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Happy Buddie

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Everything posted by Happy Buddie

  1. See, there's the old head-in-the-sand again. "it doesn't fit in with my version of fact, so I'll ignore it." It is relevant, because it illustrates Charlie Bhoy's attitude to your team's supporters, i.e. "They're scum, but providing I keep telling 'em what they want to hear, I'll get a few quid from 'em before I leave." Plus ca change, le plus la meme chose.
  2. One from McCoist in today's Daily Ranger “It’s amazing because it’s the same fans I see at the away grounds. When you’ve been at a club for so long you see individual supporters who travel everywhere – from Forres to Berwick. “I feel for them but I do see a better acceptance of what has happened to us as a club and where we are. "There was an opinion, which was wrong, that we’d win every game in SFL3. I knew that wouldn’t be the case." “But people are taking a step back to look at the bigger picture. We lost 28 players in the summer and had to bring in young lads so there’s a bit more acceptance. In saying that, we still have to win this league and get promoted.” McCoist, his players and staff were made to suffer by the actions of ex-owner Craig Whyte when he placed the club in administration and, ultimately, liquidation. Hearts are facing sanctions from the league for not paying wages in time but the Ibrox boss insists it isn’t John McGlynn and his players who should be made to suffer. He said: “We were punished, and rightly so, but it was the people who had already suffered. I don’t want to see the Hearts players or staff punished again. It’s not right.” Using the Hearts situation to again spout the mantra "we've been punished and we've suffered enough". It reminds me of the media tarts you see on every talk show and hear on every radio channel when they have a book/CD/play/film/perfume/knicker brand to publicise, the conversation starts off with a bit of general banality, then soon swings round to the plugging and hard sell. Ally and the rest must be under some standing order to bring that up every time he's near a "reporter" in the hope that we'll eventually buy into it. NAE CHANCE, SON.
  3. A few weeks ago, when ST sales were being discussed, it seemed that Charlie Chuckles couldn't get a bank to act for him due to doubts about the financial stability of Sevco and lack of clarity (transparency? ) over the investors. As i don't see any improvements in either of those two points, has he managed to get a bank to handle his money-laundering, oops, sorry, business administration?
  4. I hear Lance Armstrong has notified interest in the The Rangers share offer. He's hoping it will allow him to buy a few titles that he's lost recently..........for cheating (doping, but not financial in his case) .....oh, haud oan........ See, Berrs, it could happen to you!!!!! . Anyhoo, when's the FTTT decision due?
  5. Well, nae show withoot Punch!!!!! Hit the baby on the head, that's the way to do it. ( A saga of domestic abuse and Police assault, a bit like Govan on a Saturday night when The Rangers lose to another extreme diddy club)
  6. From today's Daily Mail. : We might be in the Scottish third division... but we're aiming for European super league, says Rangers chief By Sportsmail Reporter PUBLISHED: 08:57, 12 October 2012 | UPDATED: 09:49, 12 October 2012 Rangers chief executive Charles Green insists his fallen Scottish giants will be involved during the inevitable transition to a European super league. The club have unveiled plans for admission to the Alternative Investment Market of the London Stock Exchange in the hope of raising up to £20million. Green anticipates the exploitation of untapped revenue streams such as merchandising will help elevate Rangers back into the Scottish Premier League. And once there he insists they will be welcomed at the top table of European football, the landscape of which will be radically altered by the demands of top clubs. 'There will be a European league because big teams can't keep subsidising small teams like Southampton for the next 10 years because they will go stale,' he said. 'Arsenal don't want to play Southampton or Swansea, but ask them if they want to play Celtic or Rangers. It's what the fans want to see. 'Fans across the world want to see Manchester United play Barcelona, not just once every few years but every season. 'If there are two divisions of 18 clubs, how could Rangers not be a part of that? 'I'm convinced it will happen because otherwise where will the revenues for the top come from? 'These days Arsenal are struggling to sell out their game against West Ham. 'How can Manchester United's revenues be £320million and Aston Villa, who are completely useless, get £250? 'It all comes from Sky and it's not decided by what a club puts in. What Manchester United put into world football is massive, but what they take out of it is a joke and they won't put up with that for much longer.' Rangers are hoping to raise £20million through an institutional investor placing and limited public offering. Green revealed the club will be undertaking an institutional investor roadshow, claiming that to date there has been "strong interest". The funds will be used to strengthen the squad, improve and develop the club's properties and facilities and provide additional working capital. Green accepted that football has endured a chequered past concerning flotations on the stock exchange, but is confident Rangers will be a success. Aye, he's going to compete with clubs with a £250 million a year income, but he's going to struggle to raise £20 million from a share issue? When is this guy going to get real? If I were a The Rangers supporter I would be really pissed off ( among a lot of other things I would be) at being taken for being sooooooo stoopid. I assume the reporter recorded this for later transcription, as he must have been using all his muscle control to stop pissing himself.
  7. I'm afraid Santa's gonnae get a lot of bad press in Govan this year. "Mammy, why did santa no' bring me a new bike like ah asked in ma letter?" "Son, yir Daddy had a word wi' Santa in the Govan market an' telt him ye'd raither huv shares in The Rangers, so's ye'll be rich when ye grow up." "Can I no' jist sell these the noo, an' buy a bike?" "Sell them? They're worth fu** all!!!"
  8. It's an asset so will probably be called in at short notice by the court's appointed financial geniuses (hopefully NOT Haudit and Daudit).
  9. DhenBhoy, on 20 September 2012 - 14:56, said:Chuck is really starting to become unfunny. The ramblings of a desperate man… CHARLES GREEN has insisted that Motherwell will be warmly welcomed to Ibrox next week because he believes they were pressured into voting against Rangers getting back into the SPL. he'll probably say that about every SPL team (except one , he disnae need to encourage its supporters ) cos he needs every possible body to pay through the gate to prop up his already crumbling business model.
  10. On point 1, sit in a draught without a scarf on, that'll work. (I know, old joke, I can't remember whose, Ken Dodd, Tommy Cooper, Arthur Askey?) Point 2, from July 1690 to February 2012 is 322 years (give or take a couple of months) and in all that time there has been no adjusting, just entrenchment of the same base bigoted values. From February 2012 to September 2012 is seven months (give or take a couple of months) and the only adjustment I've seen is even more entrenchment of those same values from an ever-more bitter concentration of bigotry. Oh, there are a few enlightened ones, but the determined majority are getting worse. Mind you, most of them appear to be glory-hunters so they'll probably get worse and worse, but stay away from the games in ever greater numbers.
  11. 54 whit? Second Hand trophies? Remember Charlie said he bought them for you so you obviously didn't win them yourselves.
  12. Naw, it's like watching a car crash, or You've Been Framed or Jackass. You know you really shouldn't watch, morally, because some poor bugger is getting toasted or seriously hurt, but it is fascinating, and you know you'll come back for more because, in the end (hope that phrase doen't upset anyone with a minority sexual orientation)............it is as funny as hell. Oh, aye, and we all say "Thank f**k, that's no me."
  13. See if you give gold dust to Ramsdens, can you get (mair)second hand fitba' trophies in exchange? Better tell Charlie. Cos they're no gonnae get any new wans fur a while.
  14. Is it not about time they decided CG is "not a fit and proper person" and tellt him to get tae?
  15. I suppose, if you look at it positively, from the point of the Daily Ranger, that Sevco will have a 100% ticket uptake for all of their CL games this season and for the next three seasons.
  16. And what else do bears do in the woods? Mibbe they really are shitting themselves.
  17. A wee comment on Charlie's insistence that he'll take the SPL to court as "We bought the history, titles and honours" as "they have no authority to strip them". If I buy a Victoria Cross on e:bay, and change my name by deed (deid? ) poll to the same as the guy that won it, does that make me a hero?
  18. We're Newco (when it suits us, when it comes to paying the piper and taking punishment) We're Oldco (when it suits us, history, titles, fanbase, bigotry, etc, etc) Cherry picking : the main activity at Ibrox these days.
  19. Naw, T E L L T, tellt. From BBC News, 12th June 2012 ( that's this year) Rangers: Football to continue at Ibrox say liquidators Rangers' liquidators insist the club will continue to play at Ibrox. Malcolm Cohen and James Stephen from financial company BDO have been appointed as Joint Liquidators. A CVA proposal from a consortium led by Charles Green was rejected by HMRC forcing the club into liquidation. “The liquidators will seek to protect any remaining assets, maximise recoveries for the benefit of creditors, and investigate the reasons behind the failure of the company.” Rangers' Liquidator Malcolm Cohen "It's important to understand that the appointment of liquidators will not mean the end of football at Ibrox - only the end of the company that ran the club," said Cohen. "The liquidators will seek to protect any remaining assets, maximise recoveries for the benefit of creditors and investigate the reasons behind the failure of the company." Administrators Duff & Phelps plan to transfer the business to a 'newco' set up by Green in the next few days. Cohen continued: "Once this is done, BDO will determine what can be recovered from the remains of the existing company. "It is right that there is a full and robust investigation into why the company failed, together with concerted efforts to recover monies for creditors and the taxpayer. "This may include pursuit of possible claims against those responsible for the financial affairs of the company in previous years." Green's consortium have continued discussions with the Scottish football authorities with the SPL holding a board meeting on Monday where issues at Rangers are expected to figure high on the agenda. "We are still negotiating with the SFA and SPL to reach an amicable conclusion to the benefit of Scottish football," said Green. "We need to carry on talking sensibly and get something that works for everyone."
  20. And tell, I shall. But don't you know already? Have you not been keeping up with events? (Not another bloody lightweight?) BDO were appointed to liquidise, sorry, liquidate Rangers Football Club, founded 1872, died 2012, by the prime creditor, HMRC, who have the power to investigate any misdeeds, crimes, dodgy dealings, financial jiggery-pokery, etc., etc., during the period of administration from 12th February until their appointment as liquidators, and to reverse or rescind any deals which were to the detriment of the creditors. Tellt.
  21. On the subject of "They cannae remove oor history!!!!", somebody quoted, mibbe Winston Churchill or Napoleon, "History of a war is written by the victors." Well, the SPL have bigger tackity boots than The Rangers 2012 plc ( estd 2012, there's a clue in the title (does that count as 55 now? ) ) and I think if they decide to strip SPL honours, that's it. History is rewritten, deleted, whatever and, as Mr Green says, he has nothing to do with the SPL, he surely wouldn't wish to get involved in an argument over an old organisation with £140 million worth of debt. Mibbe class it as Newspeak for Newco (See 1984, G. Orwell for an insight into rewriting histories)
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