. However, he can be massively questioned for giving him a contract with such a clause in it in the first place. I actually understand the chat that we might need to offer slightly more money or more secure contracts in League One. But, similar to a few others we still have in and around our squad, I just can’t picture Oliver having a massive queue of suitors last summer who we had to fend off in order to secure him on such a deal where he held all the cards as to whether he got a second year or not. Ultimately, it will be McGlynn who answers to these cumulative decisions in the long-run.
  10. Wee Max happen to get on the wrong bus at the end of the game, nah?
  11. Writing us off is clearly ridiculous, especially when there is so long to go when we can bring players in. I think McGlynn will make use of loans as others have said, the best of these options usually don't come up until later in the window. I have to be honest and say I haven't completely forgiven a lot of the players for the way last season ended. It's obviously in the past, can't be changed and might be seen as petty, but a huge chunk of the squad who were part of that collapse are still here. A good, fast, positive and winning start will put all of that to bed and quickly build up the feel good factor again, but that's incumbent on the players. The fans are playing their part yet again - circa 2300 early bird season tickets for our fifth season at this level is nothing short of remarkable imo.
  12. Very much a kick about in the park last night, so can’t take too much from it. Thought the young boys who came on did well. Allan took his two goals like a clinical number 9 which was promising to see. Gary Oliver hitting the post from 4 yards out when we’re not even in July yet did bubble some of last seasons trauma to the surface.
  13. New strip arrived in the post earlier today. Ken it's not been listed as a direct influence as opposed to the Beazer Homes kits, but even more so in the flesh, it gives me a little bit of 06/07 vibes - even down to the little red bit on the front of the neck. Stokes, Gow, Latapy, Barr... all a bit much for a Monday afternoon reminisce...
  14. I was one of those guilty for overrating Burrell last year, but I do feel many of us did so as he always looked considerably more threatening than a number of others in our striking department. That doesn’t equal him being good enough, though. Was completely indifferent to him leaving and not overly shocked he hasn’t got himself a great move; he’d clearly chucked it by the end of the season (although I feel this accusation is often levelled at him alone, when it could be argued a number of the team packed it in after EEP away in March).
  15. May we never have a home kit with navy shorts again.
  16. A thing of beauty I may have just forked out on…
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