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Happy Buddie

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Everything posted by Happy Buddie

  1. Class, a wee half bottle o Buckie on the bar!! and a "sales director" from SHETTLESTON? Director of whit? a scrappie's yard? And is that Irish whiskey I see on the gantry? Outed as a closet terrier.
  2. I thought so, and that's why I've been to a Raith home game, a Clyde home game, and next month I'm going to an Ayr home game and an Arbroath home game. SPORTING INTEGRITY ROOLS, YA BASS.
  3. Tedi, on 06 Feb 2013 - 19:22, said: If they're skint, are they going to ask their fans for a whip-round the way Hearts did, I mean, surely that's the best way, get the fans to invest in the club. oh, her, no, they already did that didn't they? Their fans couldnae be daft enough to get diddled that way twice, could they?
  4. Interest free, disnae need tae be paid back until the recipient is deid? Oh, here......wait a minute.
  5. If I read correctly, the proposals for the new league system as 12-12-18. That would mean that even if Sevco finish top of Div 3 this year, they would still be in the bottom league come reconstruction, no?
  6. Sorry, guys. Copied from Wiki, have amended it to make it legible. My shame.
  7. P Won Drawn Lost GF GA Pts 36 32 2 2 130 29 98 Mentioned elswhere, and thought it worth posting here, that the current leaders of SFL3, whoever they are this week, (The (not-so-mighty) RangersFC 2012?) have already dropped 13 points compared to the 10 in total that Gretna dropped in the whole of 2004-2005 season en route to winning the title. (that's their record above) Anyone remember what happened to them when their investors pulled the plug? All comparisons gratefully accepted.
  8. "Those fans, between the ones who bought their £500-a-pop share packages as individuals and those who made their contribution through the excellent and well organised Rangers Supporters Trust scheme, contributed an astonishing £5.2M to the total £22.2M raised by Charles Green, Imran Ahmad and Brian Stockbridge. Just call them Rangers very own Three Musketeers – and no need for d’Artagnan" I thought Imran Ahmad was the Dark Tan Yin? Ok, I'll get me jaikit.
  9. Any chance that is a typo and it was No. 8 that was arrested? Anyhoo, where's he been? Sipping bubbly oot o' Craigie Boy's navel in Monaco?
  10. I can also bring news today to all the many readers of LeggoLand scattered throughout the world. Rangers fans in America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Thailand, Vietnam and all over Europe, who check in here on a regular basis, will be pleased to learn there is nothing to stop them buying into the dream of the resurgent Rangers and becoming shareholders. (apart from common sense and needing to think first before throwing tenners doon a drain) Fans who are based abroad and who want to invest directly into Rangers need only open an account in Britain. (Subject to financial rules and regulations concerning illegal money transfers, money laundering etc, etc, for which you need to jump through burning hoops (no pun intended, no references Guy Fawkes or to supporters of a 'Tic persuasion intended) ) They can also invest by contacting Simply Stockbroking. There is still time for Rangers supporters, wherever they are, to invest directly the minimum of £500 to become shareholders, or for fans at home or abroad to follow the lead of former chairman Alastair Johnston and True Blue and make an investment via the FSA approved and regulated Rangers Supporters Trust. (eh? ) Those who do buy, or who support those who are buying in – as opposed to those who have actively worked against this scheme to raise money for Rangers – will have earned the right to join the Union Bears in their cry of.... WE ARE THE PEOPLE!
  11. Over the last 17 years, inflation has averaged around 2% , maybe 2.5%, giving a gross rise of 40% (at 2%) or 52% (at 2.5%) so worth between £12.6 million and £13.6 million today.
  12. Charles Green on the backfoot for first time as fans are slow on uptake of Gers shares 17 Dec 2012 00:01 DESPITE claims he could earn the club up to £22m buy selling shares to Rangers fans, Charles Green may have to amend his target as many supporters struggle - or refuse - to stump up the cash. THERE'S a touch of the Boycotts about Charles Green. And it has nothing to do with not taking tickets for Tannadice.For six months this eccentric, torn-faced Yorkshireman has been strutting around Scottish football, smashing almost everything and everyone for six. His aggressive, sleeves-rolled-up batting style has been fun to watch and, at times, pretty spectacular too. Somehow, and in almost no time at all, Green has won over the hearts and minds of a support which at first could not have been more suspicious of him had he pitched up at Ibrox wearing Craig Whyte's old pointy shoes. His straight-talking charm offensive bullying has been a thing of beauty (you are a brown-nosing b*****d, Keith) and those same fans now have no problem at all with the fact that, by tomorrow, Green will have earned himself a small fortune from their club. Maybe even as much as £3.5million. That's his reward for riding to their rescue. Also, it must be said, when it was announced only 10 or so days ago that he had secured £17m worth of reasonably blue chip institutional investment in his planned flotation, many a flat cap was doffed in Green's direction. This was arguably an even more impressive success than his snake charming act on the masses. But and you knew there was a "but" coming at some point in the next 24 hours Green may be forced on to the back foot for the first time. A lot less bullish than before. Maybe even a little sheepish, depending on the extent of the damage. Those same supporters now eating out of the palm of his hand have only until 1pm tomorrow to make good on their promises to buy shares in Green's Rangers. To put their money where their mouths were a few months ago when around £22m was pledged in the online land of lah-de-dah. If ever there was proof of the dangers of taking the internet's word for it, then this is surely it. Because, as things stood over the weekend, the total stumped up by these supporters was closer to £2m than £22m. Maybe not even that much. A total of £10m worth of shares was ring-fenced by Green for fans. But the word from those who know inside Ibrox yesterday was that the uptake has been slow. The exact numbers are blurry, not least because sales have picked up slightly over the last 72 hours but, even so, the best Green can hope for now is to shift half of the £10m he set aside. In fact, the truth is Rangers will be delighted to break through the £4m barrier in the final few hours of trading. So, unless there is a late stampede to hand over bundles of £500s a week before Christmas Green will be left with quite a significant hole in his plans. And someone, somewhere will have badly miscalculated. It's too easy to blame the fans for failing to follow through with their cash pledges, which came in the form of registered interest. The suspicion is many pledges may have been made by cunning rival fans as a wind-up. You know the kind of thing. "Yes, the name's Lennon." "First name?" "Eh, Niall. And I'm good for 20 grand ma man." "Yaldi!" Others may well have been genuine and full of good intentions at the time but baulked when it came to coughing up the cash. Or when it was time to tell the missus to buy a smaller turkey this year. Or a pack of chicken dippers. Yes, with hindsight, Green may well be wishing now that he had not chosen to launch this issue in December, in the middle of a recession. He may also be thinking he was asking for too much when he set the minimum asking price at a monkey. Now I'm no Lord Sugar but wasn't that all rather bleeding obvious? These same supporters, remember, have already been paying hand over fist to keep their club alive since all its troubles began to crystallise at the start of a year that will go down in history as Rangers' annus horribilis. That's Latin for Craig Whyte. Also, Green may have blundered on TV last week by apparently stressing there was very little need for the club's fans to dig deep. He said unsold shares would be quickly gobbled up by his institutional investors, who wanted to plough around £25m into the club but were scaled back to £17m to satisfy demand from fans. "If there's any left over I'll even buy 'em myself," was how Green put it. But this may have backfired on him because, if anything, it allowed fans to feel as if their larger-than-life chief executive had it all covered. When 10,000 Celtic supporters raised £9m between them in 1995, they were doing it to save their club. That was the message from Fergus McCann and the response was quite staggering. If Rangers supporters fall way short of that kind of sum, they can expect to be told about it by their neighbours. Over and over. And no, Green won't be there with his cheque book to make up the difference. He's not here to spend his own money. He prefer others to spend for him. So now, barring a late and intense flurry of investment from supporters today and tomorrow, he's going to be left with a whole load of unwanted shares on his office desk and a sizeable chunk missing from his budget. He had better hope his assembled squad of big-money backers in London are indeed prepared to pick up the slack to the tune of up to £7m or suddenly, what had been shaping up as a major success story could become a minor source of embarrassment. Apologies if this has been posted already, I can't be arsed checking back. Oh, aye, would whoever is Niall Lennon on here please own up, it's not big and it's not funny. Oh, ok, it is . ETA, I'm not blind, stupid or just plain feckin lazy, Wunfellaff must have potsed 1/2 a second before I did. Anyhoo, can we all now have a chorus of "We told you so!!!"?
  13. Cassiopea: A "W" shaped constellation formed by five bright stars. Named after Cassiopeia, the queen of Aethiopia. Cassiopeia was the wife of Cepheus, King of Aethiopia and mother of Princess Andromeda. Cepheus and Cassiopeia were placed next to each other among the stars, along with Andromeda. She was placed in the sky as a punishment for her boast that Andromeda was more beautiful than the Nereids; she was forced to wheel around the North Celestial Pole on her throne, spending half of her time clinging to it so she does not fall off . Cos she's permanently pished? Like most orcs? Apt, eh? .
  14. DDSS, different day, same shit. This time The Rangers will be paying for the privelege, rather than The DR paying for him doing exactly the same job.
  15. Maybe that was the point, that by deciding they were loans, they are still "assets" for the liquidator's to use, so those who received them will have to pay up in the short term to allow winding up of Oldco, whereas if Oldco had been deemed liable, there's bugger all in their kitty to pay to HMRC. Perhaps a hollow victory, which will se ex RFC employees reduced to penury and begging outside ibrox for small change, (echoes of CG's share offer?) or selling medals (cheatingly won?) to pay the mortgage as the brown envelope demands from the liquidators drop through the doors. Oh, the irony.
  16. Ii've been out of the loop for a while. What's the latest guess on the financial status at Ibrox? Are they still spending more than they're earning?
  17. Is that succulent lamb Karma? ............it's OK, my coat's already on.....!!!
  18. No need to apologise, but I'm wondering now which was the trigger on the raw nerve, that you're worried about financial stability.........or you don't consider yourselves SPL material? .
  19. Thanks for the back-up, my wee 'Ton pal, you're right, but did I inadvertently touch a wee, raw nerve there?
  20. Just when we were all commenting on how quiet it has been recently, along comes Craigie Baby and blooters the ba' into row Z. Looks like financial armageddon looms, not for the SPL clubs, but for only one club (or is it two? ). Time to resurrect those gifs of the mushroom cloud over Govan, methinks. SFA = Sevco Financial Armageddon.
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