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Everything posted by 18BAIRN76

  1. Guy who works at the Falkirk Herald said: "@DeeOhh: Although Falkirk have retracted their story on Holt leaving - he has now signed for Norwich and it's all done #official"
  2. Utter embarrassment. Only Falkirk FC could manage that.
  3. People saying we have signed Andy Mitchell from Annan on a pre-contract. 22 years old, previously at The Rangers, can play either right or left back or midfield.
  4. Small is contracted to 2016 as well. Signed a new deal along with McGrandles, Sibbald and McGeever last year.
  5. What are everyone's thoughts on Holt on here? How do you think he has done so far?
  6. Completely and utterly out of the blue I know, but having never been fully aware of what was going on at the time, what was the actual situation with Compton and Pressley? Because he got dropped, then got a second chance by being given the captaincy in a friendly, then was dropped out of it completely and was never seen again. No idea why I'm asking but what happened?
  7. Another season of mediocrity it would appear. We just aren't as good as people would like to think we are. 2 wins in 7 against part-time teams - not good enough. 11 match unbeaten run - where, if we are all being honest, we rode our luck on plenty of occasions. This league is utterly, utterly woeful in terms of quality and I highly doubt we have the quality, depth or maturity to come back from this now. We need a new strategy to take our club forward, because blindly putting our faith in youngsters and hoping they turn out good ; which in people like McGrandles case, they have, but there are people like Sibbald who is just going backwards.
  8. His birthday is the 22nd June, the deal went through on 1st July...
  9. See Livingston have been linked with Kane Hemmings. He is exactly the kind of player that a club like us should be going for in my opinion, would be a major opportunity missed if he does leave in this window for a club in the same league.
  10. Mark Beck loan signing confirmed at last: http://www.falkirkfc.co.uk/blog/beck-a-bairn/#more-1800
  11. Pressley was and still is a total arsewipe. Genuinely jumped in joy when I found out that he'd finally buggered off. Still 2 years late in my opinion, but we got rid of him all the same. The signings of Farid, Taylor and Higginbotham covered up to an extent how utterly pish some of his signings were. I accept some managers get it wrong on occasion, but Marr? Chris Smith? Deuchar? Haworth? Khalis? Johnny Flynn? Leahy? Bringing Pedro back for a third time when he was quite clearly done? He more than signed his fair amount of shite. Add on top of that all the rhetoric he came out with in the press which bigged himself up to be something he quite evidently wasn't, and when trying to mentally undermine opponents he usually achieved the opposite by embarrassing himself and the club that employed him. In his time at the club, bar a great six months, the football that was served up was fucking soul-destroying. Something that also irks me is he takes the credit for the youth development as some kind of master stoke that he himself planned; when actually it came about because of him being a completely incompetent manager. As others have said, I don't care if he goes onto win the Champions League in his managerial career, the fact is he was brutal for us and is not missed.
  12. Perhaps, but far from convincing either way. Let's hope so. Still not 100% sure on him but will fully judge at the end of the season, and will happily eat humble pie if proven wrong.
  13. When interviewed on Sportsound this evening Holt said that the dropping of Alston over the last couple of months was very much down to "a flip of a coin". It can't only be me that thinks that is a little concerning?! He also said something along the lines of, to paraphrase - "I'd applied for just about every job in the country, but Falkirk were the only club I heard back from. I didn't even expect to get the job." What does that exactly say about us? He did also confirm that Alston has been offered a new contract and he has transfer targets he wishes to sign if the funds become available, which would involve people moving on; either being sold or a couple more of the young boys out on loan.
  14. Also saw that tweet from Liam Dick about him getting hammered. Silly wee boy.
  15. Derek Riordan is the name floating around. Doubt it but would be worth a punt surely. Can't be worse than Roberts...
  16. Kingsley is contracted until 2015, Sibbald, McGrandles, McGeever, Dick, Small and Grant all until 2016.
  17. Atleast there is hope for the future, what with the u20's getting thumped 5-1 off Motherwell at home. The next batch on the Falkirk FC production line are looking promising.
  18. Bingham has looked slightly better the last 2 games he has come on.
  19. Johnny Flynn in midfield would be worth it purely for the comedy value.
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