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Everything posted by 18BAIRN76

  1. I did wonder how long it would take for some people to start having a go at the fans for having the audacity to get a wee bit pissy with a club statement that had a go at us in the first place! Simply, the club should send out a short email today apologising for the wording, which will also allow them to rephrase and highlight the position we’re in. Then we move on. Easy.
  2. There’s a difference between transparency - which, of course, we all want - and coming across like a bit of a dick. A pretty big one actually. The former doesn’t rely on the latter.
  3. Spot on. I along with many, many others have suggested a £5 starting rate more than once and have been met with 'it's something we're looking at' every single time it comes up.
  4. More I think about it the more fuming I’m getting. Finally getting the feeling fans were getting on board with a large part of that down to the players and management, but this just alienates folk. So daft.
  5. It’s not even a begging letter though; I dare say a letter literally on their knees begging fans to join would probably have gone over better than emotional blackmailing 90% of the fan base who’ll buy season tickets or pay at the gate, go to away games and buy merchandise and food/drink from the club as ‘not true supporters’.
  6. Just realised it’s an actual official club email and not just a FSS onewho actually wrote that and thought it was a good idea?!?
  7. Also aye that is grim. Did Kwarteng or Truss step up as a guest writer for that statement? Out of touch and stupid as f**k.
  8. Seen the words “change” and “manager” as I glanced at the clubs latest post and absolutely shat myself.
  9. Have to say, developing some very strong feelings for Mr Burrell already xx
  10. I get you, but I'd argue McCann been one of our best, most consistent performers since he came into the side. There's been plenty players who've had bad games who have kept their place in McGlynn's starting 11, I just get the vibe (though I may be wrong) that he ultimately wants to play Mackie there and will take any chance he can to put him back in.
  11. Anyone else a wee bit worried that the first time Leon McCann has anything approaching a below-average game, McGlynn will use it as an excuse to get Mackie straight back in at left-back?
  12. If it’s gonna be one up front, it’s Burrell over Alegria every time for me.
  13. Might all go wrong, but with what we have at our disposal in the squad, I’d argue that’s pretty much our strongest 11.
  14. I’ll sit mute in my seat for any minutes silence, but even a note of that anthem will be getting booed to f**k.
  15. What a lovely day for a game of football. I hope you're all sitting in your houses feeling suitably mournful.
  16. Anyone care to show their working on how cancelling football games, or any form of entertainment for that matter, equates to a ‘mark of respect’? Doubt she’d have been arsed if Falkirk vs Alloa went ahead or not, to be honest. On a wider scale, you’re going to have people across the country who will have booked trains, hotels etc and workers who might rely on money from these shifts having them cancelled at short notice. Riddy and a half.
  17. Better than we expected without being brilliant, but can’t and shouldn’t be expected to be a League One title challengers first-choice striker.
  18. Ken we have to try and keep perspective and an understanding that we are where we are for a reason and we deserve to be here etc etc, which is certainly the case, but when it's spelt out like that, it really is a fucking riddy. Years and years and years of mismanagement.
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