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Posts posted by sonsism

  1. Doesn’t sound like we’re going to hear anything today then if the match preview didn’t mention anything.  

    Surely to f**k we’re not going into this massive game against East Fife with even less attacking options than we had when the window started.  

    Maybe it’ll be similar to Wylde where they’ll play as a trialist? Or am I clutching at straws 

  2. Comparing last seasons squad with now I’d still take more of the squad we have now over a lot of the exit trial nobodies Duffy had us sign.  Even if we look at the ex-Morton player Duffy signed and the ex-Morton player Faz signed - Orsi is a lot better than Omar and an extremely hard worker.  I think Faz wastes him out wide a lot of the time.

    I’ll absolutely concede on Buchanan tbf Virginton, he’s been rank rotten.  But in our defence he was one of the best players in our spell in the Championship.  I think if he had someone holding his hand through the games like Andy Graham and Frazer Wright used to he’d be a lot better - his decision making is humming.



  3. 7 minutes ago, virginton said:

    Your manager isn't the only one who might be regretting their judgment in the sunmer about signing that obvious fucking clownshoe: 



    Fun fact: the other two top class signings were Gregor Buchanan and Kalvin Orsi.


    virginton for the past 6 or so months thinking about when to quote these posts:

    man keyboard GIF by South Park





  4. Schiavone back to Hearts.  We didn’t really see enough of him to fully judge but I thought he looked better than most of our limited options upfront.  Felt he was one of those players where once we he scored he could go on a wee run.  Unfortunately I don’t think he started a game for us again after he scored against Sauchie.



  5. 5 minutes ago, O'Kelly Isley III said:

    Aye, but it's gone long beyond a joke.

    If you don’t laugh you’ll cry!

    I’d have been raging if that had been our corner - pretty sure there was no one around him let alone a foul on him. 

    We got a bit of luck there but we’ll need a lot more to get something from this game as it only seems a matter of time before airdrie hit the net.

  6. Game should’ve been called off but that’s no excuse for the players doing f**k all for the final 20 minutes.  Like last week we could have went in at Half Time with a decent one or two goal lead but we’re so rancid at the back we give away goals nonstop.

    Obvious this ref was drafted in at the last minute too.  Didn’t have a clue how to control the game and missed fouls right under his nose.

    I like Faz he comes across well and the team has flashes of brilliance but the defence is an absolute shambles. It’s not a case of if we make a mistake it’s a case of when.  No idea who we’d get in to replace him if he was to go but something needs to be done quickly - either from Faz or the board. Start by dropping Paton plz.

  7. 4 minutes ago, Jan Vojáček said:

    I agree with pretty much all of your post OKI, apart from this. I thought on first viewing he certainly had an appeal for a penalty - and having watched it back the general consensus was it was either a penalty or a fair (albeit risky) challenge. But not a dive.

    Didn't stop some lads in the Sauchie committee totally losing the place every time he went near the ball mind you. Think Callum's family (who were a few rows in front of them) enjoyed McKee's goal more than almost every Sons fan after the amount of abuse he was taking.


    Wilson was getting dogs abuse after that incident from both Sauchie players and fans so the fact he didn’t even dive makes the outcome of the game even sweeter.  You could see he was rattled for a bit after it and I was worried he was going to get sent off but he kept the head down and kept on playing until we got the goal.  Personally I loved seeing him giving it back to the Sauchie fans.  


  8. Good to get three points and stop the rot.  Alloa had some good wins against Airdrie and QP recently so I was expecting a home win.  The lineup looked a lot better and I agree that McLean being out might do him some good.

    Two big goals from Stokes recently.  Good to see considering he doesn’t really consider himself as a goalscorer.  Would like to see him get a run in the team but maybe he’s one of these players that is better as an impact sub.

    Also glad we held on considering we’ve conceded a lot of late goals this season.  Could do wonders for the team mentally.

  9. 2 points dropped there - only got ourselves to blame.  Paton was abysmal still don’t know how he missed that tap in. 

    Probably would’ve taken a point before the game but after the way it played out definitely a sickener.  Given how tight the league is we can’t be throwing away points like that.  It means f**k all that we’re a better team than Clyde if we’re not turning performances into results.

    Thought Schiavonne had a good game and should’ve been kept on. His hold up play is really good for an eighteen year old. 


  10. Great game for the neutral.  I think we started really positively but couldn’t take any of the early half chances and Airdrie found their way into the game comfortably.   Quite a lot of sloppy passing by Sons certainly didn’t help as we gave the ball away cheaply.

    Quite happy with the creativity in the team (especially compared to last season) but I do hope we can get another striker in.  I like how physical Orsi is though - a couple of times he picked up possession by committing to challenging the defence and I think he’ll be a useful player - if not an out and out goalscorer.

    Ross Maclean’s reaction to the 2nd goal has made him an instant Sons legend in my book.  Love to see it.  He looks a good player too - not afraid to take his man on and wants to get on the ball a lot.  

    Lynch is definitely quite raw but I think he’s got a lot of potential too.  Similar to Rico last year where he’s a bit suss in defence but quite a positive player when he gets further forward. 

    Not a great performance from Erskine and he doesn’t fill me with confidence even as a backup keeper.  Don’t want to be too harsh on the guy but hope he has a better game if he’s playing for us again.

    Only two games in so don’t want to get too ahead of myself but I definitely think we look like a team capable of avoiding a relegation fight like last season.  

  11. I think one of the issues with Jones was although he isn’t a prolific goalscorer, he missed some absolute sitters that a forward shouldn’t be missing regardless of their playing style.  He’s also prone to some terrible touches but I do think his hold up play can be decent. 

    He’s guaranteed a goal against us at least so there’s that. Definitely don’t think he’s the worst option if you’re wanting to play long ball at times.

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