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Happy Buddie

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Everything posted by Happy Buddie

  1. Is that Green's real plan for his end-game? Refuse to fully divulge investors, SFA refuse licence, then he blames SFA, Sevco don't start the season and he starts phoning estate agents to market a sports stadium, a car park and a 5-a-side venue.
  2. How are they going to get into the Junior Leagues? Outright purchase? Assimilation (like the Borg)? Or start a new one.....but that would need a vacancy in a league. They just need to accept that what used to be is now gone.....but again, too deluded. .
  3. Ghost Town by The Specials in my head for some reason. What Ibrox will look like at a home match after 2 months?
  4. "We're simply bust, buster than all the rest, buster than anyone, and we're in serious debt, we're stuck through the heart, just don't believe a word we say, we're all torn apart, baby, we will soon be dead"
  5. Possibly, Gilmour may have seen the loss of a million quid, personally, staring him in the face. We had almost agreed a Clyde-type CIC buyout, but Friday's decision could have affected income, therefore share value, reducing the price which could reasonably have been asked of the fans consortium. Maybe it'll setle down now and we can get on with getting the club into our supporters' trust.
  6. That's why this thread has to keep running, it's just toooo feckin' entertaining. It really is like watching a car crash in slow motion, with various large vehicles spinning in from side-roads just when you think the dust has settled
  7. I wonder if this idea might now get a bit of life, cos I'm sure Mr Regan reads this forum. I suspect he got his "financial armageddon" idea from one of my posts way back, when I compared this clusterf*ck to the asteroid's destruction of the dinosaurs, and in "Armageddon" it was an asteroid playing the baddie. (jokin', like)
  8. He's heard that there are millions of strikers to be had on free transfers. Coat, I'll get it meself.
  9. All those agreed say "Aye"........now why can't the powers-that-be see the same, they're supposed to be the clever guys (or at least have a finger on the pulse). A bond (given that they are a "wee" diddy team, mibbe £500k) should be demanded of Sevco to ensure any "financial armageddons" resulting from their soon-to-be-demise in Div 3 is at least partially mitigated.
  10. That's not investing, it's called "charitable giving" or "putting money in to stop the club going tits up within four weeks cos we're skint".
  11. Is this shit-stirring nonsense written by Roddy Forsyth, by any chance? Chuckie doesn't have anything to do with that, that's with Haudit and Daudit (who?) and / or BDO. Any way, the SPL could just rewrite the rules, Dundee play in blue, after all.
  12. It's a seriously long walk for an Orangeman, considering those funny, wee three inch steps they take like they've keiched their breeks, cos they have to walk at the pace of the slowest wee barrel-shaped wummin in the white suit and big floppy hat.
  13. The penny has been dropping for a looooooooooong time, but mibbe, jist mibbe, they're starting to get the big picture, particularly regarding potential (lack) of playing staff, if SFA insist embargo is a necessary requirement for membership. Perhaps Mr Hateley's vision of 4-in-a-row is starting to fade. Any guesses on how long their expulsion to the wilderness (no disrepect meant, wee diddies) of Div 3 would last if that penalty is applied?
  14. Honour and integrity. More likely Morton switching a home tie against Johnstone Burgh in the Renfrewshire Cup to Keanie Park to get a bigger crowd.
  15. Please don't take our name in vain. They were mibbe mates, pals, chums, friends, amigos, partners, in a same-arse relationship, but never, ever Buddies.
  16. Could I make a heartfelt plea to Peterhead fans especially, and to all Div 3 fans, please when you play Newco the FIRST song you sing should be "You're not Rangers, anymore, you're not Rangers any.....more" to the tune of Bread of Heaven (as in you're not singing anymore)?
  17. Reading from Leggo's blog( ) If true, mibbe Green's approaching his pre-planned end-game, refusing to divulge his Mysterons, then refused an SFA licence, Sevco/Zombies decide not to bother playing football at all, and having played the game out until the coaches turn back into pumpkins, too late for Broon's Bombers to save the day, they fold, just like that. He can blame "administrative incompatibility", i.e. they want to know, and we don't want to tell them, then asset-strip at his leisure. If I were working for Spartans, I'd have my team on speed-dial just in case.
  18. We also need to keep emphasising the correct terminology. ---Rangers were not DUMPED into the 3rd Div, they were allowed in and for that they, and their fans, should bloody grateful. There can be no Old Firm in future....EVER, ......................etc, etc, etc.
  19. That reminds me, I need to pay The Bristol Bar and The Loudon Tavern a visit each just after the new season kicks off. When's the first Ramsden Cup match? ps is the irony of the sponsorship of that trophy lost on everyone else? Mibbe they could pawn Ibrox to raise some dough.
  20. it was mentioned on here earlier that 1. They'll probably have to put up a bond with HMRC given "their" history. 2. LOSSES were over £1m a month last season, so to break even in Div 3 is going to need a brammer of a business plan. 3. They're struggling to get ANY banking facilities, let alone a line of credit . That's a lot of financial input required to get them through even the first few weeks of the season, before they think about signing new players (have to be frees or loans I think) I guess Scottish Power will be in at Ibrox next week installing a pre-paid meter. (Were they on the creditors' list? )
  21. You jist couldnae wait, could ye? We're in wi' the big boys, we're in wi' the big boys!! No doubt we'll have all sorts of Dundee blues on here now, now that they're just about qualified. Remember, you've been promoted to the SPL with the lowest ever points total. keep a sense of perspective and know your place. ps only kiddin'. Welcome back.
  22. Another contender for tomorrow's back page from Graeme Soutar: Picture of Hampden - "Circus Rolls Back Into Town!" #bbcsportsound That's why Ally was there. He's never tried a roll and circus.
  23. Let me concentrate, Neil. If I can perfom the Vulcan mind-meld telepathically with the SPL chairmen, we can have Rangers back in the SPL.
  24. I've just missed out 30 odd pagess to get to the present so i can post. A big well done to the internet bampots and the Diddy Collective. I'm now going to listen to Sportsound on iplayer. Please don't post anything for the next hour. . BTW I will be at Clyde, Ayr, Raith and Arbroath next season as a mark of solidarity. If you are a fan of one of these and see me there with The Saints' scarf on, don't be shy, say hello. TTFN
  25. Anybody know the two guys "protesting" in the photo? And what team scarf that is? That should be the Diddy Collective team scarf, if for no other reason than respect to these guys for turning up.
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