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    Greenock Morton
  1. these "muck up days" sound like the the sort of activities that people who play rugby and read truelad participate in. i.e massive cocklords. thankfully i went to a good school and didn't run into any of these types of folk. we were actually the last ever 6th years in my school(which is now waterloo road) and didn't damage the place in the slightest. probably because we were all normal human beings.
  2. fill up the sink with water, and hold her head under for 3-5 minutes. if she's still breathing, she's probably got a fever.
  3. why does it deserve to be reviewed differently? couldn't we then say that movies like a serbian film deserve an excellent rating, seeing as they do exactly what their set out to do - be disgusting, shocking and controversial? 8.9 is a scandalous rating imo
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