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Everything posted by BinoBalls

  1. I was hoping we could just have a minute’s silence then get on with it.
  2. We *will* gift at least one gilt-edged goal scoring opportunity to Forfar during this game due to some form of defensive calamity. It’s so predictable it’s become a law of physics and kids will learn about this in school for generations to come.
  3. It could well do actually. The players put out a statement a few weeks ago backing the club board in the War Of The Boards. I think the captain was quite close to the chairman in particular. And some of the other back room staff (doctor or physio) are close/related to other directors who have just resigned. So there could be a motivational / morale issue in the dressing room. I hope there’s not but I’m a little worried.
  4. Jesus. That’s pretty bad stuff. I’m very surprised as he always seemed to prioritise being a “nice guy” above all else.
  5. Well. Since half time at the Elgin game we have scored 7 and only conceded 1. I am positively giddy. Will be interesting to see if Davidson will become a starter once he’s fit and at who’s expense. Brechin in the jobby cup in midweek. Don’t really care what happens. They are on a tremendous run in the HL so if they field a strong team and we heavily rotate we’ll do well to avoid defeat. But the main concern is Saturday at Bonnyrigg. Will be a very tough game but our tails are up just now and I’m hopeful we’ll take something from the game.
  6. You keep saying that. It’s just people who have a different opinion to you. It doesn’t mean they are being controlled by someone else behind the scenes. Remember several people accused you of being a puppet for the Trust board? That was clearly nonsense and you told people that you were your own man with your own opinions. You’re now doing exactly the same thing back to them.
  7. I wish you’d quit as well. You’ve talked this whole thing to death and it’s the same stuff over and over. Ironically all it does is turn people like me (who are relatively neutral) against your point of view.
  8. Yes that would be a good thing. More crossover, less people stuck in their own silo and distrusting the other side.
  9. They’ll just get on with it. Nobody’s tried to murder anyone here. Some people tried to vote off other people — it didn’t work, and now they may end up working together. This sort of thing is hardly earth shattering. We can’t just have the same group of people as before — we need some different perspectives. Having a club insider on the Trust board should help build bridges.
  10. You’re presenting a very selective bunch of “facts” that happen to fit your preferred narrative. We all have an opinion here but you’re the only one canvassing on Pie and Bovril to try and get people to see things your way. Ironically all you’ve done is persuaded me to vote for the complete opposite of what you’re saying, because your whole attitude stinks.
  11. A few weeks ago the key people on both sides came together and agreed to try and work together to move this whole situation forward. Nearly everyone felt relieved and hopeful progress could be made despite the obvious personal friction. Posting stuff about who people who volunteer behind the scenes and saying why they mustn’t be allowed on the Trust, and saying how enjoyable it is to irritate people on Facebook, is the antithesis of the spirit of cooperation. We are all trying to get away from petty warfare. Well, everyone except you it seems.
  12. “rhliston seems like a sensible guy, I think I’ll vote for what he says,” said nobody ever.
  13. Believe me — there’s a lot of people out there who don’t think the same way as you.
  14. Sounds like it’ll be one of those All Police Leave Cancelled events.
  15. Well. That did NOT go the way I was expecting. 1-0 up before half the games in the country had even kicked off. Then The Warriors down to 10 men after 4 minutes for a last man challenge (it looked debatable to me). From point on, with the pitch side temperature hotter than Arianna Grande and a man light, Stenhousemuir were massively up against it. They effectively had 9 and a half men because Ross Forbes was blowing out of his arse and looking like he wanted to be at home with a cool beer and his feet in the paddling pool from 10 minutes onwards. Stenny keeper made a couple of good stops and one exceptional save again from Dale Carrick. Thought we might regret not increasing our lead but then soon after half time Robert Thomson got on the end of his own hold up play to bang in a 2nd. Effectively game over at that point and we knocked the ball about and made the exhausted Warriors run about in the heat. Fortunately they’d taken Forbes off at half time before he collapsed. Carrick got sent clear and rifled a third high into the net to seal the win. 3-0 was about right in the end. Just one of those days for Stenny — the sending off early on such a scorching day when already trailing left them fucked right from the start. Thought the left back Callum Yeats looked a cut above every other player on the park, surprised he’s playing at this level. Looking forward to having our regular left back Clark in place next week. Ross McGeachie is either a centre half or a right full back — never a left wing back. Anyway, 3 goals and 3 points. I’ll take that.
  16. Sad thing is there’s probably a fair portion of them that are decent young guys — the future of the club’s support. But as always there’s a few bampots in the group who don’t respect boundaries and it brings the whole group down.
  17. Stenhousemuir are somehow 7/4 to win this and I can’t understand that. I know Stenny haven’t been fantastic in their 2 previous league games but if they put in a half-decent performance they have a very good chance of beating us. We’re shaky at the back and flaccid up front. Our record in the league over the past 10 months is dreadful. Away win.
  18. Not this again… Anyway. Let’s give peace a good chance. I think a clear majority just want this resolved at least semi-amicably. I am hopeful both sides will realise just how many people are counting on them acting calmly and not fighting every single battle.
  19. Yes I am concerned about that. I am making an educated guess that not all the players will particularly GAF, but some clearly do. Worst case scenario here is CB being booted out causes various people connected with club to quit in disgust. Players resent new interim club board who they view as illegitimate. Dressing room morale / motivation takes a hit and we tank another season. End of season comes and various players decide to go elsewhere. It’s not that unthinkable. Actually an even worse-case scenario is that we can’t fulfil fixtures or some administrative blunder by a newbie board member causes us to field an ineligible player or something like that. Which is why a peaceful handover would have been so, so much better.
  20. Ok listen you’re the expert on this clearly. I wasn’t trying to imply you’re his bestie but you’re someone who knows him pretty well and consider him a friend. Certainly relative to the rest of us, you’re close to him. I apologise for any misunderstanding. This is a trivial example of how misunderstandings and a penchant to take offence have taken over lately.
  21. Firstly, calm down. Secondly, I stand by the fact Stuart Brown is stubborn to work with because that’s what a long line of people said, including Robert Clubb who I respect. Yes I’m sure there’s been times he’s been right to take a stand against some lunatics on the Trust Board, but the constant narrative for years and years is that he’s not engaged anywhere near enough with people that he should have. If that upsets you then you really need to get a grip, people are allowed an opinion and it’s hardly controversial. And you’re getting your knickers in a twist because I said you were “close” to Stuart Brown. You’re literally his friend and you advised him on not getting too close to managers. If that’s not close I don’t know what is, but whatever, we’re arguing over synonyms. I’ll write “friend who you’ve advised in the past” next time. Reminder I am not your enemy here. I am on the fence with all this stuff. I am one of the majority in the middle of two groups putting out conflicting statements and worrying what is happening.
  22. Yeah that’s also the interpretation I’m taking. And that’s really unfortunate. The sad thing is a clear majority of fans aren’t on either side here. We’re being held hostage while this war plays out. And if people start quitting or certain players decide not to give 100% then we will be the ones who suffer the most. And we didn’t bring any of this. It’s two small groups for whom fighting and public escalation and pettiness have seemingly become more important than the club itself.
  23. The inference from the players statement is that various backroom people may quit in disgust if the club board are ousted. I hope the Trust have considered this — we may need to fill a whole manner of positions. Say what you like about Mr Brown but he certainly has the loyalty of those closest to him. Shame he couldn’t have seen the value in trying to be a bit better at keeping the only major stakeholder (the trust) sweet, then none of this utter shambles would have happened. I guess that’s the downside of being a “business hard head” as someone close to him recently described him.
  24. The Trust Board may well wield the power to fire the Club Board without a vote, and clearly believe it’s the best course of action for the future of Stirling Albion. However something this emotive really should be put to a vote, though I’d rather the 50-odd people who all suddenly joined via the same email address didn’t get a say. If it doesn’t go to a vote, the interim club board may find itself facing obstacles from those left within the club who see it as illegitimate. Such as the club captain, who “liked” the club boards tweet yesterday. I still keep changing my mind. The constant stream of information blames each side. People close to CB believe the CB is largely innocent, dogged by an irrational and spiteful TB. Yet people close to the TB believe the CB is aloof, and contemptible — they believe the TB are merely trying to free us all from tyranny. I think both sides have probably made serious mistakes along the way. Can’t wait for this all to end. It’s been an absolute embarrassment for far too long.
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