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Happy Buddie

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Everything posted by Happy Buddie

  1. FWIW, I don't think it'll matter. Spartans et al will get their chances next season when Sevco goes tits up.
  2. Colin Paterson ‏@CP_acadvertiser AMB says Airdrie fans "will not be disappointed by the club's decision" this morning. Collapse Reply Retweeted Favorite No, I'd read that as a NO, cos then AU get promoted. What's the other side?
  3. That e:mail should be the last nail in Sevco's coffin, the shoogly one that Regan's jaiket has been on for the last few weeks.
  4. I said yesterday I will go to Clyde next season. I will also go to Ayr. AND I will go back to Stark's Park. This is a measure of how much I respect Turnbull's position. It is very much a journey of forgiveness as Kirkcaldy is the only place I have ever been subject to football violence, having been assaulted by a group of neds leaving the park with my wee brother when the Saints beat RR 3-2? in the late 70s to gain promotion and RR were relegated, so I have never been back since.
  5. IMO this could all have been sorted out by the SFA. If they had convened the Apellate tribunal as soon as the appeal period had expired, and applied those penalties allowable, i.e. suspension or expulsion, it would have been much more clean cut.
  6. For what reason? They might start the season, but I very much doubt that they'll be able to survive financially for more than a few months without continued injections of cash from The Mysterons.
  7. That first guy, is that no' Harold Steptoe wi' Hercules? Mibbe he's got a contract on the scrap value for the main stand. (no' the guy wi' the sword, that's Billy Van Steptoe, from the Ducth branch of the family), the original first guy from the original post.
  8. Me, too. Easier to get to for me than Paisley. I'll be wearing my St Mirren scarf as a show of solidarity. Guaranteed, first game at Broadwood. 28th July vs Thistle.
  9. Why is the word "revolt" used in that article? That's usually a word associated with the situation when you decide you DON'T want to abide by the rules as they are already written. To my mind, it's the SFL Board's proposal that is actually the revolting (see what I did there? ) position.
  10. At the risk of being called pedantic ( and not for the first time) should it not be 'Mon rather than Mon' ?
  11. But they'll need to bite the bullet and have a vote at some point, in the very near future, as the league seasons start in three-four weeks time, so delaying just makes our desired outcome more likely, as the SFL chairman will get more and more determined as they are being more and more pissed off.
  12. See the link here? The black and white shall inherit the earth. Should we now have a Paisley Penguin? 'Mon the Saints. PS West coast pandas are much better than east coast pandas.
  13. Sevco in the SPL would be a hoot. They've no team to speak of, no money to buy decent quality players. That might actually be a more entertaining punishment than anything we've seen so far. I think they'd get whupped just about every week. We need a campaign to get them in the SPL, 'mon lads, get onto your Chairmen right now.
  14. So, all these brazillions of pounds that RFC put into Scottish football over the years are the real cause of their demise. They've been so generous to the rest of Scottish football, that they've ignored their own financial well-being and put themselves into debt, admin and finally liquidation just to benefit the diddys. If that's so, and the New Rangers have a different business plan to run on a sustainable basis, we're going to be even worse off, cos they'll be keeping all the money to themselves, rather than being the munificent benefactor that Old Rangers were before their death. We didnae even get anything oot the will, other than threats and the promise of financial armageddon.
  15. Sevco Press Release : We don't plan to pursue the use of goal-line technology in the forseeable future as we have been reliably informed that it won't work as long as we have to use "jaikets fur goalposts"
  16. If that's how he goes about his daily life, spouting shyte, with a total disregard for people who actually care about things rather than having a selfish agenda, and slagging off guys who run their club on a sound financial plan, it's no surprise he has nae front teeth.
  17. Now if we could all put teams out that looked like that, there would be no SFA (Spurious Financial Armageddon) to worry about. Trying to persuade the wife that "I'm only going for the quality of the football" might prove difficult
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