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Happy Buddie

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Everything posted by Happy Buddie

  1. Come the end of October, given our arithmetical adventures tonight, they will have to take into account the reality that it is a crime for a company director to allow his company to trade whilst knowingly insolvent. Hey,Chucky's no a director anymore. Funny that, eh?
  2. I'd like to hear Jim McColl's response now to Chucky's plea for £14 million for a quarter share in a company that's losing money faster than Lehman Brothers.
  3. depends on the terms of their contracts. But IMO the can't sign contracts yet due to the signing ban so I suppose they could"consult" Chucky and he could advise them on employment law, cos, as we all remember from last year, he's an expert on that. He might say "feckem, they ain't got a contract , so don't pay 'em".
  4. So 10 million plus in the bank. 38000 season tickets at 300 quid approx = 11 mill 400 thousand. So they've spent all the IPO plus some of the ST money. Or am I being as naive as a Rangers supporter?
  5. Is that extra "h" meant to be indicative of a Hibernian slant on behalf of McGhill's buses?
  6. Can somebody refresh my memory, please? How much did the current comedy crew pay for Rangers, £5 million? How much has Chucky personally invested? And, how many shares does he "own" personally?
  7. Rangers : Why wur we fined and Hearts wurnae? SFA : Your lawyer suggested a fine would be an appropriate punishment. Rangers :Oh, right, OK then.
  8. In this morning's Herald, he's quoted as saying "money's disappearing like you can't imagine" and I would think he's probably got some strong contacts at Ibroke telling him exacty how fast the cash is disappearing. I have a great imagination, and if it's beyond that, that's really scary. Roll on "Liquidation 2". ps will this thread continue as a newco thread with a continuous history if that happens, or will it be a new new thread?
  9. Jabba has been pretty quiet in all of this. Is he waiting to see who the victors are before he declares his allegiance?
  10. "I'll tell you, that would be bad luck - to have the worst Rangers team in history and the worst chief executive in history at the same time. That's downright bad luck." Aye, a double whammy, and even unluckier, to have the worst Rangers manager in history at the same time. Whoda thunk it?
  11. http://www.heraldscotland.com/sport/football/hateley-calls-for-rangers-in-top-flight.20960450 Hateley is a hateful cvnt. I really don't see why "journalists" give him a platform (well, yes I do), but surely they must have at least some professional pride? Same old quotes, they've done their time (i.e. they've been punished enough). NO THEY FECKIN' HAVEN'T!!!!
  12. and.....in more than a few of the bus routes they operate to the outer housing schemes, they have the last bus at around 7:00 pm so everyone has to walk or........take a taxi. Cynical or just sharp practice?
  13. I read a quote in some paper on Sunday, can't remember which, re. the attendance at Ibrox on Saturday saying that "the actual number of spectators was a five figure sum less that of the officially released figure, c. 43,000" Are they issuing attendances based on counting all c.35000 season ticket holders then adding on the number which pay at the gate? Smoke and mirrors, anyone? Nothing new, then. It'll be interesting, at the very least, to see how many STs are sold this year, given the dodgy financial jiggery-pokery, wee Craigy still sniffing around, appalling quality of football, bad results etc, etc.
  14. I think the logic of the situation tends to support your view. If he's short of readies, he won't get lawyers to reresent him unless he shows he can pay, so he's unlikely to be able to appeal. The castle on Speyside ain't worth more than a couple of million, all his other assets in UK likely to be seized to pay Ticketus. Looks like all he can do is feck off out of here, hunker down in Monaco and hold on to what he has there. Life's a bitch, eh?
  15. Dead right. I'd rather the Saints lost all of their previous honours than be told "You're going to be in the shite forever, never gain promotion, never win another honour". Feck the past, who cares, it's gone. It's the dream of what might be that's the exciting thing.
  16. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-scotland-business-22093410 We're on page 3950, I reckon it'll be 39500 before this is settled. Sevco5088, the gift that keeps on giving!!
  17. It wasn't just the miners she shafted. When she was in power, I worked for the MOD and she even shafted her own employees, the Civil Service. She was determined to attack the unions wherever they were, as she saw them as a threat to the power of government. She had no scruples, and didn't care who got hurt by her actions. I hope we never see her like again. I've always regarded her as an arrogant b*****d,.
  18. Is that fine not a fine in a footballing context? And therefore goes into the debt column in the liquidated (deid) club's accounts which have yet to be wound up? So, logically, it is a footballing debt to the SPL. And Chuckie was held to be liable for all footballing debts so he could get a licence so Sevco could take up a vacant space in the SFL 3rd division? So he should be getting his cheque book out to the tune (nae flutes, please) of £250k!! Or did I miss something? If he doesn't pay, then, as you so rightly infer, it confirms, despite what Tedi, Bendarroch, etc, all say, that there is a chasm of separation between Oldco and Newco, and all he bought were the assets, just like any other business that goes to the wall and their goods and chattels are purchased at a knockdown price, it's an entirely new entity which can't be held responsible for any activities in the history of the old company, like winning business awards, Queen's Award for Export Achievement, Investors In People, for example, nor for its dodgy business practices. But that didnae happen at Ibrox, right?
  19. Wee comment in the Daily Ranger re their hotline, someone mentioned that Charlie has been vociferous on every subject under the sun since taking over, yet not a peep to condemn those fans singing sectarian chants on Saturday. You don't bite the hand that feeds you, eh? Even if that hand belongs to a bigot.
  20. NOOOOOOOOO!! I missed that, Jeez, I was too busy calculating what that guy must have spent on booze. i'm surprised, that being in Shettleston, the place isnae armour plated.
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