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Happy Buddie

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Everything posted by Happy Buddie

  1. A question was asked the other day as to why there is such a fascination with Wills and Kate in the Orc Hordes, and there was a comment, way back, on the fact that the shitey wee guy who’s the kitman at Ibrox had given everyone there a cake (something like that) on the day of the royal wedding. I meant to respond earlier, so apologies for my tardiness (not tarriness) At the moment Oor Wills is 2nd in line to the throne. When his Granny pops her clogs or his Daddy checks oot, he will then be 1st in line to the throne. When the other one eventually ceases to be, he will ascend the throne and will then be King.. William. Who will be known to the Orcs as………………..?????? answers on a postcard to…………….. (this competition is for Rangers knuckle draggers so no looking at the competition address for clues) King Billy Competition c/o PnB 1690 Regent Street (Ian) PAISLEY PA1 1AN Thus the second coming.
  2. I read a theory somewhere, maybe on here, which is very plausible, and it was that the "Ally walking away" story was a plant by Jabba to try to twist CG's arm to sell to the Cardigan Consortium, whose bid just happened to arise at the same time.
  3. No, it's to fight against some conspiracy or other which is threatening to usurp and demean the realm, based in some Mediterranean micro-state.
  4. This needs a high profile.....could get this thread back on track....it has been a bit like the lull between the firestorms in WW1 today, guys just sitting around smoking and talking shit waiting for the next big push. This could be the first sign of the small leak in the dam that signals the burst is about to come.
  5. They must be on about the third incarnation of Derek Parker by now, much like Francis Gay in the Sunday Post. Either that or he's doing his Renfrewshire trails from a powered wheelchair. As to how he still gets to peddle pish, compare and contrast JT and Daily Retard.
  6. Long, long ago, when the human body was first evolving, a discussion developed between the parts of the body as to who was most important THE BRAIN SAID : Since I control everything and do all the work I should be boss. THE FEET SAID: Since I carry man where he wants to go and get him to do what the Brain wants, I should be boss. THE HANDS SAID: Since I must do all the work and earn all the money to keep all the rest of you going, I should be boss. THE EYES SAID: Since I must look out for all of you and tell you where danger lurks, I should be boss. And so it went with the Heart, the Ears, and the Lungs. Finally the Arsehole spoke up and demanded that he be boss. All the other parts laughed and laughed at the idea of an asshole being boss. The Arsehole was so angered that he blocked himself off and refused to function. Soon the Brain was feverish, the Eyes crossed and ached, the Feet were too weak to walk, the Hands hung limply at his side, the Heart and Lungs struggled to keep going. All pleaded with the Brain to relent and let the Arsehole be boss, and so it happened. All parts did the work and the Arsehole just bossed and passed out a lot of shit. MORAL: You don't have to be a brain to be boss, just an Arsehole
  7. Given the weather in that part of Italy (technically not Rome, but a non-democratic sovereign state, where strangely the vast majority of voters in the elections for the head of state are non-residents) there's loads of space for a bit of decking and an olympic-sized hot tub.
  8. Apparently short-sighted with less peripheral vision due to heavy brow ridges, but you are thinking of speckist, which is unjustifiable prejudice against four-eyed gits. As a guy who is vertically challenged, I too suffer from prejudice - appartheight.
  9. Had a wee look on a blue site (VGB) last night and they asked me if I'd be willing to take part in an armed defence of the realm during the registration process. Pure mental, byraway.
  10. Just goes to show how naive I am, I was at that game and until now was not aware there was a problem. Mibbe he did something in the game that tipped a few guys over the edge, but that's to our eternal shame. However I will say that we have very much less of a preducial history tham a couple of others, and I hope that nothing like it ever happens again, and, NO, I'm not condoning racism. He was never the "cleanest" of tacklers (see The Tacklers' Guide by T. Forsyth) and did seem to take some inspiration from his mate, Frank Rikjaard ( remember him n Rudi Voller?) Dirty bast$ard.
  11. At least they're able to fnd a virgin, unlike...............ok, ok, fill in your own punchline here
  12. I didnae realise there was a Wickerman connection there. My aunt and uncle had the big detached house on the corner of Troubridge Crescent and Mackenzie Drive and I still have a cousin in Ramsay Crescent, and I have family in Elderslie and Johnstone, so obviously blissfully ignorant of any Druidic leanings.
  13. Oh, I will, I've never had one of them from a 'Ton supporter. Back on the subject of this thread, mibbe Morton will find their fanbase increasing again with a few defections from the Ibrox disloyal. i was truly scared by the level of OF fervour in Port Glasgow / Greenock a few years ago when I refereed an under-16 Scottish Cup 1/4 final at Parklea. I turned up to find about 1500 (no exaggeration) decked out in Celtic and Rangers colours. When I went into the changing rooms and asked the other refs what was going on, somebody said "Oh some poor sod has a match between Port Rangers and Shamrock Rovers." Guess who? And using club officials as linesmen. A bit of a warzone experience, just a few scars which didn't heal.
  14. No need to be nasty, I had a shower at least twice last week ( I assume you are referring to us, your greatest rivals) and I know that at least a few of my fellow fans have washed several times in the last year!!! (usually in the summmer cos a dip in the Cart is pretty nippy in January)
  15. Some of the post on here have been argumentative, some have been insulting, some have been near the bone. That is just outright bad taste and requires an immediate apology (I assume CFC fans know how to say Sorry, unlike the other cheek?)
  16. 1) or go and sit on The Naughty Step for half an hour. 2) surely an SFA issue, not SPL? 3) It's no' the peepul's fault 'cos the SFA/SPL's rule books are the problem. Truly deluded and not an effin clue. Another rule: if you're going to try to win an argument, at least try to get your facts right.
  17. I drove through Patna at not less than 25mph and the wee buggers still managed to nick two of my hub caps.
  18. By that I meant visitors, the Travellers, I would suspect are more aligned to the other cheek. (but you'd never actually get them to pay for a ticket)
  19. Judging by the discussions on here, I've been seriously cotton-woolled as far as Orange/Catholic village allegiances are concerned, being brought up in Renfrewshire, I don't think there are any towns/villages which have an overt profile one way or another there, the only one I was aware of was Larkhall, until I moved to Airdrie, obviously still in Lanarkshire (like Larkhall) and being made aware of the Coatbridge/Airdrie biases, and some of the surrounding mining villages. I'm getting a bit of an education re. Ayrshire. Maybe it's the coal-mining heritage which is responsible, as Renfrewshire doesn't have any and never did (as far as I'm aware)
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