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Happy Buddie

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Everything posted by Happy Buddie

  1. There is only one set of fans allowed to have black and white views and that's us......oh and Dunfermline........and Queen's Park......I'll get my coat
  2. This could have been a chance for one of these three (two?) numpties to put his stamp on Scottish footbal and really make a name for themselves, but they've been too busy licking the Ibrox arse to look up and have a gander towards the horizon. Visionaries they ain't.
  3. All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing : Edmund Burke
  4. is it about time to lay out the battle groups as they curently stand? I make it ----------------------Pro-Sevco Doncaster, Regan, Longmuir, Stenhousemuir, Dumbarton Anti-Sevco Everybody else except Jim Ballantyne Any better picture?
  5. Trouble is they can't write cos they have both hands squarely across their anuses to stop the brown stuff squishing ooot.
  6. Typical Rangers grandstanding, a five-star hotel, (is he planning an overnight stay?) you can take the boy out of Rangers, etc, etc. Could they not book a room at a Lodge in Govan, or even use a suite at Ibrox.......oh, no......wait...... .
  7. Are the 4 extra shares not just held as "bought in" shares would be in a normal plc, then in the event that the SPL is increased by 2 or 4 teams they would be issued, rather than having to go to the expense of creating new shares and being subject to the other financial nonsense that involves?
  8. What you describe is more a ransom than a bribe. I have a vision of a Central American kidnap gang saying "Send us $50m or we send heem to jo een beets" In this case we say "Here's a mill, give us an ear and we'll take the rest in instalments". A slow, lingering, enjoyable death ensues.
  9. FROM TODAY'S DAILY RANGER Rangers in crisis: SFL chief to reveal details of reform plans ahead of vote on newco Jul 11 2012 Exclusive by Gordon Parks SFL chief executive David Longmuir will tonight deliver the historic proposals for change to all league clubs ahead of Friday’s vote on newco Rangers.Record Sport understands all SFL clubs will receive details of the radical plans to revolutionise Scottish football. This will allow them to digest the finer points before gathering in two days at Hampden. Reconstruction of the game as well as financial carrots will all be on the agenda as the SFL board attempts to convince clubs to vote Rangers into the First Division. Clubs are warming to the idea of merging the leagues into one governing body but Berwick last night confirmed they will vote no to the newco going into the First Division. Longmuir, meanwhile, confirmed he hoped to give clubs a look at what’s on offer on Friday by “Wednesday night”. Does FINANCIAL CARROT not read the same as BRIBE?
  10. They keep publishing shite like this with "authority" but they can't even get the fact that TTFKAR are no more, and can't be relegated. They are a team without a league membership applying to join a big league rather than a pub league and should be fucking grateful that there is a reasonable chance they'll get to play in the SFL, rather than bump along for years as Annan did and as Spartan are still doing.
  11. The claim by several that Scottish ffootball is in meltdown is closer to the truth than most people accept. But.....it's not financial meltdown but bureaucratic. We have guys at the top i.e. Regan who talks tough in private, then fudges when put on the spot in public, trying to play both ends against the middle, then we have complete knobs like Doncaster who is tough in neither situation, just a pure fudger (or fudgepacker), and finally we have Longmuir who's trying to play the fans' favourite in public, but a two-faced twister in private. We need rid of the three of them and a decent, honest, proper organiser who knows the rules and insists everyone stick by them. I just hope this results in a butterfly moment where the ugly pupa gets an internal liquidisation and emerges as a beautiful graceful creature. (I know, I'm deluded, ain't I?)
  12. Aye, and make Ibrox Park worth 10 times what it is at the moment. Please don't give Captain Green any ideas.
  13. Aye, and which SFL club is going to take the SFL to court for an interdict if they break their own rules? Please form an orderly queue.
  14. Well, IF they get a lot of "helpful" referees, dodgy penalties, opposition goals dubiously disallowed, late "gift" goals, there shouldn't be any issue re. non-promotion, but that would never happen in Scottish football, would it. No...., wait..... . There have been some views that even in present form, thye'll struggle to get automatic promotion, so mibbe that's why play-offs are being mentioned, you can fiddle the result of a knockout series easier than in a league situation, if they were to finish 2nd or 3rd. If they finish below that, there will be a pre-pared league reconstruction document waiting in the background ready to be unfurled as soon as it becomes obvious that even the play-offs are beyond them.
  15. Having spent time catching up on this thread, one thing seesm to have slipped under the radar. Mr Green's "offer" to allow a fan involvement by share purchase looks like scam to raise operating funds in place of the mission millions from ST sales. By any definition, that ain't investment, that's working capital. And he values the company at £55m, he's offering shares to the fans to the value of half the company value, so he's hoping to get in excess of £25m when SDM got what?, £5m? Dream on. As I've said before, I just can't see them lasting 6 months with the obviously very poor cash flows they seem to be "generating". Putting them into Div 1 would be causing more chaos when Sevco go into admin in February 2013.
  16. I don't see why there's all the surprise in this. It's obviously been the plan all along if the CVA was accepted that the punishment would be demotion to SFL1 with guaranteed promotion back tp the SPL after 1 season. This is just another way of effecting the same result post-liquidation. If Sevco end up in Div 1 the thing to watch for is "helpful" referees, we know it has been bad enough in the past, God knows how bad it could get if winning the SFL 1 is to be a certainty, colluded to by SFA, SPL, and SFL. We'll need to keep a statistical survey going on the penalty awards to Sevco and the goals disallowed for their opponents. A lot of comments have been made, particularly by Traynor that the SPL clubs could survive 1 season without "Rangers" ( he still doesn't get the fact that they are no more), but not 2, so s far as Doncaster is concerned, 1 season in the wilderness is a price worth paying. On a fair and level playing field I can'tsee them getting back in one season with the quality of player they are likly to have. A few comments haove been made abut the transfer ban. That surely is a dead donkey, as it was deemed illegal, so another punishment must be applied if they wish to keep their history and "no entry" to the SPL was not a punishment for bringing the game into disrepute, that was for going into liquidation. Still a lot of loose ends to be tied up, and I think John Yorkston could be holding a couple of aces close to his chest in the form of "valid legal" objections.
  17. Naw, sorry have to disagree. Traynor should be kept off as he is so self-assured and up himself that his ego supersedes all attack, but Chico blows in the wind because he can be persuaded to get a hint of the other side of the argument, and that's when his bluster becomes entertaining.
  18. Are those around Ibrox starting to get a whiff of espresso in the nostrils? A wee bit of never-too-late cynicism starting to transfer over from us to them?
  19. That's not camp, it's a refined Buddie accent as opposed to a grating Weegie whine.
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